Chintamani Chronicles. Crystal of Truth. Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005675248
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ntamani Chronicles. Crystal of Truth

      Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko

      “The world piles up such mountains of evil!

      Their eternal oppression over the heart is so heavy!”

      But if you tore them up! How many wonderful

      Shining diamonds you would find!

O. Khayyam

      “I’ll wake up one day, and around the world is different

      Bright, pure, infinitely beautiful …”

N. Noskov

      “To J. Lafazanos, A. Rickman and M. J. Jackson

      with thanks for the endless inspiration.

      May the Force be with you!”


      © Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko, 2022

      ISBN 978-5-0056-7524-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      …A flash of dazzling light that lit up the sky made everyone gathered frightenedly cover their eyes with their hands. It was followed by a terrible rumble, and then the earth trembled violently. Not understanding what was happening, people ran out of their houses, looking in horror towards the sea. Pressing the frightened girl close to her, the young woman, frozen, did not take her eyes off the blinding fireball, which was getting closer and closer with every moment…

      – Queen, hurry, we must leave…

      The girl who ran up to her looked inquiringly at her mistress. However, she just shook her head.

      – No, Rada. I must be with my people at this hour…

      – But… queen, the city is doomed. Come on, the gates will open soon…

      The young woman seemed to hesitate for a moment. But only for a moment… Then she shook her head, and resolutely said, turning to the girl:

      – No, Rada, I can’t. Please, take care of Darina…

      – Mother, what are you talking about? – firmly squeezing her mother’s hand, the girl, eyes full of tears, looked at the queen. She hugged her daughter, but immediately released her from the ring of her arms and looked intently into her eyes.

      – Darina, do you remember what I taught you?

      – Y-yes, b-but…

      – Then you also know that nothing in this world disappears without a trace. I’ll always be with you. But remember – now you have a big responsibility, as a future princess… Please, fulfill my last request – do not step on the path of chaos and darkness, try to bypass it… For I do not want you or your children to repeat the fate of Daaria…

      Sobbing, the girl hugged her mother, but she resolutely stood up and looked up to where the flame flared up. Having made up her mind, she, having kissed her daughter, took out a pendant from behind the collar of her dress and put it on her neck.

      – It will protect you. Don’t take it off, never… Promise?

      – Yes mom…

      – Rada, please. As soon as I leave, run to the grove. There you will find my father. Here, give him this… He knows what to do.

      With these words, the Queen gave the girl a sealed bundle and with a firm step went to the stairs leading down. The earth shook violently. Grabbing the princess in her arms, Rada rushed to run away from the palace. Hugging the nurse tightly by the shoulders, the girl hid her tear-stained face on her chest. She did not see how a terrible roar was heard, and the palace collapsed. But already when she stood at the Star Gate, she remembered a huge wave that was rushing towards the city, sweeping away everything in its path. Then something incredible happened: a bright ray of light rose over the city, from which the night became clearer than day. The wave receded. And then there was a blinding flash of light and everything was enveloped in darkness.

      Volume One

      Chapter 1 Message from the Ancients

      A deafening rumble of thunder made the girl flinch and open her eyes. Trying to catch her breath, she ran her hand over her eyes. Again this dream. He so often dreamed of her, all the time supplemented with new details and details… Getting up, she went to the window and opened it. The wind that blew into the room refreshed her flushed face. The ringing Skype call distracted her from her thoughts. A familiar number popped up on the screen…

      – Arthur?

      The holographic image that had taken the form of her colleague looked oddly confused.

      Anna, we need to talk.

      – I’m listening to.

      – No, could you… could you come? To me.

      – What, right now? Have you looked at the time at all? In fact, there is a curfew in the yard and it is strictly forbidden to leave the house at this time…

      – As you wish… I thought you were the person I could rely on when… Well, I guess I was wrong.

      Anna hung up the phone in anger. What the… She walked around the room, trying to calm down. How dare he turn to her, HER, after everything that happened?! “I thought you are a person I could relied on,” the girl chuckled. Who would have said… But still, the tone of the man’s voice alerted her. Why did he call her and not one of his girlfriends? Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, the girl went into the dressing room…

      At night, the city was almost deserted, so the light train quickly brought her to Arthur’s house. Stepping outside, she breathed in the fresh air with pleasure. How she loves the night. Her acquaintances, who were not so sensitive to the change of time of day, did not understand this passion of hers, because the girl was used to wandering alone. Especially now, after the end of the Third Cold War and the constant supervision of the Patrol, such walks have become absolutely safe. Under the vigilant control of the Watch and the Guard of Order, humanity was finally able to forget about the fears of the past. Tougher punishments and rules common to all have reduced to nothing the ridiculous and cruel behavior of people. But still, due to the silent confrontation between the two superpowers and the incitement of opposition factions, absolute calm was still very far away…

      “I wonder what time is it?” As soon as she thought about it, the time flashed before her eyes, pointing to half past one at night. Hmm, it’s still too late for walks and visits. The girl frowned as she looked around. Still not enough to arouse the interest of the Night’s Watch! She did not want to spend a couple of days in a punishment cell and receive a reprimand from her superiors. Approaching the gate, the girl pressed the call button. Passing through the opened gate, she quickly crossed the dark courtyard and knocked on the door. Footsteps followed her…

      – Anna you are here. Come in.

      The behavior of her colleague was more than strange. The girl frowned – something was clearly wrong. She glanced at Arthur, but he averted his eyes. The girl took off her coat, and they went into a large room that served as both a living room and a dining room. But this time there was complete chaos on the table, there were some maps, books… Books everywhere?!

      – Arthur, what the… Where does all this come from? Do you know how much paper books cost now? Have you robbed a museum?!…

      The young man interrupted her.

      – Sorry for the mess. But first, give me your word that what you learn will remain between us. Promise?

      – Yes, of course, – the girl looked at her friend with growing astonishment. Always so calm, confident, now he looked very strange (she would even say “excited”, using the old vocabulary), and his blue eyes were shining, as if in a fever.

      – Arthur, are you okay? You’re acting strange… Where are Sarah and Boris?

      – She and her son are in some kind of vacation… I didn’t want to… involve them in this.

      – What