Javanese English Dictionary. Stuart Robson, Dr.. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Stuart Robson, Dr.
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910618
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repr a fleeting sound or sensation; 3 repr whisking past;

      brebet-brebet or brebat-brebet to whisk past frequently.

      brèbèt repr a ripping sound. sabrèbètan at a quick glance.

      brecok, pating brécok pl (of tree trunks) badly scarred with cuts.

      bredhel, mbredhel to crack or snap easily (var of mbedhel).

      brèdhel ban, prohibition;

      mbrèdhel to ban.

      breg or mak breg repr s.t. heavy dropping;

      breg-bregan to keep coming one after the other;

      kebregan to be felled.

      brèg repr a thump;

      brag-brèg repr repeated thumps.

      bregada brigade var of bergada.

      bregadag, mbregadag 1 yellowish red; 2 a certain skin rash (var of bergadag).

      bregagah, mbregagah to stand with the legs wide apart (var of mbegagah); fig to commit o.s. to.

      bregajag, mbregajag or bergajagan ill-mannered, discourteous.

      bregajul playboy, wolf.

      bregandang, mbregandang to drag s.o. (var of bergandhang).

      breganjok, mbreganjok hard to get along with (var of berganjok).

      bregas having a fresh attractive appearance (var of bergas).

      bregedeg, mbregedeg in large quantities (var of bergedeg).

      bregedèl see begedèl, bergedèl.

      bregedud, mbregedud obstinate, deaf to advice, headstrong.

      bregegeg see bergegeg.

      bregègèh see bergègèh.

      bregejeg, bregejegan to quarrel, have a dispute or difference of opinion. See also regejeg.

      bregènggèng, mbregènggèng 1 to be getting better; 2 to start being wealthy.

      bregodog see bergodog.

      bregogok see bergogok.

      breguguk see berguguk.

      bregundung, mbregundung obstinate, wilful, headstrong (var of bergundung).

      brèh, brah-brèh or ngebreh wasteful, extravagant; - wèh overgenerous.

      brèjèl or mak brejel cr repr a birth;

      mbrèjèl repr emerging, esp from a hole.

      brejel 1 var of brojol; 2 mbrejel to come out; 3 kebrejel to come out unintentionally.

      brek 1 or mak brek repr; 2 repr feet marching in unison;

      brek-brekan plenty, in a great column.

      brèk or mak brèk 1 repr ripping; 2 repr a slamming sound;

      brak-brèk to make slamming, banging sounds.

      brekat see berkat.

      brekecak, mbrekecak or mbrekecek to splutter; fig to talk copiously (var of bekecek).

      brekeneng, brekenengan to argue heatedly (var of bekeneng).

      breketépé var of bleketépé.

      brekik (pron as: breki:k), pating brekik pl to shriek. See also bekik.

      brem I 1 an alcoholic liquor of fermented rice; 2 cakes made with this liquor.

      II a small beetle.

      bremana var of brahmana.

      bremani var of brahmani.

      bremantya see bramantya.

      brendhèl, mbrendhel or pating brendhel 1 full of knots or tangles; 2 having many small things to carry. Also brendhil.

      brèndhèl to drop, fall off/out, moult. See also brindhil).

      brèndhi brandy.

      brendhil var of brendhel.

      brendhol pl of bendhol.

      brendhul, mbrendhul or pating brendhul pl having many things to carry.

      bréné, mbréné (Yogya slang) var of mréné.

      breng, or mak breng 1 repr perceiving an odour; 2 repr a concerted departure; 3 syllable chanted in making a concerted effort.

      brèng or mak brèng repr a metallic clang;

      brang-brèng to keep clanging.

      brengangah, mbrengangah flushed with emotion.

      brengangang, mbrengangang 1 to buzz, whine, hum; jig to complain; 2 redfaced with emotion.

      brengengeng, mbrengengeng to buzz, whine, hum.

      brengganu a variety of citrus fruit (var of trengganu). See also jeruk I.

      brènggèh 1 branched out, ramified; 2 false, perfidious.

      brenggèl, mbrenggèl bumpy, uneven.

      brenginging high-pitched whining, e.g. of a mosquito;

      mbrenginging to whine.

      bréngkal, mbréngkal 1 to raise (s.t. heavy) on one side/edge; 2 in/to wake s.o. up.

      brèngkèl, mbrèngkèl to contradict, oppose;

      brèngkèlan disputatious.

      brengkélé, mbrengkélé selfish, self-centred.

      brengkelo, mbrengkelo stubborn, obstinate, opinionated.

      brèngkès or brèngkèsan fish or meat baked in a banana-leaf wrapping;

      mbrèngkès or mbrèngkèsi to make (ingredients) into this dish.

      brengkiyeng var of bengkiyeng.

      brengkolang, mbrengkolang to throw a missile.

      brengkowang, mbrengkowang or brengkowangan to talk loudly.

      brengkunung, mbrengkunung stubborn, headstrong.

      brengkut, mbrengkut 1 to be carrying a number of things all atonce; 2 to start on a task in a brisk businesslike way.

      brengkutis a kind of dung beetle.

      brengok, pating brengok pl to shout (see also bengok).

      brengos ng, kr, rawis hi. moustache; ­ kepleh drooping moustache; - lemet slim moustache;

      - sumpel small close-cropped moustache; - wulu lutung false moustache made of long black ape hair;

      mbrengosi to apply a false moustache on s.o.'s face;

      bréngosan to wear a moustache.

      brengos var of brengos.

      brengungung a deep, far-off roaring or rumbling;

      mbrengungung to produce such a sound.

      brenjèh, brenjèhen covered with skin infections.

      brenjih var of brenjèh.

      brenjul a bump on a surface;

      mbrenjul bumpy, uneven;

      brenjulan a bumpy part;

      pating brenjul pl bumpy, knobbly.

      bres 1 repr sudden heavy rain; 2 repr the sound of s.t. colliding.

      bresat, mbresat to go away in the face of advice to the contrary. See also brisat.

      brèsèt 1 unfair (cockfighting tactics); 2 excessively fond of the opposite sex.

      bresot, mbresot 1 to go away; 2 var of bresat.

      bret or mak bret 1 repr perceiving an odour; 2 repr cloth tearing.

      brèt or mak bret 1 repr cloth