The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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and do it again and again as the voice of the universal life feeling urges you to ask things of yourself first. The living truth is personal and accountable. An entire world of vision will be opened to you to see clearly.

      Go ahead, begin to ask why. Begin the journey to a whole truth, to feel the effect of the question as you asked it, not as you expected it to be. Intent can’t save your soul. See the word as a man-made construct and soon you will realize how deep the agreed symbolic assumptions go. In every aspect of the human brain there is an accumulation of comparative informational life data. This is stored separate and apart from the binary AI terms we are taught. Thinking is forbidden by the Omega man trained in terminology manipulation and word worship of a made up authority. There is an organic comparative truth that has traced the child’s path from the first symbols conversion that offsets the original direct knowing life data recall.

      The central voice offers a doubting process and encourages continual passive question through comparative knowing. If the sense harmonic is off line, the dynamics of understanding and feedback are merely rote acts and re-act offenses. Question by question the answers will be found. At one time man was free of all symbols and icons. Once perfect communication consisted of person to person life connective mumblings, sighs, murmurings, whimpers, touch, growls, looks, gestures, and physical embraces that had “instinctive organic” meaning. We came from a subtle but distinct organic truth, a bio-genesis obvious truth. Question and doubt and let the energy cross reference your life and sense that you are the other person, the mirror in your life. Open to the organic life energy, the sense comparative data stream, pockets of bio-sensitive information released as your sense doors open. War kills the men in the mask while the mask lives on.

      Purge yourself of all cause and effect realities and the great riches hidden in the box of Pandora will be yours to see. Most play the word game with amazing zeal while they resign themselves to remain dependent on the support of the Omegas who rule over them. The poor and the rich need each other while those in the subservient middle, the producers, are systematically bled dry. This is quiet desperation any way we look at it. All the well-modeled antiquated rules and icon codes that serve and support the military masks and the demi-god of idol worship are stressed to the point of breaking.

      The wakeup call is very painful to the slow learner. To the ones who want to have universal vision, it will be felt as a release and a quiet passive human solace. Hell is serviced by those who are all well-trained in iconic human degradation processing. Those who live by compound lies will suffer regressive cancerous bio-lock down as roles are reversed.

      All so-called progress is nothing more than a 3,000-year-old slave adaption. To accomplish this all must be made afraid, be told only one choice exists and an or-else force will be used against them. Fear keeps everyone boxed in, heavily taxed and fined to pay for the increased number of watchers watching the watchers to ensure a deeper sense of fear. This is fear mongering. Some will justify how fear mongering has to be in place for a society to work. Most are so embedded in it they have no time to justify or clarify their life of servitude.

      As soon as a child is able to speak the social ineptitude is launched upon him for icon subjugation. Ear-related memory is the first critical door to the brain and the teacher’s voice picks the lock using a system of punishment and reward system like the training of a dog. Aspire to be more like a cat, less easily trained and ambivalent of rewards. Man is an extraordinarily gifted multi-dimensionally loving creature who is systematically propositioned and scolded down, enslaved and encumbered at an early age. When we call our naming of things the truth just because it stands taller and bigger than the innocent human being, we plant the seed of evil.

      With labels only we created an artificial reality, an ersatz knowing and we wield it with egregious malice of foresight causing serious species degradation. We can sense a thing that we do not fully realize. We were made to question things that are made up and placed in an artificial enclosure of noun and verb pretext. That we do not question is proof of the veracity of the great con. What do we actually understand about knowing? Most just stare at you with a blank look on their face when you ask that. Knowing is not a requisite of full comprehension, it is antithetical.

      Where did the mandatory intent-based symbolic knowing come from? Why are we forced to accept governed intention as a definitive when it is so unreasonable, inhumane and impure? By our own law we are subjugated. Why was the New World formed if it was to be degraded to be merely a copy of the Old? Does anyone know the truth of it all? Are we caught in a trap unconsciously bringing European faults across the ocean to America after fleeing the tyrannical oppression of an Imperial fiefdom? We are slaves who are willing to remain in captivity because we are told that we are free!

      Why are there so many laws fabricated to protect the terminal masks of the taskmasters who are also protecting the latent words and icons? The laws allow for nothing more than processing of human beings through the application of tags and labels. We interact with human beings according to the labels we assign to them. With artificial authority, there are those whose job it is to apply the label and there are those whose job it is to enact the processing. There are so-called legislative jobs to make and enforce new laws and penal codes and to collect new taxes and fines from the self-sacrificial slave people. This exponentially increases their cost of living. It is done for what is called the good of the people. Which people is it good for? It is time to reevaluate all contract agreements, contract rights, contract good, contract truth, contract bad, contract guilt, contract blame, contract love, contract hate, contract license, contract credentials and all contract terminal edicts. Reevaluate the surreptitious safety nets that we are CONNED into believing protect us that come to us at our own expense and at the point of a gun.

      Do you want to think you are being protected by the model? If you play a part in the processing of the human race, are you PROTECTED or ENSLAVED? Are you a face with no voice, a slave with no choice? Ask yourself what you are enslaved to and why and if it is your choice. If you say you are not enslaved you may merely be deaf and blind to your enslavements. What is your level of obedience and conformity? The great con of man demands both obedience and conformity. What are all conquests about - slavery? Intentions can be made to look like they are the way to the means. They are not; they are just terminal cause endings.

      We are told the intention of all war is for peace. Would you buy the promise that the intention of hate is for love, or poverty for wealth? By artificial rules and laws, it appears that what man does, with names, tags and labels, is real. There is no peace by force. If you have no voice you have the label of the common man. The label consumer, by mind trickery, ear conning and eye conning, says that the artificial value you endorse as real enslaves you. How much do you trust that which does not serve you well as a human being? Where did innate feeling come from? Do you not allow what is going on within and around you? Allowance is assumed to be permission granted when you say nothing. That is a psychological law.

      Do you speak up? Do you care to stop this artificial processing of human beings knowing that if you do the pockets of legal extortion will be emptied? The extorters are mental looters first, and though producing no product, they remain good social leeches. How? As for making a living, they turn pleasure into tax and enjoyment into fine. All vices feed the rote jobs and trained jargons of our systemic social dilemma: legalism. Imagine we make words that fit our fears and our fears quickly fit our words. Just like that! Why is this? It is said if we are not a part of the solution, we are in fact part of the ongoing problem. Do you believe that? Fear sells tyranny in many forms and one face is the face of a militant artificial good while the other face, the face of authorized intent, is a constant reprisal.

      If you have no declarable authorized voice or legal choice what are you to the mental looters who hold you in legal bondage? A slave! Say the word and feel what it means. Once you begin to awaken and learn the AI symbols cause and effect dissension you will see that the symbols damnation has gone genetic. One must awaken from the bio-epigenetic spell. The awakening comes through the direct knowing central voice energy steam transmissions. Some know it and feel it as a stream of consciousness; some would call it inspiration. The voice has many names. We all have it but do not trust it enough to fully use it. Many engage this active data stream between 3:00 am and 5:00 am in the pre-dawn hours, when symbolic play acting is displaced and the brain goes GENESIS. Our physical nature is opened to glimpse the absolute real, the