The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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are used to label all of us. Tag and label enforcement are backed by force from trained aggressors who are paid by your ignorance and fear! To say that no human being can know their own feelings as a living truth is humanity’s prettiest package of sold out agreements. Individuals have ready access to their indelible organic truth and it runs deep in their bio-logic. Open the doors of your own perception.

      There is no symbolic agreement necessary for any living organic truth to exist. The more we agree with the pretense of made up symbols, the more difficult it is to access our direct knowing. We are the idol worshipers that Jesus Christ warned us about over 2,000 years ago. We bow down to a systemic idolatry that creates false identities within the symbols abyss and gives people jobs to make sure we all live up to our false identities. We came from and still are in the last epigenetic icon inquisition, thus we are locked out of our own bio-genesis energy flow. We are suffering the repercussions of a serious bio-genesis error.

      We are deep inside an iconic Mononomeric Differential [see chart on page 101] and will be for another 100 years, because we split our senses. Lost to us is the path to our bio-logical genesis feeling because it is off-line. To say we are lost in an “all or nothing” world is the legacy of a long-term symbolic blame loop. What is the difference between a living truth and a man-made copy?

      We are ruled by icon infected cronies who own our petty minds and fear-filled bodies for the exclusive right to dominate by force using our own biological fear as their weapon. We artificially process men and women as proprietary commercial products and we are devoted to this age-old processing. We can believe otherwise as we pay for our lies with our soul. We bow to the artificial rule based on our fear of fear. For a good game to be played out the best players are professionally converted to the last artificial but official taskmaster’s voice. That is the way men are governed and is the way to win the game. We are made to believe there is no way out. The abyss is the box all speak of but do not fully understand. We must wake up to the whole of our agreed nonsense, purge the symbols scourge and free the brain to its own passive bio-logic which far exceeds man’s pretending to agreed bias by force. Man does not know something because he has named and defined it. Is this a farce? Once a bias forms we are slaves to those who organize fear as the prerequisite of our “intention-based” degrading artificial intelligence [AI] system.

      There is a great profit in processing human beings as symbols but there are greater riches in your living compendium of feeling direct knowing. Serenity and passion will re-appear automatically. Consider one man’s journals which will share personal non-censored insights openly in an attempt to question, compare and solve the icon riddle and expose the dark con of man and its effect on the human condition.

      Enjoy yourself as you journey through this author’s mind and your own.

      JOURNAL 51


      WHY would anyone say that? What exists as passive self-awareness, individual God-given knowledge, is not taught in school or at home. It will be very apparent to most that this statement involves a deep dark secret, one that was hidden a long time ago and never made evident. Just how seriously guarded is the evidence of “natural knowing” compared to just naming something and insisting that we know something as a legitimate result? What if we could understand what actually makes us feel? What if feeling were the key to understanding? What if the door to our feelings were to be legally closed? See the movie Equilibrium for an exploration of that reality.

      Agreeing to know is a surface implication made into a remembering of symbols, nothing more. It is the symbols supply line we want to hold in place for motivation control [intent as probable cause] for the manipulation of our official psychological label factory. The word gives us the idea we have moved from here to there. How do we get from good to bad? We make the word “time” into the word “distance.” So distance is measured “in time.” We even made a clock so we can see time moving forward. We are in a neutral life-giving place called the now. We make-believe we move from the past toward the future, ignoring “the now.”

      Our AI symbols carry the artificial meaning we give them. We hold ersatz written paper documents that make us believe we know something or own something. We made up the artificial model and transcribed verbal words into written words, which look important. We are all sold clever advertisements called social standards. We are nothing more than parrots trained to repeat senseless phrases habitually, day after pointless day. Act – react. Do you really want to get married and have children? Why? Everyone is supposed to want to, right? What is real versus what is agreed to be real? What can easily be called mental slavery has a more polite name of job or tradition. Do not think, just act and react. How many man-parrots are trained to repeat rote lines for paid parts? Birth, obedience, death, we do it again and again.

      We devise names, labels, tags and terms so we appear to have a causal effect on them, and then symbols appear in our lives as demanding affecting agents. In schools we are taught to accept all taught icons. Authority is a place-holder over these bias labels, modeled after the warlord, the king, the ruler, the one with all the gold, the one who dictates who has what, when, where, how and why. Intent is the wedge placed between the ability to decide and the will of choice to do so. The middle, where most people live when not under suspicion, is almost entirely gone. Where latent threat exists, it is coerced subjugation. What is mental slavery?

      These writings give those who have control over intent, no-choice and coercion the name OMEGA. Omega is a legally plied abstract symbols ruler. Steal the mind and the physical body becomes its slave. Only with made up words called symbols can this mental slavery be accomplished. The word noun [said to be proper] is a psychological wedge driven deep into a so-called topical mind’s made-up vocabulary. Is this mental slavery? The King’s English, as it was called, was owned and operated by all the King’s men who spied on others for a preferred role in the King’s game - edict control over the masses. All forced inquisitions come from this parody.

      From this epigenetic realm we devolved psychologically as we entered a biological split-sense psychosis called “bio-stasis decrepitude.” In scientific terms, Mononomeric Differential is cleverly called “bi-polar,” where the bio-sense is fractured at the basis entry level as the ear/eye mind is loaded with pretend symbols to make the brain convulse, causing a malfunctioning biological human genesis data stream. Made-up symbols replace feeling and direct knowing. For most there is no passive serenity available. Composite learning is merely the memorization of act or the performance of a role. Symbols contortion is made to be remembered to be used officially as the only source of human knowledge allowed. That is law. Thus we enter what many feel to be a state of sin and it is at this point in AI time that actual bio-sense lock-down occurs. We actually suffer the Genesis master curse, a biological shutdown, a symbols distress sense fracture where feeling direct knowing goes deeper into the unconscious mind.

      The organic living energy stream has locked Genesis down to deny passive serenity so we are not able to sense our convolutions. The psychotic nature of symbols replication and the subjective long-term use of the icon mask prompted this study of Teleology, the intrinsic nature of the Organic self and the side effects of the endemic biological Mononomeric Differential. See the graph on page 101.

      To distrust one’s own sensitive and delicate central voice, one must be taught to disregard our bio-energy. This is an appalling event in the fabricated history of man, using the word to replicate the real world to ensure human subjugation and subliminal slavery. The little man does not question the laws and the rules. The player defers to authorized judgement. With no mask of authority, no viable question is available. Try it? Go represent yourself in a “legal” court of icon converts, where their well-rehearsed jargon means more than your unrehearsed truth. Imagine symbolic rule can wipe away what is passive and innately real to you, as easily as cosmetic makeup can be cleared from the face of any actor or actress. What you say will be used against you in a court of law! This game is an act of rehearsed iconic genesis sabotage, a winner take all game. Do not be offended by the term little man, it is meant as a man who has yet to wake up.

      We are built for passive organic self-awareness that is devoted to all senses. This is our feeling direct knowing ability for immediate use. The sixth sense comparative composition is a bio-sense matrix, where organic