The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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allows symbols to rule over human evolutionary energy flow or stream shutting down all the senses. The will vacillates like a pendulum. This icon trance goes all the way to hell.

      What is in store for you in an icon hell where the symbols you occupy are so divisive? Our symbolic heaven made the symbolic reality we call hell. Did you ever conceive of this dialectic possibility? Our contract with idols and icons is the made up version of the heaven and hell duality. The biological brain is made of pure energy comparatives that we have ignored. Heaven is hell’s whore.

      Bio-energy contains organic life truth data that cannot be controlled by icon converts. It is also not available for dissection by the symbolic man. Who is the OMEGA man? What is an icon convert?

      In the icon advent AI realm there is no god, no genesis, no feeling of human being-ness, no organic biological truth and no reality checks but violent objections and savage fear feedback. All that is left are rules, codes and thug laws with taxes, fines and penalties and self-enslaved sleepwalkers. The icon man elects his leaders from a small pool of cookie cutter men and women who have paid dearly for their masks. That is why, by the pretense conditioning and force of coercion we give to it, the symbolic man is about to be brought to his physical knees by his own legally corrupt self-deceptions. There is a rather fortuitous icon/symbols ending in store for the Omega man. The symbol of the Omega man will end in Armageddon if he doesn’t wake up now.

      Consider that eye color, hair color, skin tone and disposition are inherited as well as mental blind spots from mother to daughter, father to son as we head down the genetic road to our own demise. In biological fact, the entire post-evolutionary family is seriously flawed and will meet with the wrath of Genesis boundary. Microscopic bio-energy disbursements, first set in a psychological viral state, will occur and an internal parasitic digestion of the inner self will take place. Where the genetic seeding is a familial DNA the entire genetic thread will be affected. Man’s pathetic parasitic laws pale in comparison to bio-genetic tenacity. Does science know this and take full advantage of our Genesis self-sabotage? We all know it in our hearts but the players and their roles have for too long been co-partners masked in self-deceit. The sleeping lion will awaken.

      Imagine that our neural decrepitude comes without question and then decides and assures us of the ongoing bio-degradation. How subtle is the want for a suicide act? We have all heard of the dumbing down of entire societies, like an epidemic wave of sublime stupidity. We have become less like human beings and more like lemmings, dominoes and sheep. How many dumb looks do we need to see on men’s faces to know our failures? From that vantage point, are we tied to a bio-genesis epigenetic thread that is being tugged on by the stupidity of AI performance rated tasks. What formed the bio-genetic origin of the sense diluted acts, and from where or what point did the symbolic man enter a biological Mononomeric Differential?

      From what point did mankind, due to sense distortion, let AI systemic aversions bleed directly into the bio-energy stream? What then entered the organic data flow that became a bio-stasis immune deficiency? A Biological evolutionary fracture, so to speak, took place. In a diverging viral sense split man’s mind became a thug for ear/eye intake terms. The brain shut itself down because the environment is no longer advantageous for nurturing. Does bio-genesis, the real empirical god of human existence, have a long-term recycling plan that we have yet to comprehend because our internal central voice does not understand superfluous words, labels, symbols and icons? The biological MOVING energy data flow not only regulates the bio-immune system, but sees to it our physical being is governed by genesis energy response.

      Man is in serious genesis error and we can feel it to the human core. What then will and does represent traumatic fear is from the embedded nature of the oppressive connotation diction threat, the codified implanted word. The symbol of fear postured by the legality of the Omega Strain is ruled by rules he made up to suspend or suppress bio-energy consciousness. This then ensures the apartheid of the symbolic man that remains in symbols self-sabotage. The eye-conned, ear conned man allowed symbols to be set against any and all physical doing/being denying an innate choice. Our brain is convulsing. Fear rules man so man tries to rule it back. I-conation ensures Genesis devolution. Feeling is an unrequited organic truth, and if feelings are reunited and re-codified in the bio-energy data stream then they can be taken out of the symbolic “I” lock-down. Icon-fear is man making sure the symbolic mind does not come out of icon stasis dementia. That is why “I” gives way to “we” and becomes the viral “they” of the Omega ward.

      Our biological God is trying to ensure our mental and meta-physical health. Given the increasing incidences of fatal dis-ease, we might guess that what the little symbols man is given to remember is in fact not very genetically healthy. The icon convulsive mind may be directly responsible for all human rage, self-hatred, bio-genesis sabotage and global destitution. Is the world ready to know what you are reading?

      Progressing in dynamic repercussion, the symbolic man entered still another self-fugitive realm. Genesis seeding created a biological depression [feelings dismissed] of detuned brain cells [synaptic withering]. Are you using less than 10% of your brain? Feeling direct knowing is an unobstructed full sense energy flow abiding by natural sixth sense laws. The organic brain’s passive human health mode depends on nature’s pure form data flow that is now blocked off and dammed up. When all senses are balanced and interactive, comparing their innate interpretations to the full sixth sense, the central voice is both coordinator and mover. The strain on the eyes and ears block off touch, taste and smell allowing symbols to take over. A non-symbolic rectitude and bio-fear purging must occur for man to remain relegated to a pure biological boundary directed by a well-ordered evolutionary path-maker God, Bio-Genesis.

      What might be called clinical insanity by the psychologist is actually a symbols dementia that goes much deeper than we can ever imagine. Central Voice incites our inner sense of being to move us out of harm’s way; it is our sense of organic truth from birth to death that we call passive realization [living growing truth]. Feeling Direct Knowing cannot function in the external mono-aphasic language which most men obey and manipulate. This is where the self-anger thrives having to live in a symbols hell instituted by this abstract model.

      In main stream genesis data recovery there is question, a stripping away of all the icon-debasing tags and labels implication, a removal of all the hats, badges, stripes and robes bent toward abstract icon forgeries. Our symbols realm can be easily purged bit by bit but not without serious ramifications within the remaining AI endemic illogical systemic disorder. A basic impact will be felt as the change takes place. No action is without a reaction. Repressed feelings and neural withering denies access to feeling direct knowing. If the entire world goes symbols compliant geo-stigma will occur. Omega Strain will be totally insane and cause the world to go black for 1,000 years. How close are we?

      The entrails of the icon glut remain encased in the seemingly incomprehensible legacy of idol worship. Legalism is in its last days of bilking mankind’s fears, of making men subject to blame and coercion. False symbolic processing of human beings increases as man-made trust in the forgery of icons and faith in the pretexted model of legalism increases. There is a simultaneous psychological event taking place also. Every few decades we triumph over symbols, as in the twenties and the sixties. Sound and vision stigmata momentarily break down and the sensorial lock-down releases to let some people feel real. In symbols replication and icon diversion, each artificial forgery adds to the total mistakes that the binary mind has to cover up. A few open the door and a stampede begins and the door closes. This is like the hippie generation that was abducted by the allure of government jobs. History is a symbols incubator of errors covered up. History is a record of the endemic smoke and mirrors of the last reason held in icon suspension. The little man’s back is turned by his own hopelessness. All self-deceived creature beings want to be a part of the “man-made god” game. Warning! Trouble stands quietly at the gate.

      The only way out of the game is a near self-suicide, to rid the aching head of the endemic symbols. Is this possible? The blank look you see is a brain dead populace. It is a result of the same bio-energy drain that was inherent in the last epigenetic tide that slaughtered the biblical Christ. The same icon rules, codes and symbolic laws are in use today, modified of course to fit the fears of this time lock-down. History repeats itself using more and more dangerous weapons! The bio-energy of our inner being