Take Me Down. Sylvia Lett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sylvia Lett
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758241047
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and then he was gone.

      Stephanie stared at his retreating back. Her hand touched her still throbbing mouth. In that moment she knew she was in big trouble. She had been thoroughly kissed by a mercenary and had enjoyed every delicious moment.

      Oh God. What have I done? I can’t believe I let this happen. I can’t make the same mistake again. I have to keep him at arm’s length. He is so not the one for me. This was just for show. It was for my mother’s benefit, nothing more.

      When Stephanie turned to look at her mother, she almost felt sorry for her. Mildred was sitting on the bench with her head in her hands.

      “Mom, are you okay?” She couldn’t stand the tortured look on her mother’s face. Stephanie lowered her eyes in defeat.

      “Am I supposed to be okay about this? You are acting careless and irresponsible, like me. What about poor Stanley? You won’t sleep with him, but you pick up this gigolo and install him in your hotel for your pleasure. That’s something I would do. That’s not something you would do. You are too levelheaded. Honey, I know you run a multimillion-dollar hotel chain and you’re an independent woman, but this is more than I can take. What’s going on with you?”

      It was confession time. She sat down next to her on the bench. “Mom, Jack is not a gigolo. We were playing around to get you riled up. He saw you coming with bachelor number three of the evening and I told him to pretend we were together. That’s why he kissed me. It wasn’t real.”

      “Oh, that’s a relief,” said her mother, exhaling a deep breath. “But be careful. That kiss I witnessed didn’t look pretend. I saw the way you responded. Stephanie, stay away from that man. He’s not for you. There’s something about him that seems almost suspicious. I don’t trust him for a minute.”

      You don’t know the half of it, Mom, and my guess is right now is not a good time to tell you. You’d probably pass out. “Mom, you don’t trust any man.”

      “And neither should you. They are all liars and cheaters. They always leave in the end. The sex may be great for a while, but—”

      “Please stop,” said Stephanie, cutting her off before she started ranting and raving about her absentee ex-husband. “Jack is not a gigolo.” Her mother looked at her skeptically. “Jack Kaufman is the new security consultant I hired a few weeks ago. That’s why he’s staying at the hotel. He’s not my love slave. You can relax.”

      “He looks more like a criminal than he does hotel security. Where on earth did you find him? He’s so imposing and intimidating.”

      You have no idea how close to the truth you are! “I posted an ad and he applied for the job. It takes a thief to catch a thief.”

      “Stephanie, I think you are making a huge mistake. That man spells trouble for all of us. He seems dangerous. There’s something about him. I can’t put my finger on it, but I have a bad feeling about him. Did you do a criminal background check on him? I bet he’s a criminal. A man like that has to be wanted for something.”

      Oh, he’s wanted all right, Mom. I wanted him a few minutes ago. I still do, but my common sense has returned. I know he’s not for me. “You’re overreacting as usual, Mother. I can handle Jack. He’s an employee, nothing more.” Even as she voiced the words, Stephanie wasn’t sure she could live up to them. Jack Kaufman was like no one she had ever met. God, please let me be able to handle Jack.

      Stephanie was lying in bed when her phone vibrated on the nightstand. Frowning, she reached over and picked it up. She laughed as she read Jack’s text message.

      Your bubble bath is getting cold. I owe you a massage. You can collect any time you like.

      Stephanie typed in her response. I could use a massage, but I can’t imagine you in a bubble bath.

      She smiled at his response. Stranger things have happened, boss lady. How’s Mildred? Has she calmed down any?

      She typed her final message for the night. Not really. I told her who you really were, but I’m not sure if it made matters better or worse. Good night, Jack.

      Sweet dreams, Stef. Stephanie read Jack’s message and placed her phone back on the nightstand.

      Stephanie’s sleep was anything but peaceful and restful. Imagines of Jack were invading her thoughts. As much as she would like to, she could not forget their kiss.

      In the weeks that followed, she couldn’t keep him out of her thoughts or her office.

      She could barely keep up with his energy and zest for life. He didn’t do anything halfway as he whipped both his staff and Stephanie into shape.

      Stephanie breathed a sigh of relief when he flew out of town on business. He was at the hotel in Phoenix heading up security for an annual gala. He tried to get Stephanie to go with him, but she declined. He assured her it was for business only, but she wasn’t convinced.

      She had an entire week to get her emotions and her life back in check. Stephanie was not about to let Jack creep into her personal life any more than he had done already. She would draw the line between their business and personal lives. She owed it to her daughter and to herself not to get involved with someone with Jack’s checkered past. There was no room in her life for a man like him.

      Stephanie felt ridiculous even thinking about Jack this way. They only shared a few kisses the night of the Waterfords’ party. He hadn’t so much as made a pass at her since then. Still, she couldn’t get him off her mind. She was thinking of reasons why they shouldn’t be together when she had no reason to think he wanted to be with her in the first place.

      I’m losing my mind. That’s the only explanation. She glanced down at the calendar on her desk. Jack was due back today and she was torn between wanting to be there and not wanting to see him. She missed him and didn’t trust herself to be around him right now. So she took the rest of the day off to clear her mind.

      Stanley had invited Stephanie to a Halloween party, but she didn’t want to go. She hated parties and she hated Halloween even more. Needing a distraction, she relented.

      She waited until the last possible moment to find an outfit. The only outfits she found in her size were witches’ costumes and Indian dresses. She chose the latter.

      Stephanie stared at her reflection in the mirror. Parting her hair down the middle, she braided it and tied a piece of black leather on each end.

      Didn’t every little girl want to be a princess?

      “Mommy, you look pretty,” said Christina, running into the room. She jumped up on Stephanie’s bed while hugging her favorite stuffed teddy bear. “Can I come too?”

      “No, you can’t come, sweetie,” said Stephanie, walking over to the bed. Smiling, she tickled her. “It’s past your bedtime. What are you still doing up? I know I tucked you in and read you a story at least half an hour ago.”

      “But I wanted to see your costume.” Christina picked up one of her mother’s braids. “You look like a real Indian princess.”

      “It’s bedtime.” Stephanie picked her up and carried her back to her bedroom. “Nana is downstairs if you need anything.” She laid her daughter on the bed and covered her. “Tomorrow we are going to the park for a long-overdue picnic. I love you, pumpkin.”

      “I love you too, Mommy. Have fun. Are you going with Mr. Stanley? I don’t like him. He doesn’t like me either. I can tell.”

      “Of course he likes you. What’s not to like? You are a wonderful little girl.” Stephanie leaned over and kissed her forehead. “No more talking. Go to sleep.”

      “Good night, Mommy. Maybe you will meet a real prince tonight.” The sleepy little girl yawned.

      “Maybe I will.” Stephanie smiled, turning off the light. She went downstairs to wait for Stanley.

      “Nice costume,” said Mildred from the sofa.