Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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is there, it just needs to be exercised and encouraged to expand. As you enhance your mind, you enhance your ability to achieve success. Success follows success.

      Audio and video programs are two of the obvious ways to generate mind enhancement. You decide which is better for you depending on whether you’re a better audio or video learner. If you can utilize both, so much the better.

      Audio mind enhancement programs, available on CD or MP3 download, are better for the person on the go and who likes to maximize their time whether in the car or on the treadmill. Numerous subjects are available to teach you how to create a better life while restructuring the mind.

      Video programs are great for in-home viewing without the distractions you might encounter with audio. It also stimulates your optical senses and usually works better and faster than audio alone.

      Video DVDs are also available on numerous subjects from creating a better memory to learning a new hobby. It’s good to stimulate your mind with something you enjoy but you must also stretch your mind to include subjects you don’t normally encounter.

      Hypnosis is another method that’s become quite popular and proven effective. Hypnosis is described as a means of communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind to bring about change for the better.

      Your mind has stored in it an unbelievable amount of power. Hypnosis can help release that power. This is accomplished simply by making you believe in your mind power and in yourself.

      If you don’t believe the power’s there then it’s not there to help you and to become enhanced. You have the ability to do this yourself if you will but hypnosis can help expedite these constructive changes.

      The mind is like any other part of the body: you use it or lose it. You must exercise it daily with positive brain exercises. Mind stimulating reading, puzzles or learning a new subject keeps the brain fertile and active. Keep planting new seeds in the mind and you’ll be astonished at what will grow.


      We may lose sight of what's going on in our lives at the moment as we’re living in a time where people tend to look so far ahead into the future.

      I can tell you that I missed an entire year here and there as I found myself running so far and so fast. However, mediating helped me changed all that.

      Meditation can be classified as concentration mediation, where there is one particular focus, such as a sound, or as mindfulness meditation where the focus is on all aspects of the present moment.

      Meditation teaches us how to be in the moment and stills the mind from its daily chatter. We can breathe and see our lives with our eyes open, in a calm, peaceful way with the help of meditation.

      We interact and communicate with others more authentically and precisely when we are in that calm, peaceful state.

      The amazing benefits of meditation on mind and body are what research has shown. If you haven’t found a way to meditate that feels right for you, keep looking, as there are lots of different ways to meditate.

      Transcendental meditation, prayer, Zen meditation, Taoist, mindfulness, and walking meditation are some of the meditation methods I’ve used over the years.

      Free movement is what some of these methods allow while several of them require your body to remain still. Some people like to meditating to music as it transforms one into the sweet zone of alpha theta – the portal of infinite possibilities, the state in which you’re able to download the messages available for you.

      There are certain requirements for the meditation to be successful and beneficial. You need to keep these things in mind if you want the meditation process to benefit you.

      Balance is Key

      “If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”

      – Lao Tzu

      The subtle dimensions beyond the physical for the wisdom to be at their best, day after day, regardless of what’s happening is accessed by those who live a truly happy and fulfilled life.

      We need to balance our minds and emotions alongside balancing our physical bodies otherwise we’ll lose contact with our higher consciousness and will act on autopilot.

      Benefits of Meditation

      I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that meditation is good for health. Those who’ve practiced meditation will tell you that it’s relaxing; however, most of them don’t know the exact reason behind it.

      From my experience, I can tell you with utmost honesty that you’ll experience a multitude of both direct and indirect benefits from meditation. You must carry out meditation practice regularly to get the most out of its benefits.

      The length of your practice isn’t as important as the frequency; you’re far more likely to experience the many benefits if you meditate for five to ten minutes a day, seven days a week, rather than if you squeeze it all into a half an hour session once a week.

      Like many people worldwide, I personally have experienced the following benefits:

      •Meditation Improves Your Immune System

      The practice being relaxing is the most commonly cited benefit of meditation. I can tell you that this is most definitely true and does indeed make you feel great.

      However, the benefits of meditation are just not restricted to relaxation, and it has many other major benefits. A stronger immune system is one of these benefits.

      Stress and anxiety deteriorate the functioning of our immune system significantly, leaving us susceptible to all kinds of harmful things.

      You can reduce the amount of stress-related chemicals in your body by developing a regular meditation practice. This will ensure that you do not turn to unhealthy coping strategies to deal with the stress.

      •Meditation Improves Stress Related Conditions

      Anything from heart disease to autoimmune conditions such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), fall under the category of stress-related conditions. The basic principle on which meditation works is that your mind and body are deeply connected. However, this is not to say that meditation alone contributes towards good health. Other lifestyle factors, diet for instance, also play a huge role.

      When we feel stress, we have a physiological reaction to it, which can negatively impact our health over the long term. Giving your body a break from the physical effects of stress can help alleviate physical symptoms exacerbated by stress.

      •Meditation Improves Self-Acceptance

      There is no better way to improve self-acceptance than meditation. When we meditate, we become more aware, and more capable, of controlling our thoughts. A key part of meditation revolves around noticing our thoughts without judging them or getting caught up in their stories or meanings. This helps us to develop a different perspective on our internal dialogue, develop a greater understanding of ourselves, and practice noticing our thoughts and feelings without attaching meaning or judgment to them.

      •Meditation Improves Fertility

      You know by now that stress has a negative impact on the immune system. It also impacts fertility adversely. Scientists aren’t sure of the exact link between stress and fertility issues; however, test subjects who took part in stress-reduction techniques were more likely to get pregnant.

      •Meditation Improves Self-Confidence

      Meditation works to build our self-esteem just the way it helps us to develop self-acceptance. Our self-confidence builds on the stories we have about ourselves.

      When negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves come up during meditation, we practice simply noticing