Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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– it’s eight in the morning and here I am sitting at the bottom left corner of my bed in a black per of shorts and a yellow T-shirt looking through the bedroom window at a very beautiful bright sunny day, clear skies with some patches high clouds and I can see a huge balloon in the same shape and size of – e.g. Eifel Tower – coming up and currying a huge brown wooden basket underneath it in the same shape and size of the base of the tower with at least 250 people waving all countries flags and slowly going away from me.’

      Then I say, ‘I want you to remember everything you see, everything you hear, everything you feel, everything you smell, everything you taste, everything you touch, everything you say, everything you do no matter how small it is even if you simply squeeze a piece of paper.’

      I keep my eyes focused on the balloon and if I get distracted, I go back to track and watch it moving away while observing its colors, the movements of threes, leaves, the temperature, my breaths, any movement I make, any sound I hear, etc. If the balloon is colorful or has something written on it, I keep an eye on it till it fades away; and if it’s a building, I notice the sun reflections on the glass, etc.

      So I carry on watching the balloon going away from me, getting smaller and smaller until it becomes blurry and vanishes then I open my eyes and clap my hands and say ‘Get up on this great day and take advantage of the opportunities the world has to offer’ – I also say the same when I first wake up.

      With this exercise, you will definitely open your third eye and hear the drop of a pin!

      And carry on saying ‘don’t be SNIOP, don’t listen to negative things, don’t let anybody kick your cat, do not get angry, do not shout, be cool, calm and collected, have a smile on your face at all times, don’t jump into conclusions, and remember SPR – Stimulus, Pause, Respond.’

      Recommended Video (Not exactly the same but it is the closest I could find for you!)

      You’ve probably realized by now that improved concentration is only possible if you balance the different qualities of the mind. These concentration exercises will help you to balance the qualities of the mind so that you may make use of the power your mind holds.

      Happiness and Success

      A life filled with happiness and prosperity is a life well lived!

      Daily Habits for Happiness and Success

      Far too many people waste time trying to buy happiness when it’s readily available without costing a cent. Some people just wish and dream of a day when they’ll be able to afford the things they feel will make them happy and successful, like a new home, exotic vacations, and more.

      Scientists have found that when you are happy, you are five times more focused in your tasks, which in turn allows you to function more efficiently and eventually become more successful.

      Studies also show that people who are happy are 81% less prone to illness and live significantly longer than those who are not.

      Not to forget that when you are happy, you are more likely to rub off your optimism on others around you and in turn build strong relationships.

      Happiness and success isn’t derived from tangible things. It’s a state of mind that allows you to further your progress in both your personal and professional life so that every day, you’re achieving goals and reaching new milestones toward a better life.

      To get yourself into this state of mind, you have to develop daily habits that don’t hold you back, but instead help you get more done during the day, meet obligations with ease, and lie down at night with a smile on your face because everything’s headed in the right direction.

      Account for Your Future

      Your life is happening. It’s being lived whether or not you’re in control. Every day that you wake up and go to bed is 24 hours of time that’s passed. For some people, those 24 hours really didn’t amount to anything special except the passage of time. For others, they accomplished something that brought them happiness and contributed to the success that they envision for themselves. The difference in these two types of people is that one lets life drive him, and the other drives his own life.

      Every day that you have to live is a day that you can control whether or not you’re happy – whether or not you’re going to be successful. It begins with a plan. What are you going to do today to take steps that create happiness? What steps are you going to take to be successful? If you don’t know what steps to take, then you have no course of action. If that sounds like something you’ve struggled with, you can learn how to account for your future.

      By doing this, you’ll start planning ahead for what you want and making it happen. You can plan ahead each day for how you’re going to spend your time. Even your free time can be planned so that you’re living a life that’s full of happiness.

      Planning ahead is one thing that the world’s most successful people have in common. They don’t fly by the seat of their pants and let things just occur – they craft the kind of life that they want to live. They know that time is a commodity – perhaps one of the most valuable things to consider. They spend it wisely, just like they do the money they earn. Most people are great at investing in the lives of others.

      You spend time doing things that bring happiness to people. You work hard to make others successful – whether those people are your work relationships or your personal ones. There’s nothing wrong with investing in others. However, you need to learn how to invest in your own life. If you don’t, you’re actually withdrawing from the stores of happiness and success that could be yours and not making deposits.

      Without banking on your happiness and success, it will be a long, hard struggle to get what you want – if you get it at all. Some people make plans well ahead of time, and others do it in smaller increments. You might plan for something you want to achieve for happiness and success next month, or the next day. But have an idea of how you want your day to unfold. Be specific, not vague – that way, you have a way to measure whether or not the day was a ‘win.’

      Picture the Realization of Your Dreams

      This is a way to visualize what it is that you want. When you use visualization, you keep your focus. This works to keep you motivated. Studies have shown that motivated people are happier and less stressed than those who aren’t.

      It’s also true that people who have a dream they want to accomplish find more inner satisfaction. The daily act of taking the time to picture your dreams leads you to appreciate the journey.

      You’ll be able to find happiness – even when things go wrong – if whatever steps you’re taking focus on seeing your dreams come true. Close your eyes and visualize you decorating your new home, seeing your bank account with a specific amount of money in it, or being welcomed home with open arms by a loving family. This act of imagination will help you start living the role of the life you want to be in. But you don’t want to stay chained to disappointment for what hasn’t manifested itself yet.

      Being appreciative of your current situation and where you’re heading is important, too. Be grateful for the things and the opportunities that come your way that allow you to chase after what you want.

      If you have good health that allows you to do what you want to do, be thankful for that. Whenever opportunities come along, recognize them for what they are, a step toward the future you want. Even when obstacles crop up, appreciate them. Because obstacles mean that you’re moving forward -hat you’re taking action to make the picture of your dreams a reality.

      Sandy’s ‘The Instant Switch’ contains powerful techniques to help you see things clearer!