Your Chinese Horoscope 2012: What the year of the dragon holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007438020
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do need to be taken quickly.

      For Water Oxen seeking work, there can be important developments in store. Obtaining a new position will not be easy, but by considering the different ways in which they could use their experience and making a special effort with their applications, these Water Oxen will find doors opening for them. Results this year will come from hard work and giving that little bit extra, but with his prospects much improved next year, the experience the Water Ox gains now can be instrumental in his future progress.

      Financially, with personal commitments, accommodation plans and travel costs, the Water Ox will have many demands on his resources and will need to keep a close watch on spending and budget ahead. If he does not do so already, keeping a set of accounts could be helpful. Also, if he takes on any new commitment or enters into an agreement, he should check the terms and obligations and keep any paperwork and guarantees safely. This is no year for risk or oversight.

      In view of the busy nature of the year it is also important that the Water Ox keeps his lifestyle in balance and sets aside some time for relaxation and exercise. With this being an innovative time, should a fitness discipline, activity or recreational pursuit be introduced that appeals to him, he should follow it up. What he starts this year can bring him a great deal of pleasure and possible benefit both now and in the future.

      He should also make sure he keeps in regular contact with his friends. If meeting up is not always possible, a phone call or e-mail could be a good way to stay in touch. Contact with others can do the Water Ox a lot of good over the year, especially as it will give him the chance to discuss current activities and benefit from advice. April, May, July, September and early 2013 could see some good social opportunities.

      Domestically, the Water Ox will again see a lot of activity this year. He will give considerable help to both younger and more senior relatives and in addition will do much to ensure the smooth running of domestic life. While busy, this will often be very rewarding, and there could be a notable personal or family occasion to enjoy later on in the year.

      Overall, the Year of the Dragon will ask a lot of the Water Ox and will not always be easy or straightforward. However, one of the Water Ox’s strengths is his conscientious nature, and by doing his best and rising to the challenge, he can gain valuable experience and demonstrate his redoubtable qualities. The Dragon year may test him, but it will pave the way for some significant developments, particularly in the following Year of the Snake. What is achieved this year should not be underestimated, for its benefits can be considerable.


      Make full use of any chances to further your experience and gain new skills. Also, keep your lifestyle in balance and preserve time for your personal interests, friends and loved ones. These are important and special parts of your life. Be sure to treasure them.

      The Wood Ox

      The Wood Ox is both conscientious and ambitious. He is not one for fuss and sets about his activities in a quiet and methodical way. And his approach and style serve him well, allowing him to make steady progress. In 2012 he will continue to make headway, but this will not be without considerable effort on his part. The Dragon year can be challenging and the Wood Ox will not always be comfortable with the developments it brings. However, amid the pressures, there will be some special and personally significant times to enjoy.

      At work, many Wood Oxen will have established themselves in a company or organization and will not only have built up expertise in their present role but also made good contacts and friends. Over the year many will have the chance to build on this and be offered other responsibilities. However, while this represents progress, there could be a lot to learn and some adjustments to make, and the shift in role may sometimes be more difficult than the Wood Ox anticipated. Parts of the year can be exacting, but the Wood Ox is never one to shrink from a challenge and with time and patience will not only prove himself in a new capacity but will also find the experience helpful for the future. The Dragon year may not be easy but it can be instructive, and often significant in the longer term.

      For Wood Oxen who decide the time has come for a change, as well as those seeking work, events can move in curious ways. Obtaining a new position may be difficult, but by keeping alert, making enquiries and talking to contacts and those in a position to advise, the Wood Ox will find some interesting possibilities emerging. Sometimes these could be in an area or industry that is unfamiliar to him, but he will welcome the chance to do something different. Again any new role can be daunting, with a lot to learn, but what is achieved this year can lead to more possibilities opening up in the future.

      Another factor in the Wood Ox’s favour will be the opportunities he will have to work with new colleagues. Many will respond well to his quiet, conscientious nature and senior staff will be keen to support him, including putting him forward for training. March, May to early June, August and November could see some important developments.

      The progress the Wood Ox makes at work can lead to a rise in income, but throughout the year money matters will need care. The Wood Ox should keep a close watch on spending and be vigilant when dealing with important paperwork or making new commitments. Financially, this is a year to be alert and thorough, and if anything concerns him at any time, the Wood Ox should seek clarification and advice.

      A particular feature of the Dragon year is its sudden opportunities, and there could be chances for the Wood Ox to travel at short notice, perhaps to take a break or visit others. His interests can keep him active, too, and if he has the chance to attend events, shows and concerts, again perhaps at short notice, he should try to go. Admittedly the Wood Ox does like to plan ahead, but by being open to the more spontaneous nature of the year he can get to do some interesting and fun things.

      Once again he will value his close circle of friends over the year, and changes in his work and the various activities he pursues can also bring him into contact with others and result in some important new friendships being made. April, May, July, September and the start of 2013 could see the most social activity and, for the unattached, affairs of the heart are promising. Here again the Dragon year can bring sudden developments, and although the Wood Ox may prefer to take his time, for a few, finding love can be sudden and glorious.

      The Wood Ox’s home life will also see a lot happen this year. There will be important decisions to be made, some upheaval as plans take shape and also times of personal and family celebration. While a lot will work out favourably, there will be fraught moments when plans are disrupted or delayed (patience is not always a Wood Ox strong point!) and pressures mount. The Wood Ox should accept these as best he can and resolve to work around them. The year will contain its annoyances, but these should not be allowed to get out of proportion or undermine what can be a personally rewarding time.

      Overall, the Year of the Dragon can be a demanding one for the Wood Ox, but by rising to its challenges and doing his best, he will learn a lot, develop new strengths and win the respect of many. Headway made now can also have considerable bearing on his future progress. And his relations with others can be strong and meaningful, with many positive developments to enjoy.


      Being ambitious, you realize there are times when you need to push yourself forward and take on new and sometimes uncomfortable challenges. This is such a year. Make the most of your chances to extend your skills, as you can do your prospects a lot of good. Also, consult others and listen closely to their advice. The support you receive can be significant and your good relations with others can help you in many ways.

      The Fire Ox

      The Fire Ox can accomplish a lot this year, but it will require considerable effort. Progress will not be easy or automatic, but with persistence and hard work, important headway can be made.

      For the Fire Ox born in 1997 there is a Chinese proverb that it could be helpful to keep in mind this year: ‘Study hard when you are young or you’ll regret it when you are old.’ In the Dragon year the young Fire Ox should make every effort with his studying. This is his opportunity to prepare himself for what lies ahead. While the world of work and other responsibilities may be several years away, what he can learn now can bear important fruit later. This is no time to waste.