bréwo, bréwa-bréwo poorly groomed.
bréwok whiskers, long sideburn hair;
bréwoken to be whiskered, bearded.
brèwu or mbrèwu very wealthy.
bréyo, bréya-bréyo poorly groomed, sloppy in personal appearance.
bréyot, mbréyot heavy and unwieldy to carry.
bribah var of brebah.
bribi, mbribeni to wake s.o. up by making too much noise;
kebribènan to be awakened by noise;
bribin lit disturbed by sounds;
bribin-bribin reg to keep telling s.t. to s.o.
bribik I woodworm.
II bribik-bribik just starting out on a job/career.
bribil 1/2-cent coin used during the colonial period. See also bil.
bribuk, mbribuk 1 to grease; 2 to persuade.
brigi, briga-brigi to scowl.
brigih, brigah-brigih to feel uncertain.
brikut var of brukut.
bril reg var of bribil.
brindhil 1 denuded; 2 to fall off/out;
mbrindhili 1 to denude s.t.; 2 to drop off (of leaves).
bringas hot-tempered, wild;
bringasan furious, jumpy, restless (rather than calm and serene).
bringkal var of brengkal. bringkil small lump, reg var of pringkil;
mbringkil forming a lump.
bringkung, bringkang-bringkung or pating bringkung to feel aversion to s.o. esp because of their undesirable behaviour.
bringkut reg var of brengkut.
bringsang unbearably hot; hot and sweaty.
brintik curly hair; kinky.
bris hair on the chest.
brisat, mbrisat to go away in the face of warnings to the contrary (var of bresat).
brisik, noisy, boisterous, tumultuous, uproarious;
mbrisiki to produce an irritating rasping noise.
britan backyard (var of buritan).
briyeng,mbriyeng (to have) sick headaches.
briyut I var of biyet.
II var of bliyut.
brobah var brubah.
brobol, mbrobol to come out of a hole.
brobos, mbrobos to creep under or through;
brobosan (s.t. which is) crawled under/through.
brocèl scarred;
pating brocèl scarred in many places. See also bocèl.
brodhol 1 to drop off/out; 2 threadbare;
mbrodhol or mbrodholi to lose hair/ feathers.
brog repr a soft thud.
brojol lower on one side than the other;
mbrojol to slip out of a hole;
kebrojol to come out accidently;
kebrojolan 1 to give birth unexpectedly; 2 to come out accidently.
brok repr a sudden fall, esp s.o. falling on their rear;
ngebrok 1 to stay s.w; 2 to settle in; 3 (of kites) to fail to get off the ground; 4 to dirty one's pants;
ngebroki to take up occupancy of; to occupy a place.
brokat brocade(d fabric).
brokoh a basket that stands on four short legs;
brokohan 1 ceremony held for a child at birth, when the umbilical cord drops off, and in connection with the naming ceremony; 2 voluntary help offered to the village head by his people;
mbrokohi to hold the above ceremonies for (an infant).
brokok reg var of brokoh.
brol or mak brol repr copiously or effortlessly coming forth;
brol-brolan to emerge in large quantities; to come out profusely;
bral-brol to come out easily;
sabrolan emerging copiously and simultaneously.
brom bronze metal paint;
ngebrom to paint s.t. with bronze paint;
brom-broman painted with bronze paint. Also bron.
brombong water pipe (var of brumbung).
bron var of brom.
brondhol sparse (of hair, feathers);
mbrondhol to cut or wear one's hair short;
brondholan stump of a cut sugarcane plant.
brondong I popcorn.
II mbrondong to fire missiles at;
brondongan spray of bullets;
bebrondongan volley of gunfire, to keep firing.
broneng (browning-) revolver.
brongkal, mbrongkal to raise (s.t. heavy) on one side/edge;
brongkalan (forming) a heap, a pile of stones.
brongkos a vegetable dish seasoned with a certain fruit (kluwak);
mbrongkos 1 to make (ingredients) into the above dish; 2 to wrap, make into a bundle.
brongos, mbrongos to touch with a burning object; to singe, scorch;
kebrongos to get scorched/singed.
brongot var of brongos.
brongsong var of blongsong.
bronjong cylindrical basket for transporting large bulky objects.
brono, mbrono (Yogya slang) var of mrono.
brontak a rebellion;
mbrontak to rebel; to carry out a coup;
pambrontak 1 a rebel; 2 rebellion.
brontok (of skin) rash or acne;
mbrontok having skin rash or acne.
brosot, mbrosot 1 to leave without explanations; 2 to drop, fall; to become low(er), (var of mrosot);
kebrosot to be given the slip.
brotol the part of a bird below the cloacal opening.
brubah to change s.t. from its former condition;
brubahan a change; changed (of rules).
brubuh destroyed, wiped out; perang fierce war that causes total destruction (see perang); - Ngalengka the destruction of the kingdom of Ngalengka; mbrubuh or mbrubuhi to destroy, wipe out.
brubul, mbrubul or pating brubul to pour out in large numbers. See also gumrubul.
brubus repr smoke puffing out;
mbrubus to escape by hissing;
mbrubusi to boil s.t. to get rid of its bad taste.
brubut or mak brubut repr fast running;
pating brubut pl running swiftly;
mbrubut to break into a fast run.
brucèl var of brocèl. bruder Roman Catholic brother.
brudhul var of brubul.
brug I repr a plopping sound.
II soil-tamping