Your Chinese Horoscope 2013: What the year of the snake holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461028
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financial acumen and invests his money well. On the surface he appears cheerful and confident, but deep down he can be troubled by worries that are quite often of his own making. He is exceptionally loyal to his family and friends.

      Water Rat: 1912, 1972

      The Water Rat is intelligent and very astute. He is a deep thinker and can express his thoughts clearly and persuasively. He is always eager to learn and is talented in many different areas. He is usually very popular, but his fear of loneliness can sometimes lead him into mixing with the wrong sort of company. He is a particularly skilful writer, but can get sidetracked very easily and should try to concentrate on just one thing at a time.

      Wood Rat: 1924, 1984

      The Wood Rat has a friendly, outgoing personality and is popular with his colleagues and friends. He has a quick, agile brain and likes to turn his hand to anything he thinks may be useful. His one fear is insecurity, but given his intelligence and capabilities, this fear is usually unfounded. He has a good sense of humour, enjoys travel and, due to his highly imaginative nature, can be a gifted writer or artist.

      Fire Rat: 1936, 1996

      The Fire Rat is rarely still and seems to have a never-ending supply of energy and enthusiasm. He loves being involved in some form of action, be it travel, following up new ideas or campaigning for a cause in which he fervently believes. He is an original thinker and hates being bound by petty restrictions or the dictates of others. He can be forthright in his views but can sometimes get carried away in the excitement of the moment and commit himself to various undertakings without thinking through all the implications. Yet he has a resilient nature and with the right support can go far in life.

      Earth Rat: 1948, 2008

      This Rat is astute and very level-headed. He rarely takes unnecessary chances and while he is constantly trying to improve his financial status, he is prepared to proceed slowly and leave nothing to chance. He is probably not as adventurous as the other types of Rat and prefers to remain in familiar territory rather than rush headlong into something he knows little about. He is talented, conscientious and caring towards his loved ones, but at the same time can be self-conscious and worry a little too much about the image he is trying to project.


      Born under the sign of charm, the Rat has some great personal qualities, including determination and the ability to relate well to others. And in the remaining months of the Year of the Dragon (23 January 2012–9 February 2013), he will be able to make his qualities count. Dragon years hold interesting prospects for the Rat and offer him the chance to accomplish a great deal.

      At work it would be worth him keeping alert for opportunities as well as considering other ways in which he could use or extend his skills. Some lateral thinking could reward him well and the closing months of the Dragon year could see encouraging developments.

      The Rat’s endeavours could also bring him some additional good fortune, possibly the realization of a cherished hope, a surprise gift or a financial bonus. There may be several pleasant surprises on the way at this time.

      November and December could also see a flurry of social activity, and for the unattached, affairs of the heart could feature strongly. With so much happening, the Rat does, however, need to think ahead and liaise closely with others. It is also important that he lets his views be known. Without care, there is a risk that some may take advantage of his good nature and in some instances he may need to stand his ground.

      Generally, however, the Dragon year is an encouraging one for the Rat. He does need to keep aware of all that is happening around him and act on his ideas, but some important possibilities can open up for him both personally and professionally.

      The Year of the Snake starts on 10 February and will be a variable one for the Rat. Progress will be more difficult and the Rat will need to be careful. He is resourceful and can learn a lot from the challenges of the year, as well as enjoy some personal achievements of which he can be truly proud, but he will need to accept that Snake years proceed at a measured pace and results will take some while to filter through.

      In work matters, this can be a constructive year. Rats who have recently taken on a new position or who do so during the year should take the time to establish themselves and learn about the various aspects of their responsibilities. This includes taking advantage of any training opportunities as well as being an active member of any team. With involvement and commitment, many Rats are set to impress this year and do their longer-term prospects a lot of good.

      For those seeking a position or wanting to advance their career elsewhere, the year can, though, be slow-moving. There could be a lack of suitable opportunities and the Rat could make many applications with little result. While this may be frustrating, one of the hallmarks of the Rat’s character is that he is a survivor and eventually his persistence will prevail. Also, Snake years can take interesting turns. Although some types of work may be difficult to obtain, by widening the scope of what he is prepared to consider and looking at different industries and, if relevant, retraining opportunities, the Rat could find new possibilities opening up for him. Overall, though, this is a year which favours carefully considered actions rather than haste. April could see some interesting developments, but generally the second half of the year offers more scope than the first, with mid-September to early December a more positive time. For all Rats, modest progress is possible, but the key gains of the Snake year will be the knowledge and skills they acquire.

      Although the Rat generally keeps active, he should aim to give some consideration to his well-being this year. With his sometimes demanding lifestyle, he does need to allow time for rest and exercise as well as make sure his diet is nutritious. If at any time he feels under par, he should seek medical guidance.

      Another area which requires care this year is finance. The Rat will need to watch his spending and be wary of risk. Without care, he could incur a loss or find his outgoings are more than anticipated. Throughout the year he should keep control of his budget and make provision for larger outgoings and more expensive plans. Also, if entering into an agreement at any time, he should check the terms and implications. This is no year to make assumptions or take unnecessary risks.

      The Snake year does, though, favour personal development, and by using his spare time well, whether by furthering an interest or starting something new, the Rat can find his positive actions rewarding him well.

      With his outgoing and curious nature, the Rat knows a great many people and can look forward to some enjoyable social occasions over the year. March, May, August and December could be particularly active months. For the unattached, romance could figure strongly, although the path of true love may not always run smoothly. Throughout the year the Rat will need to be his attentive self and remain aware of the feelings of others. Here again, Snake years require the Rat to tread carefully.

      The Rat’s home life is special to him and during the year he will value the support and advice of those around him. When he is under pressure or making what could be an important decision, he will find the insights of his loved ones can not only reassure him but also guide him. However, to benefit fully, he does need to be open and communicate well with those close to him. The same is true for home projects and purchases: good discussion will not only make some decisions easier, but also help understanding and rapport. Domestically, this is a year favouring a joint approach and good planning. Setting time aside for shared interests, special occasions or a short break away will also do everyone good. The closing months of the year could see some additional travel opportunities and family occasions that the Rat will greatly enjoy.

      Overall, the Snake year will be a mixed one for the Rat and he will need to be patient and careful. However, he is resourceful and by making the best of his situation and remaining aware of what is going on around him, he can still make headway and, importantly, add to his skills, knowledge and strengths. Used well, this can be an instructive year, with the Rat’s patience and commitment being rewarded, even though results may sometimes be slow in coming through.

      The Metal Rat

      The Metal Rat has many fine qualities, including the ability to relate to others and empathize, but his sense of awareness is also important.