He Who Returned. Martin Fieber. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Martin Fieber
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783935422819
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Nazareth and Mt. Tabor. Tai Shiin, the deputy commander of the entire space fleet of the Santinians and simultaneously the one appointed to watch over the soul which was to become known as Jesus Christ in the future all over earth, looked at two screens with great concentration. He was sitting in the middle of the commando room. Arranged around him in a semicircle were two large screens, several keypads that could be used whenever a certain thought concentration could not be maintained. Though this had never yet happened, the Santinians had to be prepared for everything when they approached the influence of the darkness.

      The larger of the screens showed Jesus’ sleeping body, whose soul was currently recuperating from the difficult day in a sphere of the spiritual realm that had been chosen for this purpose. The smaller screen showed the sleeping Joshua, whose soul, like those of all other people, was also recuperating in the spiritual realm. In the so-called dream each soul changed over into the spiritual realm and spent time in areas there where it felt drawn to energetically. The soul could then recuperate in these areas when the stresses and strains on earth were too great. However they spent most of the time in training sessions where they where instructed on their learning aspects. Shortly before the person awoke again the soul returned into the earthly body in order to be ready to implement the teachings received in daily life.

      It was possible for the Santinians to look through walls and other barriers on earth and make everything invisible through their highly developed technology. Tai Shiin made a relaxed impression, for everything was going according to plan. Normally the supervision of the souls was the job of co-workers in the spiritual realm, but this was different with Jesus and Joshua. They both shared something: Their first incarnation ever took place on Metharia, the home planet of the Santinians. They had gotten to know each other there. Their souls were energetically bound to that planet through those shared experiences on Metharia and were subject to the care of the Santinians. Yes, for this reason Jesus was a Santinian, if one wanted to put it that way.

      But everyone did all they possibly could for Jesus, the Santinian. The mission of Jesus was not comparable with any other mission that he had experienced in the long time of his existence. This mission of Jesus, this first spirit, who had already existed as a soul before any planet in the entire universe had been created, entailed the return of fallen souls into the spiritual light, their true home. Through the enormous energetic difference between his spiritual realm and the earthly one it was impossible for Jesus to have his soul incarnate directly into a human body without preparation. An intermediary step was necessary. This consisted in incarnating on a planet that was far advanced in terms of the level of development of the humans living on it, which however was still considered to be of the material realm. Thus he was able to adjust to a kind of materiality. This planet had been Metharia a long time ago, the home of the Santinians. Thus Jesus was a Santinian.

      Incarnation! A completely normal idea for Tai Shiin, and a word which the Santinians had integrated into their language thousands of years ago. But most of the people on earth considered incarnation, and even more so reincarnation, to be impossible. Very few people here knew about the eternal laws of the central consciousness, among which the repeated embodiment of a soul in a material body happened to be one. Reincarnation was the origin of all divine laws that played a role in the earthly realm, it was fundamental.

      Tai Shiin still could recall this incarnation well, when Jesus had incarnated on Metharia. This life brought with it the great mission he and thousands of Santinians had committed to who were to meet in person in this incarnation and were allowed to experience Jesus firsthand and learn much from him.

      All of the nearly three billion Santinians in existence were however involved in the mission in some way, even if they were on their way in another area of the universe or responsible for the power supply of Metharia back home. At least in their thoughts they supported this difficult task of Jesus. And thoughts of Santinians were strengthened and concentrated light rays, and they had enormous power. Humanity would discover lasers in a couple thousand years, but even laser power would not be comparable to the light which the thoughts of the Santinians emitted. In comparison the thoughts of people on earth were like wildly flickering oil lamps, whose light cast blurry and spooky shadows on the wall. The possible effect of so many billion bright thoughts became apparent to Tai Shiin again with each new day. He and the thousands of other Santinian space farers who were doing their duty far from home in the area of Earth felt protected and supported by the love that they received from their sisters and brothers some 4,3 light-years away.

      Tai Shiin concentrated on the invisible fields on the screen, until the images of both of the sleepers disappeared and were replaced with some current news in the form of short films about his home planet Metharia. A humanity of a distant galaxy had joined the confederation of all space faring humanities to which the Santinians also belonged. Furthermore a group of scientists had developed a telepathic amplifier which allowed for even greater precision in the transference of thoughts, which was especially beneficial for the Santinian space farers. But then the happiest news for him appeared: his sister Almia had become mother of a very sweet daughter. Tai Shiin laughed, but he was also overcome by a bit of wistfulness.

      Especially in moments like these Tai Shiin missed his home, for he had been travelling a long time in the spaceship and would not see Metharia for a long time. He missed being together with Santinian community, especially the morning rituals where nearly all of the inhabitants of the planet met in large natural outdoor areas at the same time and praised the greatness of God and his creation at sunrise, thanking him for having been created. Metharia had two suns, it never was completely dark on the planet. Nonetheless it was always a magnificent spectacle when it became light and the light spread out more and more to encompass all beings in it. He missed all of the celebrations– for example the weddings, where several hundred Santinians would gather and bless the freshly wed couple with their joy. Or the celebrations for children who where accompanied by all family members, friends and acquaintances into new phases of their life through holy rituals or small tests. But also the exalted moments, in which the Santinians bade farewell full of gratitude and love to older Santinians who consciously wished to return to the spiritual realm as their wheel of destiny had preordained. He recalled how his grandfather Manthor had changed over to the spiritual realm many years ago. Manthor’s life was shown via films. In those he reported on his insights, how he had contributed to Gods evolution – just as every other incarnated soul –, but also which questions regarding the development of all creatures in the universe and anti-universe he still could not answer. Humorous moments in his life were shared, there was much laughter and celebration, until Manthor had retreated onto a green meadow where his soul had consciously returned to his true home. The remaining body then was dematerialized. After that his family had bid farewell to soul in the form of a pray and the children were told of the insights which Manthor had collected in his life and what legacy he was passing on to the following generations.

      Tai Shiin smiled, for his grandfather had been a courageous space farer who had discovered a new galaxy with his crew and had made a divine peace contract with the inhabitants of a planet.

      He himself was not such a courageous space voyager, however he had other abilities. This consciousness, with which the Santinians honored their life, filled Tai Shiin. The Santinians blessed everything that they did with thankfulness and love. This consciousness was also practiced here in the space station, in living together with the many other space farers. Compared to this the earth was a no-mans land. The people on earth whiled away their lives, did things that they sometimes did not want to do at all, and had conversations without really listening. In short: they eked out a miserable existence. But this was not so important right now. He sent his sister a loving thought greeting and returned his attention to the present. Both of the sleepers reappeared on the screens.

      As Tai Shiin thought about the previous day, when Jesus und Joshua had gotten to know each other a little better for the first time, he had to smile. It had gone well. Joshua had unconsciously remembered the task which he had set himself. And Jesus, who was to meet some mature souls on his life’s journey, now had also found a soul in Galilee that could share a certain familiarity with him for a while. After all a friend with whom one had a good understanding was something important and not to be compared to a mother, even if she loved him more than anything else.

      Tai Shiin knew about the enormous importance of