He Who Returned. Martin Fieber. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Martin Fieber
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783935422819
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couple days. Truly alone, he hoped. He did not want to see another person except for his mother and Joshua. At the moment it was not easy to live. He noticed how his heavy thoughts were weighing down on him.

      He thought of Bakenor, the Essene, his fatherly friend in Egypt. Yes, he would like to be there now. There he was respected. There one had spoken with him and prepared him for his great task. It had been so natural for him to ask Bakenor the questions that arose in his soul. Bakenor had told him much about the creation of the world and of peoples that lived on other planets. It was fascinating for him to learn all of this, for it seemed as if he had always known it already. Nothing was new for him, none of what the Egyptian spoke sounded incredible to him. These talks with Bakenor were so fulfilling that he even enjoyed the rather boring lessons about the content of the torah. On the one hand the torah was read to him in Hebrew back then, so that he already understood the language very well by now. And then Bakenor also read to him from the torah in Greek, which also led to him understanding this language and his ability to already speak it fairly well. Jesus recalled how Bakenor had once tired to convince him that ha had to learn much in his early years since he would not have as much time for it later on. Additionally, Bakenor instructed him on the divine laws, the universal rules of life. He instructed him that the earth was a large school for unwilling and backward spirits which lent themselves a body for the duration of their life here. The Essene had also explained to him that he would feel older than even the oldest humans he would meet. He would have to realize this as soon as possible. He was only to meet a few people with whom a soul connection and a deeper understanding would be possible.

      Yes, one of them he had already found, here in this village. This made him feel better. The joy he felt chased away the heavy thoughts and made him very happy. He noticed that he was becoming tired, and this time was able to fall asleep peacefully.


      When Joshua noticed Jesus, Simeon was just searching for Rachel. Both of them were blindfolded. Once again the children were playing Simeon’s favorite game, who, if he played at all, always had to be the Lord.

      “Jacob, where are you?” Simeon shouted across the square.

      “Here“, Rachel replied with a gentle voice. Amos, the best friend of Simeon, usually tried to give Simeon secret hints on how to find Jacob as quickly as possible. But today he didn’t, for he had spied the newcomer. Jesus stepped up into the circle next to Joshua and watched the children play.

      “Ah, our Messiah has come!”, Amos laughed mockingly. “Don’t you all want to fall on your knees before him?” Amos continued laughing until he got the support of Simeon who had taken of his blindfold.

      “Yes, you are right Amos, it is the Messiah, our saviour who wants to free us from the Romans.”

      “Amos, Simeon, be quiet“, Rachel interrupted them. “You are just full of yourselves again. Let him play if he wants to.”

      “All right blue-eyes, then show us what you can do.” Simeon’s dark eyes flashed at Jesus. “I would suggest that our Messiah plays the Lord. He must know him well.” Simeon laughed.

      Whenever Simeon laughed, his face took on the appearance of a rat due to his eyes being so close together. His pointy nose increased this effect.

      “And I will play Jacob today, his honorable slave. “ Simeon made sheep sounds.

      Many of the children screamed with merriment.

      Simeon tied his blindfold around his eyes. “Scarface, don’t give the Messiah any hints. And Rachel, you friend of the blue-eyed one, secure him with the blindfold.

      Amos gave her the blindfold.

      Jesus, who had not said anything until then, knew that he had to restrain himself if he did not wish to evoke even more animosity from the children. “Rachel, thank you for your help.”

      “Blue-eyes, don’t bother with your holy babble. Get started and look for me instead. Ready, set, go!” Simeon was in his element. He felt good when he could verbally attack others. Both of the children were about thirty feet apart, and each of them was rotated a few times to lose any sense of direction. Now the greatest game that had ever existed in Nazareth could begin.

      “Jacob, where are you?”, Jesus called out in his calm manner.

      “Here, oh my saviour“, Simeon aped Jesus.

      Most of the children screamed with delight. Joshua and Rachel gave each other concerned looks, but said nothing.

      “Here I am. Lord, my saviour, find me.” The hatefulness was increasing, however Jesus became calmer and calmer. He had closed his eyes.

      But then Jesus always saw what he could not see with open eyes. He saw the contours of the children. They were very bright, and had different colors. Today he also saw other, dark entities standing among the children. He saw Simeon, standing opposite him.

      He wanted to walk directly towards him when he suddenly heard a very insistent voice: “Do not find Simeon. Pretend to be completely clueless. Do not tell anyone that you are able to see even with a blindfold on.”

      Jesus was surprised, for this voice did not come very often. And whenever it had, the situations had always been difficult ones. However this situation did not seem difficult, though it was uncomfortable. However Jesus did as the voice had recommended. He knew exactly that the mocking would increase in the next few moments, but he trusted his intuition.

      “Jacob, where are you?” Jesus went in the wrong direction on purpose.

      “Here, my Lord.” Simeon’s croaking was atrocious. Jesus turned around and went in his direction. After all he should not act too conspicuously. He spotted two very colorful harmonic contours outside in the circle. One of them had to be Rachel, whom he had taken into his heart from the first moment on. The other was probably Joshua.

      The game went on and on. The children laughed about the hatefulness of Simeon and Amos and about the stupidity of their new Lord. They admired how Simeon seemed to escape from seemingly difficult situations again and again. The game had never gone on this long before.

      Jesus often approached the children in the circle. Most of the time he was pushed back into the circle rather roughly. However he once approached the two beautiful colors on purpose. When he was gently turned around so that he could return into the circle he was certain that it was Rachel. This was immediately confirmed. She whispered in his ear where Simeon was currently at.

      “Oh well blue-eyes, looks like there is no point in continuing.” Simeon was quickly losing interest, for he was not very patient anyway. “I would say that we will end the game now. Boys and girls, now I would say it is proven that our Messiah is none at all. He is even more stupid than Jeroham’s donkey.”

      The children laughed. Simeon spat on the ground spitefully and disappeared with his pals and most of the children toward the meadow outside of the village. However all of the girls as well as Ismael, Joseph and a couple others stayed with Jesus.

      Joshua felt like lending Jesus his support, but was surprised to see that his eyes were beaming and that he smiled when he had taken off his blindfold. Jesus had nothing in common with the Jesus he had visited just a few hours ago in his chambers.

      “That was not very nice of the others.”, Rachel began. “Don’t let it get to you. Whoever has little in their head, has all the more stupid things to say about others. I thought you did a good job Jesus.” her face shone when she smiled. “Joshua told me that you prefer to be called Jesus. “

      “And there I thought I had been a total failure at searching.” Jesus was still smiling. He would have liked to say something about her beautiful colorful radiance, but that would have given him away.

      “Yeschua, em, Jesus“, Ismael stammered. “Did your father really mean what he said? Are you the Messiah?”

      “Ismael, it is not important who that is. The main thing is that he comes some day. You will be able to remember the Messiah later on.” He smiled from the bottom of his heart,