Chintamani Chronicles. Crystal of Truth. Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005675248
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met Arthur’s smiling eyes. – Sorry I…

      – Nothing. Pretty realistic, right? Arthur chuckled. – Scared?

      – No… although it was unexpected, – Aria put the plate back in place. – What?

      – Nothing, it’s just… It seemed to me that you couldn’t be frightened so easily, – Arthur looked meaningfully at the girl, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

      Arthur, you know. We couldn’t do otherwise…

      – Indeed? – from his glance, the girl again became uneasy.

      – I… – the girl shrugged her shoulders. – Arthur… Please don’t do this.

      – Anna, I don’t understand you. You let me in, then you push me away, like I’m a leper. What’s the matter?

      – Arthur, I’m sorry… It’s hard to explain. Although you do understand. Sarah, Boris. I don’t want to hurt anyone and ruin your life.

      – Anna, – Arthur stepped closer, and Anna felt a hand rest on her shoulder. Turning around sharply, the girl found herself in the ring of his arms. “We are many thousands of light-years from Earth. And if you think logically, then during this time the Earth that we knew simply does not exist…

      – Not quite, you did not take into account the speed of the ship. Getting into a hyperspace tunnel, time is reduced. And we will arrive at Virdu just a month after leaving the Earth. So that…

      The girl tried to pull away, but the man’s grip did not loosen.

      – Did the captain tell you? Yes of course. How can I compete with an alien in the form of an Elven Knight, – Arthur smiled bitterly. – Princess…

      – Arthur… Actually, it was your idea. So what’s my fault? I don’t need this title, I’m ready to change.

      – Well, – Arthur smiled arrogantly and bowed in an exaggeratedly polite way. – I understand you. Who am I to argue with the future queen of Daaria. Rest easy, I won’t bother you anymore.

      Ignoring the upset look of the girl, Arthur disappeared through the door. Aria thoughtfully moved to a large stained-glass window, behind which a starry abyss shone. Arthur… It’s a pity that they met so untimely. Well, it has always been that way, from the moment they met. Anna was working in the archives when a new employee came to their university. Artur Dalivin… Tall, stately (like Don Juan), the young man immediately won the attention of the entire female part of the team. But their communication somehow did not work out right away – they were too different. Always collected, with cold blue eyes and a slightly mocking smile, the young man who immediately received the favor of the leadership was her complete opposite. But something in him attracted her… And she realized that she was unable to cope with it.


      Soon the ship slowed down and prepared for a hyperjump. At this time, it was decided to put the entire crew back into a state of suspended animation, with the exception of the Commander, the captain and Aria, who flatly refused to go to sleep. As Mikkel had warned her, the sensation she experienced was not pleasant. It felt like falling into a bottomless well, flying, spinning in the fog, and you don’t understand where the top and bottom are, and then a bright flash of light follows and… Opening her eyes, Aria noticed a huge number of bright stars and a string of planets rushing past at great speed. Turning around, she saw that Mikkel was smiling.

      – Did we get out?

      – Yes, – he looked happily at his comrades. – Welcome to the Orion Constellation!

      The awakened crew gathered in the main control post and peered with undisguised delight at the silhouettes of the approaching planet. It was Wyrda, a large blue-green planet, illuminated by the rays of a huge white sun.

      The spaceship picked up such speed that Aria was simply pressed into her chair. Plus, my head was spinning. She, perplexed, looked at Mikkel and Art serenely talking to each other. It seemed that they did not at all notice not only the fall into the void, but also the speed with which the starship was now moving. At the very same Aria, from the dizzying speed from which planet and stars flew by, it darkened in her eyes and, when sometimes the ship fell into an air hole, it shivered somewhere inside. Finally, she noted with delight that the pace of the ship was slowing down. The girl stretched and stretched her arms, which were numb from exertion.

      – Well, it looks like we’re on target, aren’t we?

      Mikkel exchanged a glance with Art and smiled as he said:

      – Yes. I hope that the journey did not tire you too much?

      – No, no, what are you. I just love wild speed. Only, I’m afraid now I need a second breakfast.

      – Then get ready, we’re going down now.

      Mikkel pressed the lever, and the ship went into a steep dive like an arrow, rushing towards the surface of the planet. Having leveled the flight path and passed through the iridescent glow of the atmosphere, the ship made a semicircle and landed on the flat area of the spaceport, located in a gorge among the mountains.

      Mikkel pressed the speaker button.

      – To the entire crew of the starship Aldabra! I report a safe landing and ask you to gather in the central control post!

      Five minutes later the hall was filled with excited astronauts. They talked and sometimes exchanged joyful smiles. Mikkel raised his hand, and the room immediately fell silent.

      – Firstly, I would like to thank all of you, friends, for the hard and responsible work you have done. This flight was very long for all of us, but it was more than successful. We not only brilliantly completed the task set by the Council of Astronomy, but also helped Princess Aria escape the captivity of Midgard.

      Mikkel pointed to the embarrassed girl. Thunderous applause broke out all around. Glancing around, the girl met Arthur’s eyes. Smiling, he looked away. Biting her lip, the girl tried with all her might not to betray her feelings, which, it must be said, were in complete chaos. Not noticing her confusion, the captain held out his hand, inviting her to follow him. Accompanied by Art, all four left the hall and, entering one of the rooms, again found themselves in the familiar teleport room. Standing in a circle and holding hands, they closed their eyes.


      Nefertari paced excitedly around the perimeter of the Astronomical Hall, waiting for the head of the council. Ten years have passed, but there was no news from the expedition. Although before the flight, Mikkel had told her, then still a little girl, about a possible delay on the new planet and the difficulties of the journey, such a long silence was unbearable. Unable to wait any longer, she requested an audience with the head of the Council of Astronomy.

      Finally, familiar footsteps were heard. The girl turned around and met Chi Sang’s gaze. He was a tall man, whose age was betrayed only by silver strands in dark hair and eyes that burned with calm wisdom. He looked at the excited girl and shook his head.

      – I know, I know why you are here. But alas, I can’t help you.

      – But sir…

      – Sorry, Nefert. I know it’s hard, but…

      – I beg you… Is there really nothing that can be done? To know?

      – How? This flight was the farthest of all that we had previously undertaken. Believe me, my girl, I’m sorry…

      A siren blared throughout the hall. The Head of the Council and Nefertari looked at each other.

      – What is it?

      – I dont know. Maybe…

      Chi Sang did not finish. Quick footsteps were heard, and Varr Go, chief astrologer of the council, ran into the hall.

      – Master Sang…
