Your Chinese Horoscope 2012: What the year of the dragon holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007438020
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Year of the Dragon has great potential for the Wood Rat, particularly in the way it will allow him to further his skills and strengths. Over the year he should remain open to opportunity and be prepared to adapt. He will benefit from the support of those around him and a combined approach will often help get plans underway. This will be a busy year, but an often lucky one too.


      Seize any chances to develop your skills. What you achieve now can often improve your prospects later. Also, value those around you. Their love, support and advice may be significant and help in ways you may not anticipate.

      The Fire Rat

      The Dragon year will contain many interesting developments for the Fire Rat and, with willingness and good use of his time and opportunities, he can both prosper and derive a good deal of satisfaction from his activities.

      For Fire Rats born in 1996 this will be a busy and sometimes demanding year, but it will have far-reaching value. The young Fire Rat will be faced with an almost bewildering range of subjects to study, as well as exams to prepare for. Although there may be times when he feels overwhelmed by the amount he has to do, with a positive approach he will learn a great deal and discover strengths it would be worth taking further.

      Another positive feature of the year will be the new possibilities it will open up, including ways in which the Fire Rat can advance certain interests or become involved in something new. Again, a willing attitude is key to making the most of these opportunities.

      A further benefit of the year will be the support the Fire Rat is offered by those around him. Throughout the year he will find that if he is open and forthcoming about his ideas and activities, including any concerns or doubts he may have, they will be better able to understand and help. Sometimes just mentioning something may result in others assisting the Fire Rat in ways he had not anticipated or making suggestions that could help his situation. To benefit fully, though, he does need to let others know what is happening.

      The young Fire Rat will once again appreciate the company of his close friends over the year. With his outgoing nature, he usually gets on well with people, and he will find his friends especially helpful to him this year. Any Fire Rat who has to move, finds himself in a new environment or has been feeling dispirited and alone recently will find the Dragon year can be a time of important change. Although these Fire Rats may initially feel uncomfortable in their new situation, by making the most of it they will quickly be able to meet others and establish a new set of friends. The Dragon year is supportive of the young Fire Rat and will give him the opportunity to make more of himself as well as grow in confidence.

      With all his various interests, there will often be things the Fire Rat will want to do and buy, and here the Dragon year can have an element of good fortune about it. By waiting and saving towards specific items, he could benefit from some favourable buying opportunities, especially involving equipment he may need.

      Although the young Fire Rat will often be involved in studying and his own personal interests, he should also aim to contribute to home life, and any household tasks he can do will be appreciated. An older relation could be particularly grateful for his assistance in some matter and the bond between them will often be special. Playing a full part in home life can reward the Fire Rat, and those around him, particularly well in this busy year.

      For Fire Rats born in 1936, this can be a pleasing year. Family and friends will be especially important, and the Fire Rat will value the support and affection shown him. Again the rapport between the Fire Rat and other generations can be special, and the encouragement and advice the Fire Rat is able to give will often mean more than he may realize. In turn, if he himself needs assistance or a second opinion on any matter, he should ask. Those around him will be pleased to offer support in return.

      The Fire Rat will also derive much pleasure from his various interests this year and there could be a surprise in store. If he enjoys creative pursuits, he should consider putting forward his work or entering a competition. He could be encouraged by the response he receives or the way certain ideas develop over the year. The Dragon year will reward the enterprising.

      The Fire Rat will also be keen to go ahead with certain ideas he has, and whether these involve adding comforts to his home, taking a holiday or some other venture, by planning carefully and budgeting ahead, he will be pleased with how his plans work out. With the lucky nature of the year, he could also benefit from some good offers.

      Overall, whether born in 1936 or 1996, the Fire Rat can enjoy a special and gratifying year. The Year of the Dragon will give him an excellent chance to put his skills to good use and pursue his interests, and many Fire Rats will achieve encouraging results. The Fire Rat will also benefit from the support of those around him and, with a willing attitude, can gain a lot from his various activities.


      Make the most of your opportunities, because a lot can follow on from what you do this year. If you were born in 1996, be disciplined in your studying. What you do now can be valuable preparation for the opportunities that lie ahead.

      The Earth Rat

      The Dragon year can bring encouraging developments for the Earth Rat, with many ideas and plans proceeding well. Another positive feature of the year will be the opportunities that it brings, and by being adaptable, the Earth Rat can benefit. In so many ways this can be a good and favourable year for him.

      One of the Earth Rat’s strengths is his keen and curious nature. He has an enquiring mind and takes an informed interest in a great many things. Over the year his curiosity could be whetted on several occasions, and by following up whatever catches his attention, he can derive considerable satisfaction from his activities. Some Earth Rats may decide to give time to a cause, project or charity, and for many the Dragon year can open up some interesting and rewarding avenues to explore.

      The Dragon year also encourages enterprise and the Earth Rat may be tempted to use his existing skills in new ways, perhaps by furthering an idea, promoting some work he has completed or setting himself a particular challenge. In addition, for Earth Rats who have recently retired or do so this year, this is an excellent time for taking up new activities and looking at other ways in which they could use their skills and strengths. By using their time well and seizing their opportunities, they will often find that interesting results can follow on.

      The Earth Rat will also value his social life over the year, and some of his friends who have specialist knowledge could be especially helpful with some of his activities and ideas. Also, by keeping active and becoming involved in new pursuits, there will be good chances for the Earth Rat to widen his social circle over the year. Any Earth Rats who may, because of work or other commitments, have neglected their social life in recent times and would welcome new friends will find the Dragon year can help rectify this by giving them the chance to meet new people. Mid-April to June and November to early January 2013 could see a lot of social activity and, for those alone, even romantic possibilities. This is certainly a year for pleasing personal developments.

      The Dragon year will also be a time of opportunity as far as the Earth Rat’s work is concerned. Many Earth Rats will have been giving some thought to their current position and to what they would like to do in the future. Some will be planning retirement or hoping to reduce their hours and so give themselves more time for other activities. These Earth Rats should consult those who are in a position to advise them on their plans, particularly on the financial implications, as well as talk their thoughts and ideas over with their loved ones. Although what they decide may be a big personal step, with full consultation and support they will feel satisfied that the right choice is being made.

      For those Earth Rats who are still keen to take their career further and have certain goals they want to reach, the Dragon year can bring some interesting opportunities. For many, this can be an important and personally significant year.

      The Dragon year is also favourably aspected as far as financial matters are concerned, and some Earth Rats will benefit from a bonus, the fruition of a policy or a gift. However, while this upturn will be welcome, the Earth Rat will need to manage his finances carefully. This includes budgeting ahead for more substantial purchases