“What, you demand four Sesterzes for this lesser quality? It is not even worth three ...”
“… caraway … sixteen As, there’s no way I would pay more.”
“Very well. Let’s finalize the deal then. Sixteen As. May the Lord bless our trade.”
“ … you son of y drunken whore. What is that supposed to be? …“
“Are you trying to insult me?”
“ … this … is not a salad. … Those are weeds that the goats have shat on.”
“…usury! May God burn your lineage and extinguish you from the face of the earth.”
Then Joshua heard the voice of his father, who had just bought his frankincense, as usual.
“We have a deal. Four denars and six lepta. Cyrus, you have the best quality as always. God bless our business. May I bring you a bowl of goat milk later on?”
Then Joshua saw Jesus approaching him with a smile.
“Is it not interesting? When caravans come then there is really a lot going on here. You should have seen the market in Alexandria. This meadow would not have been large enough to contain all of the merchants.”
“That large?” Joshua was impressed. He thought that this was already very large, but could hardly imagine a market even larger than the meadow. Maybe Jesus had fibbed a little.
“You would have enjoyed it. There were a lot of merchants in Alexandria who dealt in fine papyrus. Nothing like the scraps that I saw Samuel has.”
“Even more beautiful?”
“Yes, and they also had very fine parchment. I had not even seen such fine parchment in the library of Alexandria.”
“What is a library?”
“A place where many different writings are stored.”
“Such a place exists?”
“Oh yes, Joshua. I loved the many writings, and especially the place itself, for it was very quiet.”
“I would also like to see a lirba…“
“Yes, exactly, I would also like to see such a place sometime. It must be the most beautiful place in the world.”
“I have only seen few places more beautiful.”
Joshua looked around and became aware of the bustle around him again.
“Yes, but I enjoy just as much being among people, seeing the various colorful clothes and faces and hearing the different languages.”
“That is something we have in common Joshua. I like that too. As you can imagine I especially like spending time with the Egyptians if there are any around.”
“Where are these people journeying to?”
“They are continuing on to Damascus. A long way. Well, I have to get going. Joseph is already waiting back there with my brothers. God protect you my friend.”
“God protect you too Jesus.” Those were wonderful words which would nourish Joshua for a long time. He was happy that Jesus was his friend. That which he radiated, the nice conversations that he had with him now and then were all very fulfilling. Jesus was someone special. He knew this for sure. But now he too to get going, for he did not want such a harmonious day to end in pain. Fear drove him home.
The family of the rabbi had just finished their evening meal. Samuel felt very good today. He had made a good trade earlier in the day. Now he still wanted to bring a bowl of goat milk to Cyrus, the merchant, in the caravansary. Things would have calmed down there by now. He set out on his way there after making sure that his children were getting ready for bed.
“Sarah, I will be right back.”
“Very well, but you will probably meet someone along the way anyway with whom you will talk half the night about the conditions around here. See you later.”
Samuel had walked out briskly into the alleyway. How dared his wife speak to him that way! After all these were serious topics, however of course women knew nothing about such matters. Only a few more feet across the stream and then he had reached the large courtyard whose doors were fortunately still open. They would be closed in a few moments so that the travelling merchants could not be robbed. After all there were plenty of thieves in this area. And one should not underestimate the zealots. And he, the rabbi of the village was responsible for the safety of the merchants. If anything were to happen to them it would quickly become known far and wide, and pretty soon then no more caravans would pass through Nazareth.
After he had brought Cyrus the bowl of milk, he met Jacob in front of the caravansary, who, just like him, was there to check and see whether everything was safe.
“Greetings Jacob, may the Lord give you a pleasant evening. Everything is on order here. The atmosphere among the merchants is good.”
“Are you happy with your frankincense?” Jacob knew that Samuel had made a large purchase earlier in the day.
“Yes, a very select quality. God gives in rich measure. Cyrus is reliable. The caravans that pass through here are getting larger and larger. Did you also see that one of the merchants even offered balm?”
“Yes, that I did.”
“And did you see that he sold his two small jugs?”
“No, is that really so?”
“I’m telling you it is! I think it was to the two families that built their houses at the other end of the village. They seem to be rich people, even though one can not tell by looking at them. Jeroham told me that they are friends of the Romans. They know some influential person in Sepphoris and earn their money with some kind of construction work.”
“Joseph will not be pleased if Roman families from outside come into this village now. Ah well, Joseph, perhaps he deserves this after having called his son the Messiah.”
“Oh Samuel, give it a rest now. Joseph is a nice guy who desires only to help everyone. He truly is a little talkative, but his heart is in the right spot. And besides, by now dust has settled on that whole matter. I have heard that his son is not the exactly the brightest when it comes to playing with the other children. He certainly is no Messiah. The village has already forgotten about that unfortunate incident.” Jacob raised his large shoulders.
“People are already ordering small stools Joseph again. They seem to have forgiven him. May you too forgive him. And Jesus, well, he seems to be a bit reserved sometimes and a bit odd, but he is a good kid.”
“You call him reserved? Pah, he is a know-it-all, a glib little lout. One who befouls the scriptures of our forefathers. And what is worst is that he is highly intelligent., or so at least it appears to me. Now Simeon on the other hand is truly stupid. But he is predictable. With him one always knows what to expect. But Yeshua? He is dangerous, mark my words.”
“Psst, do you here that flute melody, Samuel? Where is it coming from?” Jacob perked his ears.
“It seems to be coming from the hill up there.” They ran a few feet across the stream toward the only intersection in the village. And there sure enough a small figure playing a flute was coming down the stony path.
“That is Jesus. Were we not just speaking of him. He sure plays well for only being five years old.”
“No man plays flute, Jacob. Not even a boy. Flute playing is something for sissies“, Samuel whispered to Jacob, since Jesus was already closely.
“God be with you Rabbi, God be with you Jacob. No need to worry about me. I am already on my way home.”
“God be with you, Jesus.”