См. Newberg, Andrew. Principles of Neurotheology. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010. Психолог Джулиан Джейнс выдвинул теории в своей книге The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (New York: Mariner Books, 1976), что экстатические переживания – это результат неожиданного взаимодействия правого полушария мозга с левым. Теория недавно была уточнена в The Divided Brain and the Search for Meaning (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009). Я не рассматривал указанную теорию в этой книге, будущие исследования смогут нам больше рассказать об этой интересной возможности.
Durkheim, Émile, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Oxford: Oxford World Classics, 2008; Lewis, I. M. Ecstatic Religion: A Study of Shamanism and Spirit-Possession. London: Routledge, 2002. Тернер, Виктор. Символ и ритуал. Москва, Наука, 1983. Haidt, Jonathan. The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion. London: Penguin, 2012.
Luhrmann, Tanya. When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God. New York: Viking Press, 2012.
James, William. What is an emotion. Mind, Vol. 9, No. 34, См. Также Damasio, Antonio. Descartes Error. NewYork: Putnam's, 1994. Porges, Stephen. The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication and Self-regulation. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2011.
Аристотель. Политика, том VIII. Москва, РИПОЛ классик, 2016.
Howden, L. M., and J. A. Meyer. Loneliness Among Older Adults: A National Survey of Adults 45+. AARP, September 2010; Age and Sex Composition in the United States: 2010 Census Brief. См. также Age UK s Loneliness and Isolation Evidence Review; and Undy, Helen, et al. The Way We Are Now 2015, Relate, 1 September 2015.
Цитата по Pytell, Timothy. Transcending the Angel beast: Viktor Frankl and humanistic psychology. Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2006.
Armstrong, Karen. Ecstasy gone awry. The Guardian, 23 May 2003.
Kornfield, Jack. After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Journey. New York: Random House, 2001.
Ehrenreich, Barbara. Living with a Wild God: A Nonbeliever's Search for the Truth about Everything. New York: Hachette, 2014.
Chotiner, Isaac. Barbara Ehrenreich: I'm an atheist, but don't rule out mystical experiences. New Republic, 21 April 2014.
Цитата по Rankin, Marilynne, An Introduction to Religious and Spiritual Experience. London: Bloomsbury, 2009.
Hardy, Alister. The Spiritual Nature of Man. London: Clarendon Press, 1979.
Все результаты можно посмотреть здесь: http://www.philosophyforlife.org/the-spiritual-experiences-survey.
Hay, David. Religious Experience Today: Studying the Facts. London: Mowbray, 1990.
Все записи в базе данных RERC доступны онлайн здесь: http://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/library/alister-hardy-religious-experience-research-centre/online-archive.
Russell, Bertrand. The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell. London: Routledge, 2014.
Цитата по Анонимным Алкоголикам, Pass It On: The Story of Bill Wilson and How the AA Message Reached the World. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous, 1984.
Книги, написанные исследователями околосмертных переживаний, включают Lommel, Pirn van, Consciousness Beyond Life. London: Harper Collins, 2010; Fenwick, Peter, and Elizabeth Fenwick. The Truth in the Light. Hove: White Crow Books, 2012, Скептический подход представлен в Blackmore, Susan, Dying to Live: Near-Death Experiences. New York: Prometheus Books, 1993.
Shushan, Gregory. Conceptions of the Afterlife in Early Civilizations. London: Bloomsbury, 2011.
Roach, David. Heaven tourism books pulled from nearly 200 Christian book-stores. Baptist Press, 15 March 2015.
См. Sommer, Andreas. Psychical Research and the Formation of Modern Psychology, due to be published in 2017, Stanford University Press.
Longden, Eleanor. Making Sense of Voices: A personal story of recovery, Psychosis, Vol. 2, No. 3, October 2010.
Cardena, Etzel, Steven J. Lynn and Stanley Krippner. Varieties of Anomalous Experience. New York: American Psychological Association, 2013.
См. работы Anil Seth в University College, London. Например, The hard problem of consciousness is a distraction from the real one. Aeon, 2 November 2016.
Myers, Frederic. Human Personality and its Survival after Bodily Death. New York: Dover Publications, 2005.
Гроф, Станислав, и Кристина Гроф. Духовный кризис: Когда преобразование личности становится кризисом. When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis. Москва, Независимая фирма «Класс», Изд-во Трансперсонального института, 2000.