Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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some, success can come pretty naturally, but for others, it's something they struggle with every single day. Either way, it's important to remember that willpower can play just as big of a role in how much a person prospers as natural ability does.

      Some of the most successful people to have ever lived were not the smartest or the richest, but the people who had the most perseverance.

      It isn’t motivation that creates success, but habit and action. The most successful people in the world will tell you that passion, not accompanied by action is absolutely useless. More than anything, it’s your habits that will lead to your eventual success.

      You’ll one day find yourself exactly where you want to be, doing what you want to be doing, earning what you want to be earning if habits that help you on your journey to success dominate your day. These habits are ones that successful people around the world practice each day. Luckily for you, these habits are ones you can strive to practice every day to become the most successful version of yourself.

      Many people hear the word meditation and immediately associate the practice with the ton of stereotypes that are prevalent. Over the years, western society has given it that feel, although I think people are now finally starting to come around.

      The benefits of meditation range all over, from better sleep, calmness of mind, stress reduction, improved relationships, reduction in fear, and even cited medical benefits. In fact, if you read enough, you’ll find someone linking the benefits of meditation to just about everything in life. Meditation is a practice widely purported to host numerous benefits, but few actually take the initiative to incorporate it in their routine.

      Many entrepreneurs, CEOs, and outrageously successful people, meditate, so perhaps it’s not a bad idea to emulate this daily habit of theirs. If you do not have the time to meditate, it’s in your best interest to make some time.

      I’ve studied some famous successful people and the ones around me. What I found was that majority of them meditate regularly.

      After much research, I found a meditation technique that helped me to bring about a positive change in my life. I’ve been practicing this technique since 1996, and today, I’m going to share it with you.

      This technique is basic, easy to implement daily, and doesn't take very much time. It’s also highly effective. You can increase complexity later on, but if you can't do this one, any advanced forms of meditation are totally worthless.

      Three simple steps are involved in this meditation technique:

      1.Sitting down,

      2.Silencing your tongue and your mind, and

      3.Counting your breath up to hundred.

      Don't overcomplicate the simple. Breathe in, and then out. That is one. Keep going up to hundred. When counting, you’ll lose track, your mind will wander, and you'll get frustrated. That's the kind of thing you are trying to practice your control over.

      The goal isn't just to be able to successfully count your breath. The goal is to get better about recognizing when your mind wanders, stopping it, returning to the task at hand, and doing all of that without any emotional reaction whatsoever.

      Constantly getting frustrated with yourself every time you make a mistake in life is a serious hindrance to success. Highly successful people don't dwell. They don’t get furious over their mistakes. They don't get down on themselves. They simply fix it and move on. This is a skill you need to learn, and here is how you do it.

      Meditating Each Day

      It doesn’t matter what time of the day you meditate as long as you do it. There’s no special sitting position involved like a cross-legged or ‘Japanese’ style. Also, you don’t need to close your eyes or require any special gear for it.

      Over time, your brain will get better at quieting itself. It’s exactly like working out your body. If you do this consistently, you’ll improve. You don't have to resign yourself to the idea you’re just ‘naturally’ scatterbrained and therefore will never be able to do what successful people do: turn off your brain.

      You’ll never be able to do what you’re seeking to do if you over-think it, whether it’s driving, typing, running, reading, or any other task. However, it’s also true that you cannot magically stop yourself from thinking.

      You’ll need to consistently work your default mode if you want to take control over it. Once you start to get better at it, success won’t remain a distant dream for you.

      Many people have trouble with focus and concentration as this is a technique that can be much like the void, simple but difficult to master.

      If you want to master the art of focus and concentration, you’ll need to use something that will keep your attention without allowing your mind to waver too much. I’ve been practicing a technique that allows you to do that.

      I’ll be dictating three techniques to you step by step so that you’re able to grasp it easily.

      Exercise #1 – You’ll need a candle for this technique.

      1.Find a place where you will not be disturbed and light a candle.

      2.Sit in a position where you’ll be comfortable for a long period.

      3.Relax your breathing. Breathe in and out, slowly but not uncomfortably.

      4.Focus on the flame of the candle, just watch it flicker and move. Do not let your focus wave from the flame.

      5.Just push out any thoughts that come to your mind and continue to focus. Just make sure you concentrate on the flame.

      6.Continue meditating on the flame for as long as you wish. End the meditation when you’re ready.

      Through personal experience, I can tell you that this meditation exercise will help you to keep your brain focused and also to absorb more information than you otherwise would.

      Exercise # 2 – Here’s another exercise you can do to improve your concentration. This exercise will enhance your focused attention; the best part – you can perform it virtually anytime and anywhere.

      1.In this concentration exercise, it is the quality of training time rather than quantity that you need to emphasize on. Taking a break whilst concentration is good and will get you yearning for more. Practice regularly for optimal effect.

      2.Start by focusing your attention on objects and activities that you find appealing. Once you’ve built that power of concentration, you can transfer your attention towards less appealing things.

      3.It is important that you direct focused attention towards your regular activities throughout the day. Your mind will be ready to produce optimal results as a result of its calm and collected nature once you choose to truly focus on something.

      4.Perhaps the last part of this exercise is the most important, as it demands of you to smile and enjoy this mind training. The best way to build concentration is by doing the things you love.

      5.You will enhance your abilities and speed up progress by taking pleasure in this practice. Enjoying this activity is an essential ingredient for the success of this exercise.

      Exercise # 3 – The Hot Air Balloon

      This is my favorite meditation. After exercising and stretching for few minutes in the morning I spend around 10-15 minutes meditating using this technique.

      I relax myself and sit or stand by the window and notice everything I could see, hear or smell and to get an idea about the weather, temperature, whether it’s sunny or cloudy, the exact time, and then I close my eyes for 10-15 minutes and envision a hot air balloon rising up and going away from me till it disappears before I open my eyes.

      Every morning I use a different object – a building, truck, the Statute of Liberty, a huge colorful balloon, or any huge and heavy object and notice every detail of it such as colors, reflections, words and letters written on it, etc.