Take Me Down. Sylvia Lett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sylvia Lett
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758241047
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      “How are you liking this party?” she asked, changing the subject. This topic of conversation obviously was a sore spot for both of them. “I wouldn’t have thought this was your scene, either. Jack Kaufman at a formal black-tie party?”

      I’m here because you’re here. “Normally it’s not, but I’m adaptable. I can blend in anywhere.”

      “I guess you would have to be in your line of work.” The comment had slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it. “It’s not every day I meet or hire an ex-mercenary.”

      He smiled and she blushed. “I knew we’d get around to that. Are you having second thoughts about hiring me?”

      “No, no, no, no,” Stephanie said, shaking her head emphatically. “You will be good for the hotel chain. You already have us all on our toes and you’ve only been here two weeks. You’re doing a good job. But how are you feeling about it? Hotel security isn’t as exciting as what you’re used to. Do you miss that kind of life, the danger, and the excitement?”

      “Sometimes I do miss it,” Jack confessed. “There’s a certain rush to being chased through the jungle and shot at.”

      Stephanie laughed.

      “But seriously, I have responsibilities now. You have to grow up some time. My daughter needs me. As much as I hate to admit it, I need her too. She’s the only good and decent thing in my life.”

      “You have a daughter?” The surprise was evident in her voice and on her face. “You don’t strike me as the family-man type.”

      “Don’t sound so shocked. Aren’t mercenaries allowed to reproduce?” Jack asked with raised brows. Stephanie returned his smile. “I was even married once, briefly. It seems like a lifetime ago.” He stopped talking when he saw her mother leading a man in their direction. “Here comes trouble in a short black dress. Don’t look now, but your mother is headed this way.”

      Stephanie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Please tell me she’s alone. My mother has horrible taste in men. She thinks if they are rich and breathing, they are marriage material.”

      “No can do. He looks old enough to be your father. Maybe she should keep this one for herself. You only have a few seconds to make a clean getaway.”

      “Pretend we’re together,” Stephanie said, panicking and peering over his shoulder. “Too late to run now.”

      “What exactly do you want me to do? I’m no knight in shining armor.” He was enjoying himself at her expense.

      She glared at him. “Truer words were never spoken. You’re the master of deception,” she said, looking over his shoulder again. “Improvise.” Before the words left her mouth, Jack lifted her onto his lap. Her startled brown eyes stared up into his laughing eyes. “What do you think you are doing?”

      “I’m improvising,” he said in a husky voice. Her breath got caught in her throat as his hand cupped her face and he gently pulled her head toward his. She had no time to react as his lips touched hers. At the first touch of his mouth on hers, liquid fire spread through her body. Stephanie was torn between pushing him away and pulling him closer. When her lips parted beneath his, there was no turning back. He deepened the kiss and his mouth became hot and demanding. It took control of her mind as well as her body. As she moaned softly, her arms went around his neck and she surrendered to the feelings he was arousing in her. Her tongue met his in an erotic dance before he captured it.

      All was forgotten except for the feel of his mouth on hers as she eagerly returned his kiss. They both forgot the reason for the kiss as they were carried away by mutual desire.

      Her heartbeat accelerated and her toes curled as she swayed into him. She had never been kissed so thoroughly or enjoyed it as much. Jack was the forbidden fruit and Stephanie couldn’t resist temptation.

      They slowly pulled away from each other. Stephanie peered down at Jack and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck. This time, she initiated the kiss. Her lips grazed his again and again.

      Jack buried his hands in her thick hair as he plundered her mouth. Stephanie clung to him and returned his kiss. Her passion surprised him, but his reaction to her surprised him even more.

      “Stephanie Andrea Mason!” Mildred gasped, approaching the couple hurriedly. “What do you think you’re doing?”

      Jack turned to face Mildred and held more tightly on to Stephanie. Stephanie’s eyes fluttered open and she could feel desire swelling within her.

      Stephanie was flushed and trembling as she rose from Jack’s lap and came to her feet. Jack stood up also, slipping his arm around Stephanie’s waist. She shivered beneath his touch.

      “Hi, Mother,” she said breathlessly stated as she struggled to regain her composure.

      Mildred surveyed Jack with disdain. She snubbed him and turned her attention back to her daughter. “Who is this person? Stephanie, it’s in poor taste to get caught making out with the hired help.”

      Jack’s hearty rich laughter filled the air. He looked Mildred over and summed her up pretty quickly. She was like a miniature pit bull chomping at the bit. It was easy to see how she could intimidate and browbeat her daughter, but he was a different story.

      “So, let me see if I’ve got this straight, Mother. It’s okay to make out with the hired help, as long as I don’t get caught? Great advice, Mom. I’ll try to remember that.”

      “You are twisting my words.”

      “Doesn’t sound like it to me,” Jack threw in for good measure, all the while grinning at a furious Mildred. “I am the hired help.”

      “I’m not talking to you. I was speaking to my daughter. Why don’t you go get us a drink or something?”

      Stephanie was embarrassed by her mother’s treatment of Jack. “Mom, stop it. Jack doesn’t work here. He’s an invited guest.”

      “I doubt that. Someone of his caliber would never be on the Waterfords’ guest list. He probably crashed the party to prey on single, wealthy women.”

      “Then he certainly picked the right party, didn’t he?” Stephanie snapped.

      “I’m still standing here, ladies. Would you two like to be alone to discuss ‘me’? Mildred, could you point out one of those wealthy ladies to me and I’ll excuse myself?”

      Stephanie elbowed Jack. “Behave. There’s nothing to discuss. My mother is a drama queen. Let’s go back inside, Jack. You promised me a dance.”

      “Honey, I am only looking out for what’s best for you.”

      “Mrs. Mason, I’m Jack Kaufman.” She refused to shake his outstretched hand, which spurred him into action. “Your daughter has requested my services for the evening. They are expensive, but well worth the money.” Stephanie couldn’t resist a smile as Jack’s twinkling eyes met hers. He winked at her. “If I can ever do ‘anything’ for you, let me know. I give family discounts.”

      Mildred gasped and grabbed her heart in outrage. “Stephanie, are you insane? You pick up a complete stranger at a party, a gigolo no less! Have you no shame? Have you lost your mind? This is ludicrous!”

      “Jack is not a stranger, Mother.” Stephanie was trying to hide her amusement as she enjoyed her mother’s discomfort. “I hired him on Monday. He really is the best at what he does.”

      “Thank you.” Jack smiled, caressing her arm. He leaned over and kissed her. “I aim to please.”

      “So far I haven’t been disappointed. I can’t wait to see what you teach me next. I’m a quick learner.”

      “You haven’t seen anything yet, sweetheart.” His eyes held a promise she tried desperately to ignore. “It was nice chatting with you, Mom, but the clock is ticking so to speak.” His arms closed