Your Chinese Horoscope 2012: What the year of the dragon holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007438020
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Tiger’s home life will also see much activity over the year and it is important there is good communication and co-operation between all parties. Without this, home life could be conducted in a whirl of activity and there is the risk that tensions (sometimes caused by over-tiredness) could result. To prevent this, it is important that the Tiger preserves some quality time to spend with his loved ones and that there are interests and activities all can appreciate. Again, that extra bit of time and attention can make a difference this year.

      Overall, the Dragon year is one in which the Tiger can use his skills and creativity to good effect. It is a time for pushing forward, with fortune favouring the active and enterprising. The year can bring some interesting new opportunities and the Tiger would do well to follow these up. With mindfulness of others and good use of his abilities, he can make this a good and satisfying year.

      The Metal Tiger

      The metal element has an important influence on the Tiger, reinforcing his determination and strong will. When the Metal Tiger has decided on a course of action, he will not change his mind easily. However, in 2012 he would do well to be more accommodating. This can be a year of opportunity, but to benefit fully the Metal Tiger will require a flexible approach, especially as chances may suddenly open up for him.

      For Metal Tigers in work this can be a significant year. Although they will often be content in their role, change is on the way. New tasks and objectives could be given and they could find their working practices being substantially altered. This will require some adjustment, but by being flexible and accepting the new, the Metal Tiger will often find developments working out well and giving him new incentive. Some Metal Tigers will have the chance to focus on more specific responsibilities and use their skills in a more fulfilling way. Work-wise, the Dragon year will certainly see a lot happening for many Metal Tigers, but despite the disruption, there is the chance to make good headway this year.

      For Metal Tigers seeking work or keen to move on from where they are, the Dragon year can have surprising developments in store. Although the Metal Tiger will by now be skilled in particular areas, by being prepared to consider a wide range of possibilities and, in some cases, taking advantage of retraining or other courses, he could secure a position that is completely different from what he has done before. Again, this could involve readjustment, but it will give the Metal Tiger the new challenge he has been seeking. This is a year to be open to chance. April, May, September and November could see particularly interesting possibilities, but whenever the Metal Tiger sees an opening, he should act quickly.

      Another important feature of the year will be the support the Metal Tiger receives. Long-term colleagues and contacts could be especially helpful and if ever the Metal Tiger finds himself in a dilemma and would welcome advice, he should ask for it. Similarly, when exploring possibilities, he should talk to those who have the expertise to advise. Not only can he benefit from information given but sometimes also be alerted to opportunities worth considering. In the Dragon year the Metal Tiger needs to be forthcoming.

      This importance of contact with others also applies to his social life. During the year he could get deeply involved in various activities, and without care, there is a risk that some friendships could lapse and the Metal Tiger miss out on aspects of life that could bring him pleasure. No matter how busy he may be, he should aim to remain in contact with his friends as well as go to any social events that appeal to him. Not only can the social contact do him good but it will also allow him to benefit from the encouragement and advice certain friends can give. April, June and the closing months of the Dragon year could see the most social opportunity.

      Another important aspect of the Dragon year is that it brings new opportunities. As the Metal Tiger has such wide-ranging interests, during the year he could discover a new subject or activity that particularly intrigues him. If so, he should follow this up. In this fast-moving year it is important the Metal Tiger makes time for himself, for recreation and for pursuing his own interests and ideas.

      For the unattached or lonely Metal Tiger, a further benefit of this will be the way existing or new interests bring him into contact with others and, for some, lead to significant new friendship or romance. Here again the Dragon year will have its surprises.

      There will also be good travel opportunities. Many Metal Tigers will have the chance to visit areas new to them, although they will need to keep a watch on spending and make allowance for more expensive outlay. With good financial discipline, the Metal Tiger will find he is able to go ahead with his plans, but without this, they could be delayed. The Dragon year requires careful financial management.

      In his home life, however, the Metal Tiger can look forward to some special times. There could be family news, an anniversary or other occasion to mark, and some exciting times in the Metal Tiger household. This can be a pleasing year domestically, but throughout, the Metal Tiger will need to be mindful and involved and spend quality time with those close to him. To make assumptions or become too preoccupied (always a risk this year) could result in problems. Metal Tigers, take note, and do remain attentive and aware.

      Generally, the Dragon year is full of possibility for the Metal Tiger and by making the most of what arises and being willing to adapt and adjust, he can take great pleasure from what he is able to achieve.


      Spend time with those who are important to you. This is a year of considerable promise, but you do need to keep your lifestyle in balance and preserve time for others as well as for enjoying your achievements.

      The Water Tiger

      This is a year of considerable opportunity for the Water Tiger. Not only does it mark the start of a new decade in his life, but some of his actions will have important implications for the longer term. And with his enthusiasm and ability to put himself across, the Water Tiger will have much working in his favour.

      In his work the aspects are particularly encouraging. Although many Water Tigers will have made good headway in recent years, quite a few will still not feel properly fulfilled. Over the year these Water Tigers should give serious thought to the direction they would like their career to take. Some may decide to look for a greater role in their current organization, while others, feeling they have achieved all they can where they are, will be ready to take on different challenges. The Dragon year is a time for action and as these Water Tigers contemplate their future, interesting developments can start to occur.

      For some, internal reorganization in their current place of work will give them the chance to take on a more senior role, while for those keen to move elsewhere, events can take a curious course and they could find themselves being offered a position quite quickly on the strength of their experience. This may be an extension of what they have been doing or allow them to use their experience in new ways.

      The aspects are also encouraging for Water Tigers seeking work. While there will be disappointments along the way, openings can occur suddenly, sometimes in an almost fortuitous manner. Friends, former colleagues and employment officials the Water Tiger may have contact with could all alert him to new possibilities. With advice, encouragement and his own very determined nature, he can find important doors opening for him. April, May, September and late October to early December could see interesting developments, but with the aspects so encouraging, possibilities could arise at almost any time.

      Another positive feature of the year will be the way the Water Tiger is able to enjoy and develop his personal interests. With his keen and creative nature, he will often have projects or challenges to tackle and ideas he wants to follow up. Although his free time may be limited this year, by preserving time for interests and recreational pursuits, he can get a lot of pleasure and personal benefit from his activities. Here again his fiftieth year is one for following up ideas and making the most of his opportunities. For any Water Tiger who has neglected his personal interests of late, this would be an excellent time to start something new.

      Travel will be on the agenda for many Water Tigers, particularly towards the end of 2012 and in early 2013, and some will decide to mark their fiftieth birthday with a special holiday. With careful planning, this could be one of the highlights of the year. In addition, the spontaneity that characterizes the Dragon year could lead to the chance