Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert W. Krajenke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047255
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      The course of the five rivers is outlined and the lands they water are described. This description is included, not to pinpoint a definite location, but to make it all–inclusive. The Spirit was moving as one big stream of consciousness, manifesting in every possible way as part of man’s new abode.

      The river Pishon circled the land of Havilah, “where there is gold.” (Genesis 2:11) Gold is one of the basic forces within man that produces or allows consciousness. Gold is the connecting link between mind and body. The presence of gold helps make this symbolic picture all-inclusive.

       There are elements in the earth from which, to which, every atom of the body responds. Here we find that silver and gold are those necessary elements that are needed in body when mind has been attuned to Creative Forces for helpful influences.


      The following is a description given by Cayce of the earth’s surface at the time of the five projections.

       In the first, or that known as the beginning, or in the Caucasian and Carpathian, or the Garden of Eden, in that land which lies now much in the desert, yet much in mountain and much in the rolling lands there. The extreme northern portions were then the southern portions, or the polar regions were then turned to where they occupied more of the tropical and semi-tropical regions; hence it would be hard to discern or disseminate the change. The Nile entered into the Atlantic Ocean. What is now the Sahara was an inhabited land and very fertile. What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or, the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States. That along the Atlantic board formed the outer portion then, or the lowlands of Atlantis. The Andean, or the Pacific coast of South America, occupied then the extreme western portion of Lemuria. The Urals and the northern regions of same were turned into a tropical land. The desert in the Mongolian land was then the fertile portion . . . The oceans were then turned about; they no longer bear their names, yet from whence obtained they their names? What is the legend, even as to their names?


      From a Life reading, we find another indication of this projection.

       . . . we find the entity was in the Egyptian land, the Indian land, the lands from which most of those came for one of the branches of the first appearances of the Adamic influence that came as five at once into the expressions in the earth, or the expression in that now known as the Gobi land.


       There were also other centers that were developing. For in the projections they began as many, and in creating influences they began as five—or in those centers where crystallization or projection had taken on such form as to become what was called man.


      The soul whom we know as Adam, and later as Jesus, we know by other names through his subsequent incarnations in the earth. His Old Testament lives include those as Melchizedek, Enoch, Joseph, Joshua, and Jeshua. The readings state before this soul had an earthly name, his name as a soul, or celestial being, was Amilius.

       These [the Sons of God] were all together [in spirit] in Amilius. They were material bodies as came in Adam.


       And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every Tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

      But of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (Genesis 2:15-17)

      In the 9th verse, the existence of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was acknowledged; in the 17th verse, as the Sons of God enter into the earth, they are told definitely what their relationship to this “Tree” should be.

      Failure to heed the warning will result in the same loss of understanding and awareness as the spiritual darkness which preceded the creation of the earth.

       For that purpose came He into the earth . . . that there might be completed that as He had given, “In the day ye eat thereof, ye shall surely die.” In the day thou sinnest, ye have destroyed, then, that something in thine consciousness that must be paid, that must be met in thyself.


      And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field; and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them. (Genesis 2:19)

      According to a Cayce reading, this verse contains a hidden meaning.

       Hence, it is given in thy writings of Scripture (although in a hidden manner, ye may observe if ye will look) how Adam named those that were brought before him in creation. Their name indicates to the carnal mind their relationships in the sex condition or question.


      The desire for companionship is innate in God, and was the first cause for the creation of souls. Souls, created in the Image of God, carried the same desire.

       The story, the tale (if chosen to be called such) is one and the same. The apple, as “the apple of the eye,” the desire of that companionship innate in that created, as innate in the Creator, that brought companionship into creation itself. Get that one!


      With the evolution of the animal kingdom, souls began using various phases of animal life as the negative force for their projections. At first this had occurred spiritually, through the creation of thought-forms. Eventually, as these thoughts became more crystallized and hardened through the living power which had been projected into them, they became living creatures and began to populate the earth—a mixture of thought-forms and animal life. Great monstrosities evolved, and many other sordid and unnatural creatures which were eventually eliminated at the time of the Flood.

      It is interesting to note that verse 19 of the King James translation, when the animals are brought before him, is the first reference to Adam by name. Until then he is referred to solely as “the man.” The Lamsa translation refers to Adam throughout. The Catholic New American Bible uses “the man” exclusively.

      Liberal theologians claim Genesis is a symbolic account of the evolutionary events in the history of mankind, created from speculations of early man once consciousness had evolved. “The man,” or “Adam,” is the personification of the entire human family. Some say Moses was aware of other forms of human life, but that he represented the highest order, the most advanced, and his account is not about mankind in general, but only of his race, or superior order. The Humanist scholars assert man evolved from the lower forms of life, and was not “created.”

      The Fundamentalists assert literally man was a spontaneous creation of God, and did not evolve. They also claim that man is literally descended from two original parents, Adam and Eve.

      According to the Cayce readings, a great deal of Truth is found in both positions, but neither one has “all the truth.” There is evolution, and man’s physical frame was modeled after the highest of the primates—the great ape. The ape was used as a pattern. But the soul, with its consciousness and creativity, improved even upon that form. Thus man appeared. There was a set of first parents, a literal Adam and Eve. But they are also symbolic of all the “first parents” in all the five lines of the Adamic race, and were the highest order of the many varied forms of soul-life that were manifesting.

      Adam’s search for a helper, or “helpmeet,” suggests a larger pattern. The Life readings show that many Sons of God