Chintamani Chronicles. Crystal of Truth. Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005675248
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you can say that. I don’t want to go into details, but I don’t seem to have a choice. Well, we can actually live one or more human lives in order to awaken those who are ready…” He glanced pointedly at Anna. – Midgard is not just a planet, but what earlier spiritual leaders called a kind of Purgatory. Having come here from our world, your souls, through several rebirths, can receive healing from negative energy…

      – So does karma exist? I knew it…

      Art continued, ignoring Arthur’s irony:

      – … We have been looking for a suitable planet for this experiment for a long time, but without success. The worlds to which we sent expeditions already had developed civilizations like us and did not want to participate in this. Finally, about five hundred billion years ago, we discovered an undeveloped system called the Milky Way. There was no point in delaying. The Intergalactic Council decided to send several ships in order to establish contact between Midgard and Wyrda… Initially, it was supposed to use a device called the Star Gate for communication between the planets. It allowed, with the help of an instantaneous wormhole, to move from one world to another. But the hopes placed on the Gate were misguided. The power of Chaos in the hearts of people is too great, the catastrophes that destroyed civilizations on Mars and Phaeton…

      A dreamlike vision flashed through Anna’s mind – a flash of light, a city collapsing… Art, watching her, shook his head.

      – We often want to intervene… Stop everything. But we have no right. Our mission is to see that history takes its course, but does not slide into chaos. Of course, sometimes we still have to protect your world from attacks from the outside, such as meteorites, comets and the invasion of unfriendly Space Hulks… But everything that concerns life on the planet is taboo.

      – But why? – Arthur looked at Anna. To his amazement, the girl looked quite calm, as if Commander Art’s words didn’t surprise her at all.

      – It’s hard to explain, but I’ll try. The thing is that your world is special.

      – Really? – Arthur looked at Art in surprise. He spread his hands.

      – The history of Midgard is not like the others. During the Second Last Great Battle between Orion and Sirius, a large intergalactic ship of the Vaitmar type, sent by the diplomatic delegation of the Constellation Cygnus, was damaged and stopped for repairs in the solar system to settle in several planets: Orea (Mars) and Deya (you know her as Phaethon, from which now the asteroid belt remains), they housed space navigation and communication stations. But closer to Waitmara was the unexplored Earth, which the Ancients called Midgard. After the death of the civilizations of Orea and Dei, it was decided to settle on it. The air, land and water samples taken showed its suitability for life, and part of the crew landed on Midgard. After the repair, Vaitmara continued on her way, but some of the settlers remained to settle down and ennoble the Earth, on which at that time there were no people, but only plants and animals. The mainland on which the Ancients settled was located at the North Pole and was divided by rivers into 4 parts. They called the mainland DAARIA, i.e. “Gift to the Ancients”, now it is better known among Earthlings under the name Hyperborea. After Midgard was mastered, about 40,000 years ago, many other Races of the Great Commonwealth and Midgard moved to it – the Earth began a new life…

      – So everything that is written in ancient texts is true? – delighted Arthur looked at Commander Art. He nodded.

      – Yes, Arthur. Your planet is one of the youngest we have discovered, since it is part of the plan, the experiment that has been carried out on Midgard for many billions of years. Our Council is constantly watching you… And the fact that you were sent to find us is also part of the plan. As I said, the Ancient Races came to this planet from outer space. Our galactic system has developed rapidly, reaching hitherto incredible heights in the field of technology and medicine, making our avatars simply invulnerable to external destroyers. But we did not take into account the fact that, while improving the body, we began to forget about the soul… Being proud, we allowed the Darkness to penetrate us, which led to selfishness and a thirst for power. It was then that the Council of Elders decided to create a quarantine zone, a boundary… All this is part of one Great Intergalactic Plan, the purpose of which is to get rid of the inferno. The Earth is just at the junction of two forces – Darkness and Light, therefore it was chosen as a kind of Purgatory. You have probably heard that in your world there is an ancient struggle between two forces – Darkness and Light. The name “Midgard” itself implies the line between the two worlds, a kind of frontier where, through spiritual trials, it is possible to expand consciousness and get rid of Chaos and darkness in our souls. This experience helped our civilizations stop the Intergalactic Wars. And that is why your planet does not have Stargates… The truth is that now this struggle in most of the Universe known to us simply does not exist, except, perhaps, for some distant destructive civilizations, subject to the Darkness, where we prefer not to fly in… There, all the negative is present in in full: selfishness in an exaggerated form, hatred…

      – So, this is the reason why strife never ends on Earth… But wasn’t there another way? – Anna asked.

      Captain Mikkel shook his head.

      – Unfortunately, no. We have tried many things… Our task is to wait for the Awakened, and then we take them and return to our galaxy – Cygnus, Sirius or Orion, and the next expedition takes our place. Several times every hundred years, some of us leave the Hall of Meditation to be reborn on Earth. This is because often earthlings need help, they need someone who will guide, give advice when history comes to a standstill. Chaos must not be allowed… Our mission is to remind the world from time to time of the importance of such things as spirituality, faith, hope and love. If you want to change the world, you need to start with yourself, work on yourself… Only then you can take the path of Truth. And the fact that you have found us means that everything is going as it should… Yes, you are not the first awakened ones. The Intergalactic Council will be happy to know that our plan to get rid of the inferno is going well and there are those who are proof of this. For you, my story may seem like a fiction, but in fact everything that happens is part of the great plan of many generations of scientists of the Intergalactic Federation… Now you understand how important your return is? Yes, I know that there is no way back for you, I know about the danger that you expose yourself to… But this is for the best, believe me… and it means only one thing – it’s time for you to return home.

      – I guessed, – the girl looked at Mikkel, he smiled. – But this transition… Will we be able to withstand it?

      – Well, you usually come to us after dropping this avatar, – seeing Anna’s incomprehensible look, Mikkel hastened to clarify. – Your body. It is too primitive for the Higher Worlds.

      Arthur, eyes wide with horror, looked into the impassive face of the astronaut. Then he turned his gaze to the girl, as if seeking support from the inevitable that awaited them.

      – Arthur, you said it yourself, we understood what we were getting into, didn’t we?

      – Very witty, Anna, – the young man brushed his hair back from his forehead. He suddenly couldn’t breathe. – I am amazed at your calmness… Why would it be?

      – Maybe because for the first time I clearly realize the importance of my actions. Arthur, here on Earth, we are stuck in the networks of virtual reality… We complain about anything… not understanding the truth – you need to start with yourself, take responsibility for your actions, for your developed infantilism… Find the answer to the question – what is it for? everything we want to say with our lives, what we want to leave behind? Have you never thought that your existence is not just a series of natural needs?…

      – Did you think so? Unlike some people whose brains are cobwebs in the dark bookshelves, I love life and don’t want to give it up so soon. In general, I expected that we would