Hell to Heaven. Kylie Chan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kylie Chan
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007469352
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gee.’ He dropped his head and turned away. He skittered back to his mother, butted her belly a few times with his nose, and began to suck noisily, his tail going round like a propeller.

      ‘He may not need gelding if he gets the right training and the hormones don’t fill him full of attitude,’ Toi said. ‘We’ll just have to see how he goes. If by six months he’s attacking people on sight and mounting everything he can, you can make the decision then.’

      ‘He’s a total sweetheart,’ I said.

      ‘So, would you like to take him as your own and give Simone the next one?’ Mr Toi said. ‘We’ll have the mare covered by a natural horse that’s the right mix of quality and temperament to give Princess Simone a saddle horse that’s smart, reliable and has enough talent to do anything she likes with it.’

      ‘She may want this little guy,’ I said. ‘I’m not too fussed either way. Let’s see what happens after she’s taken a look at him.’

      Ling and Toi both stood formally with their hands in front of them and bowed their heads to me.

      ‘Ma’am, you have done a great thing here. With both you and Simone riding horses that are half-brothers from this mare we will finally be able to destroy this prejudice that exists about half-demon animals,’ Toi said.

      ‘I can’t believe anybody would be prejudiced against something as exceptional as this foal,’ I said as we made our way to the main house.

      ‘He is exceptional, ma’am,’ Ling agreed. ‘It is very unusual for a half-demon horse to talk.’ She nodded to the demon servant that opened the door for her. ‘Most half-demon horses are small, weak and dull. But Mr Toi’s stallion is different, and I hope all his progeny turn out to be as exceptional as this little one.’

      ‘Where did the demon stallion come from?’ I said.

      ‘He just turned up,’ Toi said.

      We sat on the rosewood couches in the living room and a demon servant brought tea. Miss Ling poured.

      ‘I was demon-hunting in the mountains of Fukien when I came across this stallion,’ Toi continued. ‘He was injured, and appeared to have been pierced by some sort of lance several times. I tamed him and brought him here. He’s been a fine, intelligent and brave steed for me and is now my preferred mount when demon-hunting. He is completely fearless.’

      ‘He talks too?’ I said.

      ‘That he does, ma’am,’ Toi said.

      Miss Ling shrugged. ‘We took a gamble that Mr Toi’s stallion would sire something special. This is his first covering and the results are beyond expectation.’

      ‘Our plan worked out far better than we could have hoped,’ Toi said, and he and Ling shared a smile.

      ‘If the Dark Lord were still ruler here, would you have discussed your plans with him from the start?’ I said.

      They both paused for a moment, thinking, then Miss Ling nodded. ‘Probably. He is always straightforward in his dealings and works hard to overcome prejudice in all its forms.’

      ‘But because I’m a woman, you felt you needed to play this charade?’ I said.

      They both appeared concerned and I rushed to reassure them. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not upset about this. I just want you guys to feel that you can approach me the same way you could approach John … Xuan Wu. I want to build a good relationship with the citizens of the North.’

      ‘It was more that you are from the Earthly, ma’am, and Earthly politics usually involve manipulation instead of honest dealing,’ Toi said. ‘You are not resident on the Celestial and not an Immortal. People on the Earthly are usually out for themselves first, working to promote their own interests.’

      ‘Well, I’m not like that,’ I said. ‘I work for the good of the citizens of the Heavens first. I don’t feel I’m doing a terribly good job, but hopefully by the time Xuan Wu returns I won’t have made a complete mess of it.’

      I lowered my snout and delicately sipped my tea; it was sow mei, my favourite. I felt a quiet rush of satisfaction at managing to drink it without spilling any.

      ‘What the Dark Lady is trying to say,’ the stone added, ‘is that none of you need to play games to get things done. All you have to do is contact her, say what you need and she’ll work hard to get it for you. You should pass the word along.’

      ‘Uh … yeah,’ I said.

      One of the demon servants, appearing as an elderly man in traditional black and white, came to us and bowed. ‘The Princess of the Northern Heavens is here.’

      ‘Show her in, don’t make her wait!’ Miss Ling said, gesturing quickly with one hand.

      Simone came in and leaned over the back of the sofa to kiss the top of my serpent head. She smiled at Ling and Toi. ‘Can I see the baby?’

      They both rose and formally bowed to Simone but she waved them down. ‘Please, you know I don’t like this formal rigmarole. I’d just like to see the foal, if I could.’

      ‘You’re supposed to be in school,’ I said.

      ‘They won’t notice I’m gone if I run back quick enough. It’s nearly lunchtime anyway.’

      I slithered off the couch and onto the floor. ‘Do you mind if she takes a look too?’

      ‘Not at all,’ Miss Ling said, and guided us back out to the stables.

      The foal was curled up at his mother’s feet, dozing. He pricked up his ears when we entered but didn’t open his eyes.

      ‘He’s so pretty,’ Simone whispered.

      ‘Would there be any issue with him travelling between Heaven and the Earthly if Simone decided to take him?’ I said.

      ‘He was born here so can travel to both Planes when he is old enough,’ Toi said. ‘He can be tamed with the Fire Essence Pill if he shows demonic tendencies.’

      ‘Then he would probably be a better match for you, Simone,’ I said. ‘I can only ride on the Earthly, so I might as well get a natural horse.’

      ‘Can I go in and pet him?’ Simone said.

      Miss Ling nodded, smiling slightly. ‘Of course. Take care of his hooves when he tries to stand up.’

      She opened the stall gate and Simone carefully approached the foal. He opened one eye and looked at her with curiosity. ‘You smell nice.’

      ‘He talks?’ Simone said in disbelief.

      He dropped his head, shy. ‘Is that wrong?’

      ‘No, no,’ she said. ‘It just means that you’re special.’ She kneeled and raised one hand cautiously towards him. ‘Can I touch you?’

      He raised his nose to sniff her hand, then licked it. ‘You taste good too.’

      She carefully ran her hand over the soft hair of his mane between his ears and down the front of his face. He nuzzled into her hand. ‘You feel nice. I like you.’

      Simone’s face softened.

      ‘I can’t take him now,’ I said with amusement. ‘She’s smitten.’

      ‘When you grow up to be a big, strong, beautiful horse,’ Simone said gently to him, ‘will you let me ride you and take you all over the place and show everybody what a special horse you are?’

      He studied her appraisingly. ‘You won’t be too heavy?’

      ‘Not when you’re all grown up,’ she said.

      He pulled himself clumsily to his feet and she quickly moved back to avoid his tiny, sharp hooves. He stood and watched her, his tail flicking, then he glanced towards me, Ling and