Chintamani Chronicles. Crystal of Truth. Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005675248
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in a gas chamber for breaking the rules. And what we offer is not death at all.

      – And what is it? You yourself said that life on your planet in our bodies is impossible, – the young man crossed his arms over his chest. – If I had known, I would never have picked up this bundle…

      – Arthur…

      Without listening to the girl, the young man jumped to his feet. Panic surged through him.

      – No. I didn’t sign up for this! And if you, Anna, do not care about your life, then I do not!

      – Arthur, have you forgotten? We have no choice…

      – I don’t care… I don’t want to, I…

      Suddenly, he felt something prick his forearm. His legs buckled, the captain’s assistant came up and supported the losing consciousness of the man, helping him to get to the chair. Looking at the peaceful face of Arthur, the girl whispered:

      – I didn’t think it would affect him so much… Arthur was always so staunch, cold…

      – Be more forgiving, Anna. Everyone is tied to this world in different ways… Sometimes the connection is too strong and breaking it is not as easy as it seems… – Art turned to Anna. – Are you ready?

      – Absolutely. One question – what about Stas and the others?

      – Don’t worry, they won’t remember anything about what happened. Tomorrow morning they will wake up, as usual, and rush to fulfill the tasks of your leadership… Everything that happened to them will be erased from their memory… By the way, – he thought. – We can alleviate the feelings of those who are dear to you in the same way.

      – What? But, how?..

      – It’s simple – we will make them forget about you. Everything that reminded you of your presence here will be hidden…

      – They will forget… but if we return one day, will it be possible to cancel… this?

      Commander Art nodded.

      – Undoubtedly. Our memory is multidimensional, what is removed can be returned if necessary.

      – Then I agree. And lastly, should I be afraid?

      The Commander placed a hand on her shoulder.

      – Just not for you…

      – Good. You know… For so many years I have dreamed of finding out if we are alone in the Universe. Now my world has turned upside down… And I’m glad about it.

      She noticed the glittering needle in Aldabra’s doctor’s hand. The girl closed her eyes… A discharge of current… And her consciousness began to float away. She felt weightless, feeling herself rising up…


      …Throwing away the sword, the Warrior fell to his knees. He no longer wanted to fight. Emptiness enveloped him… Emptiness and pain. What did he fight for? For peace? How can you fight for peace if you sow pain yourself? He clenched his teeth. He saw too much pain and injustice in his life. Probably, it’s time to get used to it… But the Soul didn’t want to get used to it. He looked at the sky, where the scarlet sunset was smoldering and… wept. For the first time in a long time, sincerely, since he cried only once, a long time ago, when he realized that he was returned to Earth again, that he could not, did not complete his Mission to the end… That was His Birthday…

      He remembered how much bullying and ridicule he had to endure in childhood, in his youth… Before, he wondered – FOR WHAT?! And he tried to reach out to the hearts and souls of other people… Then he met LOVE. Did His Soulmate answer him?… His Soul flared up with a bright light… But it soon went out. Again the door of the Heart was slammed before him. His Sincere Feelings were rejected… He knew loneliness. It has become a path to distrust and deep resentment…

      It was then that he first picked up a Weapon… It became his Mind… But not for attack, but for defense. Protection from those who enjoyed his pain… Who didn’t need excuses and understanding of others… He decided to prove to the whole world that he could be strong, invulnerable and rebellious… But did it bring relief? Hardly… more likely even greater disappointment in Life and the World… The battle with the Windmills turned out to be pointless… Hopeless… If there is no point, then what is all this for? Why live if there is no peace even with yourself?!!! And he hated himself, his reflection in this world of Mirrors… Plunging into darkness, where he felt freedom… But the Darkness was full of unbearable loneliness… It seemed to haunt him… FOR WHAT?! Throwing away his sword, the Warrior fell to his knees. He no longer wanted to fight. Emptiness enveloped him… Emptiness and pain.

      He threw back his hood and golden curls scattered over his shoulders… Yes, he completely forgot about who he was… In this world, it is not surprising to forget that you are a girl… Are you a girl? No one has ever seen HER in HIM. She used to defend herself, got used to relying only on herself in everything… NOT A SINGLE TEAR. YOU ARE STRONG! So it was accepted… The strong do not cry! And never complain, never look for excuses… You can’t… Stop it… ENOUGH!!!… They say that despondency is a sin. So laugh, LAUGH IN THE FACE OF FATE, LET’S… Do not give her pleasure… Otherwise, she will definitely laugh at you. Who has seen little, cries a lot. No one wants your tears, everyone wants comedy! Did you fall, does it hurt? HA_HA_HA! Like in an old silent movie… We used to make fun of each other, it’s so funny. But do we have fun when we ourselves stumble and fall? Not, we will never admit it… Those who have seen a lot… can no longer, will not laugh at the fallen. He would rather extend his hand. Get up…

      …There is no Light without Darkness, just as there is no Life without Pain… We all experience bodily or spiritual torment in one way or another… We are born with a cry, so at least we need to live with laughter! Shadows cast across the dark ceiling. Another night without sleep. As time drags on, the hands of the clock keep moving. No, you are not sad, because your destiny is to be strong, no matter what. It’s already a habit. The habit of waking up, living, relying only on yourself. Fight. And to be silent, to laugh, hiding yourself behind a mask… Another day passed, but again it did not bring relief. They say that coffee invigorates. Nonsense, it only takes away strength… For a long time there is no point in waiting for something… Time is running, taking years. All the same notorious “Groundhog Day”… And again a new day… And again everyone repeats: “You are strong, you cannot be broken!” Yes, strong, you see, I’m smiling! Straightening the back, gait from the hip… Faces, so many faces, acquaintances and not so… And it is strange, going home in the evening to hear the ringing silence. You go online … 0 friends, 0 of them are on the site, and there is no one to talk heart to heart with. And when you go into the bedroom, you see a big empty bed… And you decide to sleep on the couch today. How could this happen? Why was it necessary to be born into this world? Starless blue sky. Answer… Silence. No answer. Dreams, darkness, cold, fatigue… The labyrinth of the subconscious. I CAN’T DO THIS MORE!… She was sick, physically, from hospitals, doctors’ prescriptions and their prohibitions. A weak, puny body… how it limited her! Like a butterfly in a hateful cocoon… Yes, she understood that there are people much more unhappy in fate, she endured and tried not to grumble. But I so wanted to be stronger both spiritually and physically … 0 of them are on the site, and there is no one to talk heart to heart with. And when you go into the bedroom, you see a big empty bed… And you decide to sleep on the couch today. How could this happen? Why was it necessary to be born into this world? Starless blue sky. Answer… Silence. No answer. Dreams, darkness, cold, fatigue… The labyrinth of the subconscious. I CAN’T DO THIS MORE!… She was sick, physically, from hospitals, doctors’ prescriptions and their prohibitions. A weak, puny body… how it limited her! Like a butterfly in a hateful cocoon… Yes, she understood that there are people much more unhappy in fate, she endured and tried not to grumble. But I so wanted to be stronger both spiritually and physically … 0 of them