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Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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Great Wall (a historic landmark in Northern China)

      chángchu 长处 N strong point, merit, strength

      chángdù 长度 N length

      chángduǎn 长短 N 1 length 2 right and wrong 3 mishap, accident

      Chángjiāng 长江 N the Yangtze River (China’s longest river)

      chángpǎo 长跑 N long-distance running

      chángqī 长期 N a long period of time

      chángshòu 长寿 ADJ enjoying longevity

      chángtú 长途 N long distance

      chángyuǎn 长远 ADJ long-term, long-range

      cháng 尝 TRAD 嘗 V taste

      chángshì 尝试 V try

      cháng 偿 TRAD 償 V make up, compensate

      chánghuán 偿还 V pay back (a debt)

      cháng 常 I ADV often

      chángcháng 常常 I ADV often II ADJ 1 common, regular 2 normal

      chángguī 常规 ADJ regular, conventional

      chángnián 常年 ADV all year round

      chángshí 常识 N 1 common sense 2 basic knowledge

      chángwù 常务 ADJ day-to-day

      cháng 肠 TRAD 腸 N intestine

      chángwèibìng 肠胃病 N gastrointestinal disease

      chángyán 肠炎 N enteritis

      chǎng 厂 TRAD 廠 N factory, works, mill

      chǎngfáng 厂房 N factory building

      chǎngshāng 厂商 N 1 factory, firm 2 factory owner

      chǎngzhǎng 厂长 N factory manager

      chǎng 敞 V open

      chǎngkāi 敞开 V open wide

      chǎng 场 TRAD 場 I N ground, field II M. WD (for movies, sport events, etc.)

      chǎngdì 场地 N venue (especially for sports)

      chǎnghé 场合 N occasion, situation

      chǎngmiàn 场面 N scene (in a play, movie, etc.)

      chǎngsuǒ 场所 N place (for public activity)

      chàng 倡 V initiate

      chàngyì 倡议 I V propose II N proposal, suggestion

      chàng 唱 V sing

      chàng piàn 唱片 N album (of songs, music)

      chàng 畅 TRAD 暢 ADJ uninhibited, unimpeded

      chàngkuài 畅快 ADJ carefree

      chàngtán 畅谈 V talk freely and openly

      chàngtōng 畅通 ADJ unimpeded, flowing freely and smoothly

      chàngxiāo 畅销 V sell well

      chāo 抄 V copy by hand

      chāoxiě 抄写 V Same as 抄 chāo

      chāo 超 V go beyond, exceed

      chāochǎn 超产 V exceed production quota

      chāochū 超出 V go beyond, exceed

      chāo’é 超额 V exceed quotas

      chāoguò 超过 V 1 overtake 2 exceed

      chāojí 超级 ADJ super

      chāojíshìchǎng 超级市场 N supermarket, supermart

      chāoliànjiē 超链接 N (Internet) hyperlink

      chāoshēngbō 超声波 N ultrasonic wave, supersonic wave

      chāoyuè 超越 V transcend, surpass

      chāo 钞 TRAD 鈔 N paper money

      chāopiào 钞票 N paper money, banknotes

      cháo 朝 I V face II PREP towards, to III N dynasty

      cháodài 朝代 N dynasty

      Cháoxiǎn 朝鲜 N North Korea

      cháo 潮 ADJ wet

      cháoshī 潮湿 ADJ damp, humid

      cháoshuǐ 潮水 N tidewater

      cháo 嘲 V jeer, mock

      cháoxiào 嘲笑 V ridicule, sneer at

      cháo 巢 N nest

      chǎo 吵 I V (Same as 吵架 chǎojià) quarrel II ADJ (Same as 吵闹 chǎonào II) noisy

      chǎojià 吵架 V quarrel

      chǎonào 吵闹 I V wrangle, raise hell II ADJ noisy, hustle and bustle

      chǎozuǐ 吵嘴 V bicker, quarrel

      chǎo 炒 V 1 stir-fry, roast 2 sensationalize, create a commotion

      chē 车 TRAD 車 N vehicle, traffic

      chéchuáng 车床 N machine tool

      chējiān 车间 N workshop (in a factory)

      chēliàng 车辆 N vehicles, traffic

      chēxiāng 车厢 N carriage (in a train)

      chēzhàn 车站 N bus stop, coach station, railway station

      chě 扯 V 1 pull 2 tear 3 chat

      chè 撤 V 1 remove 2 withdraw, retreat

      chètuì 撤退 V retreat

      chèxiāo 撤销 V cancel, revoke

      chè 彻 TRAD 徹 ADJ thorough

      chèdǐ 彻底 ADJ thorough, complete

      chén 臣 N (in ancient times) minister, official

      chén 辰 N 1 celestial body 2 time

      chén 沉 I V sink II ADJ 1 deep, profound 2 heavy

      chédiàn 沉淀 I V (of a substance) precipitate, settle II N sediment

      chénjìng 沉静 ADJ serene, placid

      chénmèn 沉闷 ADJ 1 (of weather) depressing, oppressive 2 (of moods) in low spirit 3 (of ambiance, atmosphere) dull, boring

      chénmò 沉默 ADJ silent, reticent

      chénsī 沉思 V ponder, be lost in thought

      chéntòng 沉痛 ADJ deeply grieved, in deep sorrow

      chénzhòng 沉重 ADJ heavy, serious

      chénzhuó 沉着 ADJ cool-headed, composed

      chén 陈 TRAD 陳 I ADJ old, stale II V display

      chénjiǔ 陈酒 N vintage wine

      chénjiù 陈旧 ADJ old-fashioned, outdated

      chénliè 陈列 V display, exhibit

      chenshù 陈述 V state (one’s views, reasons, etc.)

      chén 晨 N early morning (See 早 晨 zǎochén)

      chén 尘 TRAD 塵 N dust (See 灰尘 huīchén)

      chèn 衬 TRAD 襯 N (clothes) lining, underwear

      chènshān 衬衫 N shirt

      chènyī 衬衣 N shirt or similar underwear

      chèn 趁 PREP taking advantage of, while, when