The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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meaning] moves us.

      Genesis meaning is what moves us to BE real. Real has no symbols detention programming, as it is a life element within the human essence. The knowing of feeling means everything, but to you only. That is why Omega wants this bio-human capacity destroyed. If genesis human feeling can be drugged down, disabled by iconic intent and the absence of choice, human beings can be channeled into clever profiteering, where any sense of freedom will be laced with fear. Evil uses the word “intent” to entrap the mind in symbols slavery.

      Genesis makes you feel this bait and switch so it cannot happen inadvertently. The Omega man relies on force to serve his uniform posturing and masked actions. All symbolic doing, on which all binary meaning rests, drives man’s intention-wedge, which is probable cause, deeper into a legal systemic cause.

      The brain’s bio-genesis is the doorway through the symbols veil to the human soul, the gateway to LIVING life data that surrounds us. It is a sensorial stream of all human feelings, reciprocation and human Genesis Guidance. Call it pure intelligent molecular energy. This acute intelligence called SOUL is now deployed in the service of organized religion through the widespread use of fear-based symbols and words. IDOL worship was man’s first serious go-round with mind-shift binary sense corruption. The eye-con [icon] tricks the eyes using symbols which make us see only the word and not what hides behind the word. We see only the abstract. The origin of the mask of reason in Latin is praetextus an “outward display” from the Latin word preatexere “to disguise or mask”. Coming from the Latin from the words prae, before and texere, to weave. To put the mask of the symbol on and wear it you must have disguised icon reason and weave symbolic pretext to do so. This word, pretext is taken from terms defined as “not of the senses” [abstract]. The Latin word: abstractus, taken for the Latin: abstrahere, to drag away from, to detach, to pull away, to divert, withdraw, alienate from, which comes from denying the senses any direct comparative knowing. Direct feeling knowing was provided by Genesis before symbols infiltrated the ears and the eyes to form the first terminal binary memory head.

      The “abstract term,” the interloper, is a persuasive sinister device. In law, nothing makes sense, as human beings must be moved into abstract positions and labeled with abstract terms. Man is made to fit the 3,000-year-old Latin terms to the condition that was made for him, for the people, by the people, or so we have been led to believe. All law is terminal, abstract, masked and divisive. The idea that pleasure was sin is a 3,500-year-old Roman propaganda device and its casual joy was made a tax, fine and penal vice.

      JOURNAL 17


      What is Artificial Intelligence and who are the AI Omegas? What is AI terminal projection all about? What will an artificial world be like? Terms are abnormal, human intangibles an abstract convolution [not of the senses] of ORGANIC truth that makes us do the dizzy, crazy things we do like indoctrinating all our children with someone else’s symbols. BLAME and misery are money-makers. Rome was a breeding ground for abstract terms that were formed by the icon converts to be able to rule over the non-symbolic mind of man.

      This idol model was brought to us by the games played in the Imperial Roman courts, because only the ones who played received the rewards and benefits. The word slave came into existence as armed force aggression coerced and bent the human will to worship the icon as a demi-god. Fear, created by thug men who assumed right over other men, ruled psychotic symbols meaning. Fear split the human senses of all weak-minded little men who became slaves of the almighty Abstract.

      Those who run the social game show also run the armed aggression of the world’s wealthy governments and religions. Those who run the game own the players outright. This post-genetic trait is carried directly in the evolutionary genetic code straight into a future that is sure to be wrought with more symbols that man will be made to remember. What is brainwashing?

      The entire empowerment issue is an elaborate scam selling fear to scared human beings who are without choice as they coercively pay for the sacrosanct social labels in the “good dogs get a treat” game. If we play a good game how is it accomplished? A Freudian slip is a word that slips out from between the choreographed word disguises. The court judges of the world say that it is their job to maintain a fair and level playing field. Keywords: job, maintain, playing field. The filler words, fair and level are words the Omega men feed you to scare a hunger for human justice away in a game of symbols roulette.

      More laws are passed and more agents are needed to oversee the new laws. The past failed laws are easily excused. Each new law needs papers pushed by pointless middlemen paid for by the trust, innocence and ignorance of the unwilling players.

      Rules need proper suspicion to run the game show and suspicion runs the job market. The game needs serfs and slaves, pawns, knights and rook agents who fill the pockets of the perfect icon model. The jobs of that revised order are commanders, chiefs, lieutenants, professors and priests and other named officiates and costumed place holders that function as top symbols consorts because they were easily converted to Icon service.

      Games are necessary for coordinated manipulation and processing of humans as products of the systemic dis-order. The same cause and effect reality we were handed by our parents and theirs before them, all the way back to the dark ages. This genetic thread we must find, confront and purge. Our bio-stream energy utilizes and forms the evolutionary boundary enclosure of all organic “real.” The biological creature depends on this biological energy form for GENESIS self-introspection and passive bio-energy conduction. Feeling is a total recall matrix. We sabotage the god shell [the flesh] and in turn violate or fragment the energy of the central voice, our direct knowing. This is what so many judgmental, symbols-compliant word converts have done to their reality matrix. They are told that feeling is an evil presence when it is really god speaking “with them” through their senses.

      This binary plan only works IF the human will is locked down to enslaved obedience. This also demands that no will can be present and any concept of freedom is fraught with fear or dread if the rules and codes are not strictly adhered to. The little man, in fear, recoils and bows before the agents who are given the bit parts of the thug roles handed down by the King’s imperial rule. All governments assume Imperial rule, hidden behind and within acceptable hypocrisy. Jargons critical to the model are handed down to the gullible human animals who remain in icon conversion player mode, acting and reacting for the delivery of monetary rewards. This is the making of Icon worship. Time is a place of evil.

      A society that pays for obedience with laborious pawn salaries is doomed from the start. No free individual would choose a role with pay that they would not choose to do without pay - that is conditional slavery. If you keep doing the same thing over and over, the human animal will adapt to it but not without serious biological repercussions. Fear and making payments to quell fear, are the same thing. Some do realize what made-up symbols are doing in our heads and why they demand high payments for the agents who enforce and govern them. Our stasis truth is nothing more than a genetic residual armoring we have adapted to, using the word “blame.” Blame seeks slavery by rule.

      Those who run the great con are called the Omega strain, the institutional cult following militant rule. There is no such thing as a benevolent law. The duping and manipulation of society today is 100% dependent upon a player’s mental attitude, one based strictly on an all or nothing, winner/loser social model.

      Look at the word vote. What do you perceive this to be if not an all or nothing model for tax, fine and penal levy? We vote for rules, codes, laws and fines. Taxes are the tariffs fools pay to be fooled by the game. How expensive is this game? Let’s see if the little man can figure this out. What is the real cost of living? Is it a simple slave charge? The cost of processing human beings has gone up and up and there are more and more pointless believers whose entire evolutionary genetic falls under the spell.

      How many non-productive Omega symbols converts does it take to bring an entire society to its symbol worshiping knees? How do we rate the quality of man-made militant fear? The child’s first blush with human love, a full complement, rich with life energy, is teaching the child to learn – self-learn. If that child would be allowed to continue to self-learn, he would never learn to blame. Question, compare, decide