Take Me Down. Sylvia Lett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sylvia Lett
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758241047
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they are strong enough to hold all your shopping bags. I have companionship. I have Stanley.” The words sounded lame even to her ears. Stephanie regretted them instantly.

      “Stanley is not a companion. Stanley is your lapdog. You say jump and he asks how high. Honey, there is no fire, no spark, no nothing. He’s too boring. You need excitement. You need romance. You need someone other than that limp biscuit. You are not going to find the right type of husband if you don’t get out there and mingle with the right people.”

      Picking up her gold pen, Stephanie jotted down the date and time of the Waterfords’ party in her monthly planner without giving it any thought. Despite her mother’s plans, she had no intention of attending. Laying her pen down, she looked up at her mother. “You mean Stanley’s not rich, don’t you? Why is everything about money with you? Stanley is not exactly destitute. He owns an accounting firm. He does very well for himself.”

      “Yes, dear, but you can do much better than Stanley. If you can’t bring yourself to sleep with the man, then what would be the point of marrying him? He’s boring and has the personality of pocket lint. Expand your horizons, dear. Reach for the stars. The sky is the limit when you’re sitting on a gold mine. You are worth a fortune. The rich marry rich. That’s how they stay rich.”

      “No, Mother, I’m not rich, but you seem to have selective memory when it suits you. I’m a pauper. Christina is worth a fortune.”

      “You could be too if you knew how to manage her inheritance. You could pay yourself a high six-figure salary and wouldn’t have to drive a five-year-old SUV. You could buy yourself a nice Mercedes or BMW. I saw a black two-seater the other day I simply fell in love with. It would be perfect for me. I mean you.”

      “Mother, I am not having this conversation with you again. Listen closely. Christina’s money is Christina’s. Yes, I’m her mother, but the money is hers. I’m not touching her inheritance and neither are you. I used it to by our house, but there is no need to use it again. I make enough money to buy a new car, if I wanted one. At this particular time in my life, I don’t want a new one. Besides, there is nothing I can do with a two-seater. I like my SUV. It’s roomy and it’s comfortable.” Stephanie had never divulged the will to her mother. She let her believe everything went to Christina. If she knew that half of everything went directly to Stephanie, there would be no end to her greed.

      “Well, I could certainly use a new car.” Mildred looked down at her fingernails again. “My transmission seems to be acting up again.”

      “Mother, the car you have is only two years old. You wouldn’t know the transmission from the battery. If something is wrong with it, take it to the dealership. It’s still under warranty. If you just have to have a new car, then get a job and buy one yourself.” Stephanie was quickly losing patience with her mother. “I am not buying you another car.”

      “You expect me to get a job?” Mildred gasped in outrage. “I gave your father and you girls the best years of my life. Is this is how you repay me? Your father walks out on me and you suggest I become a common laborer. Children are so ungrateful these days.” She stormed out of the office, leaving the door wide open.

      Coming to her feet, Stephanie rounded the desk to slam the door shut. She let out an exasperated growl. To her horror, it was that particular moment Jackson Kaufman chose to knock on her opened door. He smiled and she turned red in embarrassment.

      Stephanie stared openly at the man in front of her. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but this wasn’t it. He was tall, a little over six feet with broad shoulders. His eyes were light brown with gold flecks shimmering in them. His skin was the color of smooth rich copper. His mouth was sensual, with full, inviting lips. The mustache and goatee gave him an almost sinister look. He was a handsome, but dangerous-looking man. He was dressed impeccably in a black suit, blue shirt, and tie. His feet were enclosed in designer shoes. Everything about him screamed trouble and raw sexuality.

      In the same few seconds, Jackson appraised her from head to toe and back again. Until now he had only seen her from a distance; up close she was even more beautiful.

      Stephanie stood about five-seven. Her skin was a soft honey color. Her eyes were a dark brown. Her small heart shaped face was perfectly made up. Her lips were formed in the same heart shape. Her long sandy brown hair was pulled back from her face with a clip. Her body was incredible. She was clad in a dark blue pantsuit. Her jacket was open and she wore a silky red camisole. What a pair of breasts. He guessed around a 36-D at least. Being a breast and leg man, Jackson knew he was pretty close in his estimation.

      Stephanie had to tear her eyes from him as she moved back behind the oak desk and sat down. She felt safer putting some distance and an obstacle between them. She flushed under his direct gaze and quickly regained her composure.

      “I growl sometimes too, but I don’t bite, much,” he teased, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

      Her face turned a darker shade of red. For some reason I don’t believe that. You are anything but harmless.

      He smiled as if reading her thoughts. I like a woman with fire.

      “Please come in. I’m Stephanie Mason,” she said, holding out her hand to him. She tried to shake off the feeling of intimidation as she met his bold eyes.

      He closed the distance between them in long powerful strides. “Jackson Kaufman. Call me Jack,” he said in a deep, professional voice that did little to hide its sexiness. When his hand caught hers, they both felt the spark. Their eyes locked in silent communication.

      Stephanie slid her hand back quickly and momentarily broke eye contact. She mentally counted to five and tried to compose herself. No man had ever rattled her the way this one had in less than five minutes. “Mr. Kaufman, please have a seat.” She sat down and he followed her lead. “You have quite an impressive résumé. Can you tell me a little about what you did at each of your past jobs?”

      “I was a Navy SEAL. I reenlisted when my time was up. After the navy, I took some time off and did some traveling. When I was ready, I put my training to good use. I became a security consultant. I had multiple duties with various companies. I hired and trained the entire security staff. I traveled from state-to-state recruiting and training. The chosen ones, I trained them in everything from recognizing a possible problem to hand-to-hand combat. They also had lessons at a firing range. I made sure every person carrying a gun was comfortable and capable of using one. My program included putting them all through a two-month rigorous training regimen. I shocked upper management by hiring a few ex-cons. The old saying is definitely true. Crooks do make the best security people, present company excluded. They are suspicious by nature and know the signs to look for. It was a win-win situation.”

      “Interesting philosophy. It makes perfect sense in a strange way, but I’m not sure I agree with it. How did you solicit these companies’ business? Some of them are Fortune 500 companies. How did you get past the front door?”

      “I had them put their money where their mouth was. They bragged about their wonderful security guards and their new security system. I told them I could not only break into their building, but I could make it all the way up to the CEO’s office without being caught. The CEO laughed and told me I was crazy. He said if I could make it past the third floor, he’d hire me for double what I was asking.” Jack smiled and Stephanie had already guessed how the story ended.

      “And you of course made it all the way up to the CEO’s office.” She leaned back in the overstuffed leather chair fingering the gold pen in her hand.

      “After observing and monitoring his security guards and hacking into his security system, I was sitting at his desk enjoying a glass of his hundred-year-old brandy when he came to work a week later. He gave me the bottle and hired me on the spot. Miss Mason, I’m the best at what I do.”

      “I’m sure you are. Tell me about the two-year gap between the navy and your first consulting job. You stated you took some time off and did some traveling. You don’t seem the type to take a two-year sabbatical. What did you do in those years?” She laid her pen on the desk and folded