Your Chinese Horoscope 2012: What the year of the dragon holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007438020
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in view of this it is also important that the Ox does not neglect his own well-being. To skimp on exercise or a healthy diet could leave him lacking his usual energy and prone to minor ailments.

      In this busy year he should also allow time for his interests and recreational pursuits. No matter what he may enjoy doing in his spare time – something practical, sporting, creative or even educational – some regular ‘me time’ will do him good as well as bring him pleasure.

      In addition he will be grateful for the support of his friends and should never forget that they will be glad to assist if called upon to do so. While the Ox can be a somewhat private individual, he should also take up the social invitations he receives as well as go to any events that appeal to him. By doing so, he may meet some helpful people who in time can become loyal friends. April, May, July and September are likely to see the most social opportunities.

      The Ox’s home life will keep him busy during the year and there will need to be good co-operation and some flexibility as routines and work schedules change. Here the Ox’s methodical nature will help, particularly in thinking adjustments through and giving advice as needed. However, while the year will bring its pressures, there will also be pleasures. These may include success that comes after considerable effort and good news that the Ox will be keen to share. Domestically and personally, the Dragon year will contain some richly rewarding times.

      Nevertheless, it can also highlight an Ox weakness: when delays occur or problems arise, he is not slow to vent his feelings. In view of the irritations that are likely this year, he should try to show greater patience as well as watch his temper.

      Overall, although the Ox may not always feel comfortable with the year’s often heady pace, by concentrating on what he has to do and showing a willingness to adjust to new developments he can enjoy some notable achievements, add to his circle of friends and gain valuable new experience. And what he does this year can be taken further in 2013, the Year of the Snake, which is a particularly good one for him.

      The Metal Ox

      The Metal Ox has a great many strengths. He is determined, persistent and takes his responsibilities seriously. He is very much a no-nonsense sort and rather than delay or procrastinate, he simply likes to get on with things. However, despite his noble intentions, he could find the Dragon year frustrating. Some of his plans and hopes could be difficult to realize and he could also have a few problems to deal with. This may not be the smoothest of years for him, but despite its vexations, the Metal Ox is made of strong stuff and will not only have the chance to show his strengths but also find that out of difficulty new possibilities can arise.

      In his work he is likely to see considerable change. Not only may he be given different objectives but also see his role expanded in new ways. Many Metal Oxen could be faced with adapting to new working practices and could be concerned about some of the developments that take place and the speed with which they are introduced.

      However, while the Metal Ox may find parts of the year demanding, some of the tasks and objectives he is given will allow him to gain experience in new areas and prove himself in a different capacity. For the many Metal Oxen who decide to remain with their present employer this year, the experience they gain can be an important stepping-stone to future progress.

      For those intent on change or seeking work, the Dragon year can open up some interesting possibilities. Securing a position will not be easy, but by considering different ways in which they could use their skills, obtaining advice and looking at training possibilities, quite a few Metal Oxen will gain a new position that will be a base from which they can later progress. And, with their prospects greatly improved next year, any additional skills they can gain can be to their benefit in the near future. March, May, August to mid-September and November could see particularly encouraging developments.

      Another important feature of the year will be personal development, and many Metal Oxen will decide to enrol on courses or start a study programme, perhaps to gain an additional qualification. Finding time for this may sometimes be difficult, but what the Metal Ox is able to achieve can be a valuable legacy of the year.

      Throughout the year the Metal Ox should also be open to opportunities. Although he will have plans and hopes for 2012, he should not regard these as set in stone. Sometimes new ideas will arise or situations change, and by being flexible he will stand more chance of benefiting. During the Dragon year the winds of change and chance blow strongly.

      One area which could see sudden developments is travel. While the Metal Ox may prefer to plan ahead, this year he may well have the chance to go away at short notice. There could also be some particularly interesting travel possibilities towards the end of 2012 and early in 2013.

      The Metal Ox should, however, keep watch over his spending throughout the year. Without care, he could find his outgoings creeping up. This is a time for good financial management. In addition the Metal Ox needs to pay attention to tax and benefit matters as well as any other important documents he may receive. Delay or missed details could be to his disadvantage. Metal Oxen, take note, and do be thorough.

      Although, with all his various activities, the Metal Ox will be kept busy over the year, he should also make sure that his social life is not neglected. By keeping in regular contact with his friends he will not only benefit from their support but also enjoy the times spent together. His work and interests can also introduce him to new people, and Metal Oxen who are alone and would welcome more contact with others will find that taking up invitations and going to events in their area can lead to some significant new friendships being made. Mid-March to the end of May, July and September could see the most social activity.

      In the Metal Ox’s home life, this will be a busy year, with plans and routines subject to change. Adjustments will need to be made, but with co-operation, new patterns can quickly become established. Some Metal Oxen could also see family members leave home, particularly as children start university or take a new job, and here the Metal Ox’s attentive nature can help others through what can be a daunting stage in their life.

      With his practical nature, the Metal Ox will often have projects he will be keen to carry out over the year, but again this is a time for flexibility. Some plans may have to be put back or altered to fit in with other arrangements, but in some cases the delay could be a blessing in disguise as better alternatives arise.

      In general, the Year of the Dragon may not be the smoothest of years for the Metal Ox. However, by adapting to the situations in which he finds himself and doing his best, he can greatly add to his experience, and his persistence, discipline and personal qualities can lead to both present and future achievements. A challenging but significant year.


      Look to develop your skills and knowledge. Also, be adaptable as situations change and opportunities arise. What opens up now can be to your long-term advantage.

      The Water Ox

      This will be a variable year for the Water Ox. Progress will not be easy and parts of the year frustrating. However, while the Dragon year will bring its challenges, it will also have very definite benefits. The effort the Water Ox can put in and the skills he can show will give him the experience necessary for future success. In many ways this is a year of preparation for the better times ahead, especially next year.

      At work the Water Ox will often find his level of responsibility changing, with increased targets and objectives to meet. Not only can this add to his workload, but delays can occur, bureaucracy take time and people not be as co-operative or efficient as the Water Ox would like. At times he may be exasperated, but he should remain focused and do his best. His application and commitment will be noticed, and when targets are met and certain results achieved, the success will be all the more deserved.

      Another important factor of the year is that by rising to the challenge, the Water Ox will be adding to his experience and having the chance to demonstrate a wide range of skills. This will be to his benefit when opportunities arise in the future or he looks to move on.

      For those Water Oxen who feel the time is now right for change, March, May, August and November could bring some interesting possibilities, but