Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert W. Krajenke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047255
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woman asked in her reading:

       (Q) In Atlantis, was I associated with Amilius? If so, how?

       (A) One as projected by that entity as to a ruler or guide for many, with its associating entity.


      Many of the “trapped” souls had hooves, scales, fins, etc., as portions of their material bodies. One of Cayce’s Bible class students was told in her reading:

       This entity was the companion of that beginning of activity in the Atlantean land. Thus, not as a mother of creation . . . but as an advisor to those who would change in their form of activities; or the attempts as later expressed in the entity of being rid of the appendages of materiality.


      This was the beginning of the effort to get souls to disengage from animal associations.

       The land was among those in which there was the first appearance of those that were as separate entities or souls disentangling themselves from material or that we know as animal associations. For the projections of these had come from those influences that were termed Lemure, or Lemurian, or the land of Mu.

       These then we find as the period when there was the choice of that soul that became in its final earthly experience the Savior, the Son in the earth dwellings, or of those as man sees or comprehends as the children of men.


      Perhaps in verse 19, when the King James changes the general term “the man” to the specific “Adam,” we have a switch in focus from the collective and representational race experience to the specific, singular, and unique experience of Adam, the soul who later became Jesus. Amilius (or Adam) was the leader of this whole movement and it was through his choice that the sex issue or question was settled.

      The question before Adam was how he could produce or propagate one of his own kind, or species, in the earth.

      Instead of turning to the animal kingdom, Adam drew upon the spiritual resources within himself for the propagation of his “helpmeet.”

      And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept; and he took one of his ribs . . . and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought he, unto the man. (Genesis 2:21)

      The “deep sleep” indicates a state of meditation.

       These are, as seen, the records made by the man on the mount [Moses], that this Amilius—Adam, as given—first discerned that from himself, not of the beasts about him, could be drawn—was drawn—that which made for the propagation of beings in the flesh, that made for that companionship as seen by creation in the material worlds about same.


      Adam, we remember, was “a living soul.” He was not encased in the dense, flesh frame of man today.

       Yea, but the individual of that period was not so closely knit in matter.


      As a body of “light” or energy, he was able to control its shape by the nature of his thought.

       As to their forms in the physical sense, these were rather of the nature of thought-forms, or able to push out of themselves in that direction in which [their] development took shape.”


      All souls were created in the beginning as both male and female; or, more accurately, neither male nor female as we understand the terms today. The soul itself has no sex, but has both positive and negative energies. As it comes into materiality, it takes on either the positive or negative pattern, according to its development and the purpose to be accomplished.

      The time came when Adam (as a race) had to be divided into positive and negative forces. This division was necessary in order for the Adamic race to propagate perfect physical bodies through which the entrapped or “lost” souls could manifest and gradually find their way back to the Source. This form of reproduction had to be accomplished through kindred beings—souls—and not the animal kingdom.

      Thus, when the deep sleep fell on Adam (the individual), he took on the active, positive, male force.

       “. . . He breathed into him the breath of Life and he became a living soul.” As the sleep fell upon him, and the soul separated—through the taking of man’s portion—and He becoming a portion of man.


       . . . then—from out of the self—was brought that as was to be the helpmeet, not just [the] companion of the body.


      Eve was created to complete and complement Adam’s positive or male expression.

       How received woman her awareness? Through the sleep of the man! Hence intuition is an attribute of that made aware through the suppression of those forces from that from which it sprang, yet endowed with all of those abilities and forces of its Maker.


      This does not mean Adam split or divided his soul, nor that Eve was an inferior creation. Both were complete entities, entire souls, and, as the above indicates, were “endowed with all those abilities and forces of [their] Maker.”

      Adam was able to project out of his own body the negative substance through which another soul, by suppressing its positive, could manifest.

      Perhaps the closest analogy we have to the creation of Eve from the body of Adam is in the claim made by spiritualist mediums who are able to produce disincarnate spirits at their séances. This materialization is done, the medium states, from an ectoplasmic substance which he is able to project from his body while in a meditative state. The discarnate moves into the ectoplasmic field and molds it according to his own features, to be recognizable to those at the seance.

      The creation of the body of Eve, drawn from self and not the animal kingdom, was a spiritual procreation, an immaculate form of conception. The indication is that the descendants of Adam were practicing this manner of propagation up to the time of Noah and the Flood. After Noah, the knowledge was generally lost, but restored (or brought to mind again) through the Virgin Birth.

       Were this turned to that period when this desire, then becomes consecrated . . . again in the virgin body of the mother of the Son of man, we see . . . that even that of the flesh may be—with the proper concept, [the] proper desire in all its purity—consecrated to the living forces as manifest by the ability in that body so brought into being, as to make a way of escape for the erring man.


      Uniting the opposing forces, the positive and negative, male and female, and bringing them into a creative balance and stabilizing our relationships with our “opposites,” becomes the way of returning and reuniting with the Oneness of Spirit.

       (Q) Is the destiny of woman’s body to return to the rib of man, out of which it was created? If so, how; and what is “the rib”?

       (A) With this ye touch upon delicate subjects, upon which much might be said respecting the necessity of that union of influences or forces that are divided in the earth in sex, in which all must become what? As He gave in answer to the question, “Whose wife will she be?”

       In the heavenly kingdom ye are neither married nor given in marriage; neither is there