Take Me Down. Sylvia Lett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sylvia Lett
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758241047
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firm? I can recommend someone, but I’m under contract with Luciano’s and I don’t moonlight.”

      “No, I don’t need a security consultant. What I need is for you to back off. I saw the way you were looking at Stephanie and I don’t like it. Stephanie Mason is mine,” he said, getting straight to the point.

      “So it would seem, but I wouldn’t bank on it if I were you. It was pretty ingenious of you to propose to her in a roomful of people you both know. Stephanie is too much of a lady to embarrass you by saying no in front of your friends, but there’s always tomorrow. I’m sure she’ll come to her senses by then and realize what a mistake she would be making in settling for someone she doesn’t really love or want.”

      “You know nothing about our relationship. I’ll have you fired if you try to interfere.” Stanley threatened, bristling at Jack’s audacity.

      “You’re welcome to try, but I have a contract. I’ll be around long after you’re gone. My guess is you’ll be gone by tomorrow. Good night,” said Jack, turning to walk away.

      “A good lawyer will rip that contract and you to shreds. Contracts are broken every day.”

      “So are engagements. Go enjoy your celebration while you can, Stanley. It’ll be the shortest engagement in history. You will never get your hands on Stephanie or the Luciano fortune. She’s much too smart to marry you.”

      “I’ll take that bet, Mr. Kaufman, and raise you a million. Stephanie will marry me and you will be left out in the cold.”

      “I guess the first one of us down the aisle with Stephanie Mason wins the lottery. Stephanie is smart enough to know what you’re after. With me, it’ll be a surprise. No one will see it coming.”

      “You have no idea who you are messing with. I have friends in low places. They could make you vanish without a trace,” he threatened.

      Jack laughed at Stanley’s attempt at intimidating him. Catching him by the collar, he shoved him against his car. “Don’t ever threaten me again or you won’t like the consequences,” he warned. “I wouldn’t need to call anyone to make you disappear, Stanley. I’ve been in low places. I would do it myself, with pleasure.” Jack released the other man and took a step back. Stanley took a swing at him and he ducked. “I was hoping you’d do something stupid like that.” Jack decked him before he saw it coming. Stanley fell back against the car and then slid to the ground with one punch. What a wimp. I only hit him once. I sure as hell hope Stephanie can defend herself, because you sure can’t defend her.

      Hefting Stanley over his shoulder, he carried him to the lawn and dumped him just as the water sprinklers turned on. Jack was walking to his car when Stanley started to wake up. He drove out of the driveway and waited on the street for Stanley.

      Mr. Jordan, you have no idea who you are tangling with, but welcome to my world. Let me show you how things are done.

      Everyone stared and pointed at wet Stanley as he struggled to get to his feet. He dripped his way to the front door. He asked someone to go inside to get Stephanie while he waited outside and tried to wring some of the water from his outfit.

      She was bewildered as she made her way to the door. She slipped outside, eyeing his wet clothes with a frown. “What happened to you?” she asked, noting his black eye. She had a sneaking suspicion she already knew the answer. Stephanie had seen him leave the house immediately after Jack left, and prayed he didn’t confront him. His next words confirmed her suspicions.

      “I want you to fire that man immediately,” blustered Stanley, wringing water from his shirt. “That mongrel attacked me for no reason. I should have him arrested for assault. Look at my suit. I’m definitely sending him the dry-cleaning bill. What is everyone staring at? It’s not like they haven’t seen a man wet before.”

      “I’m looking at your eye,” said Stephanie, hiding a smile. “It’s turning black already. Sending him the bill will really show him who is the bigger man. I can’t fire Jack. He has a contract. What happened out here? What did you say to him? He doesn’t rattle easily.”

      “You should be more concerned about what he said to me. He’s after you, Stephanie. That fortune-hunting bastard is after your money. He admitted as much.”

      If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black! I’m not stupid, Stanley. I know what you’re after and you will never get your hands on Christina’s inheritance.

      “I have no interest in Jack Kaufman. You shouldn’t have provoked him. He’s not someone to mess with, Stanley. You started this. I saw you follow him outside.”

      “I just wanted to talk to him. I saw the way he was leering at you. I was defending your honor.”

      “Stanley, there’s nothing to defend. Jack has been a perfect gentleman.” The lie slipped easily from her lips. “Leave the man alone. The party is over. Let’s go. I think you need to get out of those wet clothes before you catch a chill. Can you drop me home? I have to get up early tomorrow.” She got in the car and waited for him.

      “Stephanie, we just got engaged. Aren’t you coming home with me? We could have a real celebration.” His hand slid to her thigh.

      “Stanley, you know the rule.” She picked up his hand and placed it on the seat beside him. “I don’t believe in premarital sex.”

      “But we’re engaged,” he whined. “Can’t we just once?”

      She shook her head and turned her face away from him. She had milked this excuse for all it was worth. Her feelings on premarital sex had nothing to do with her reasons for sleeping with him. Simply put, she didn’t want him in that way.

      “You win,” snapped Stanley, putting the car in gear. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

      Jack watched the guests leave and waited patiently for Stanley and Stephanie. He followed Stanley from Stephanie’s house. He was puzzled when instead of heading home to change, Stanley drove to a popular area frequented by prostitutes.

      Hello. So, what do we have here? Stef, you are falling down on your job by not pleasing your man.

      He parked a short distance and watched as two young hookers got into the car with Stanley. Smiling, Jack took several photos of them getting into the car. He followed as Stanley turned into a seedy motel a short distance from where he picked up the girls. He handed one of the girls some cash and she went inside to get a room key. Holding up the key, she got back into the car and he drove to the back of the motel. Jack zoomed in on them getting out of the car and going into the room.

      Jack was still smiling an hour later, when he looked over the developed photos. Stanley Jordan was now out of the picture, he was sure of it.

      Stephanie’s mother hit the roof when she saw the engagement ring. She begged and pleaded with her daughter to reconsider. The more she was against the idea, the more Stephanie stuck by her decision to marry Stanley. After all, she could do a lot worse.

      Christina took the news even worse than her mother. She didn’t like Stanley and didn’t want her mother to marry him. She cried in her room for hours.

      The weekend at the Mason household was one of anger, confusion, and frustration. Ashley laughed when Stephanie told her about the engagement. She wanted to know what she was drinking the night she accepted. She told Stephanie, Stanley would bore her to death in less than a week.

      By Monday, Stephanie decided to give the ring back to Stanley. She knew she couldn’t marry a man she didn’t love or want physically. They were having dinner tonight and she would give the ring back to him and break the news to him as gently as possible.

      Stephanie was having lunch in the hotel restaurant when Jack yanked out a chair and sat down across from her. She ignored him, hoping he would eventually go away.

      “Today is Monday and you are still wearing his ring. I guess that makes it official, either that or he avoided you