Zero emotions and psychology in the military style…. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005507501
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ero emotions and psychology in the military style…

      Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin

      © Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-0055-0750-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Zero emotions and psychology in the military style…


      «I wanted to meet you so badly.

      But, you didn’t go towards me.

      You didn’t go, you didn’t go.

      But, you didn’t go to meet me …»

      The song «Summer Boulevards», sung by Luna (Kristina Gerasimova).

      The modern so-called average person has a choice, either to release what is called emotions outside, or to suppress them, if released, then how to do this without violating what is called the law and if and how to contain it? The third world war has already begun – is it some war with themselves? Love, fear, aggression, pity, sexual attraction and other emotions from the point of view of survival can be very dangerous and can interfere with the survival of a person in a human environment? Can all emotions be suppressed with modern tranquilizers? Zero emotion – profitable now be not emotional? Are you from the category of those who are called unemotional, then you can become a doctor, astronaut, programmer, scientist or a good specialist in other fields, if you are very emotional then you can become what they call a drug addict, alcoholic, neurasthenic or criminal? The presence of such drugs like Adderall (Mydayis) (used in the treatment of what is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as narcolepsy, Mr. OVOR that some programmers (presumably emotional) «throws» Adderall and write code), Ksanoks (Alprazolamum), Fenazepam (Phenazepamum) (using tsya to treat what is called panic disorders, anxiety neuroses such as anxiety disorder or social phobia), maprotiline (Maprotiline) (manufactured for the treatment of what is called depressive illness) and the presence of other anxiolytics says that emotions now really only interfere with life? Alcohol is an extremely outdated tranquilizer, with huge «side effects» for the mental and physical spheres of the body («binge», withdrawal symptoms), drugs are extremely «dirty» tranquilizers with a huge negative potential for the body («marathon», withdrawal symptoms»)? Do medical tranquilizers have a minimum of «side effects» or do not have them at all, are they specially made by doctors? Why is such a dangerous in terms of negative side effects a tranquilizer like alcohol sold freely in the store, and medical tranquilizers with a minimum of negative side effects or none at all are sold only by prescription of a doctor and, as a rule, not just a doctor, but a psychiatrist? A mentally normal person in the generally accepted sense of mental normality will never use alcohol or drugs, does the use of alcohol and drugs «plug» holes formed by abnormalities? Is there a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) for those who are called marginalized and, what makes them marginal, excessive emotionality? The one who has high emotionality has a choice – either to neutralize his emotions with the help of medications or to suppress them in another way, or to show his emotions and then she-psychology in the military style is born? Why be afraid of something – anyway, sooner or later you will die – fear does not allow you to do what you need to do? In trade terminology, «Deferred demand» is dangerous, because what you have demand for will constantly break out?

      «… In short, benzodiazepines interact with the GABA receptor in the synaptic membrane, where signals are transmitted between neurons or between a neuron and a working organ. This receptor is known for the fact that, upon encountering gamma-aminobutyric acid (in fact, this is GABA), it suppresses the transmission of nervous excitement. Benzodiazepines «trick» the receptor by «pretending» to be GABA for it. Since there are many of them and each of them succeeds in this in its own way, the effects of such «inhibition» (drowsiness, muscle relaxation, anticonvulsant action and, of course, sedation) are combined in different drugs of this group in different proportions…». Source of this excerpt on benzodiazepine e (component of Phenazepam):

      Note: the above drugs as well as other medications which will be discussed in m aterialah Apply this book be only on prescription! The mention of all medicines by the author is not a propaganda of their use – this is only information!

      «It is not fair s you are looking for, do you want all you suffered,» the approximate speech Konstantin Kalugin (Andrew Smolyakov) Gero I film «Factory», Russia, 2019, directed by Yuri Bykov.

      A real story about how I met on a dating site a pretty girl not from her city who had a car, who rented an apartment and who had a child, she met me in the car, bought alcohol for her money and brought me to her home where everything happened, what should have happened between people of the opposite sex. Can such a person be called independent? Only after about 10 years I learned from her that she lived with her blind father, is this due to her independence? By the way, she worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, which emphasizes her possible lack of emotionality, not everyone can work with children.

      «Before the operation I do not feel any anxiety… during the operation I don’t think about anything…”, exemplary words of cardiac surgeon Rakhim Nurgaliev.

      Some of the n Signs of the people, which some people find emotional, highly emotional :

      1) «swallows» the information is not suitable for IC use in terms of survival, meaning that a noise called information, in connection with a permit to do what is called manipulation.

      2) They react too emotionally to provocations coming from someone, for example, they inflict bodily harm on anyone for the so-called insult to them.

      3) Painfully endure deprivation of sexual and other relationships, other relationships mean emotional attachment to someone in the form of friendship or love.

      4) They need someone who is called a leader («co-pilot»), they are also «amorous», which by the way allow themselves to be manipulated. Many who have life experience, looking back in the past of their lives, will notice that those who were deeply in love with them (or most of those who were deeply in love with them) have already ended their lives due to the use of alcohol or drugs, as they were from the category of those who are called emotional and suppressed their emotions with psychostimulants.

      5) Blame others for everything, not realizing that their problem is emotions and, as a rule, this is one emotion-fear that prevents them from achieving what they want. For example, someone leaves for a richer region, and emotional people cannot do the same, because they are scared, even having left for a place where the standard of living will be higher, they will not be able to hold out there for a long time, if they can, it will be painful for them. psychological sense, they will be tormented by fear and / or depression, they are unlikely to do without psychostimulants. There are many stories when some people left for countries with a high standard of living and became what they call alcoholics and drug addicts. Speaking in literary language, for emigration you need to be very brave, a person with strong nerves, otherwise you will never fully feel the difference between your poor country and a foreign rich country, it is better to stay in your poor country and become, for example, a programmer or a person with another highly paid one in 2021 year by profession, for example, a builder. Of course, you can leave with «weak nerves», but you have to always or for some time «sit» on tranquilizers. People of the warehouse (not only from fear, but also with what is called a neurosis-like states) tend to try to become a «state employees» in the life of s th sense they need for someone to «catch» to survive, as a rule such people beautiful exterior data, by the way are those who have sex for a reason not to engage in tsya, and because of them formed the stereotype that all beautiful only need money, the term Hypergamy (replacement partner to more successfully) are suitable, with both sexes, for both men and for women. But this is typical, as a rule, only for people from countries with a low standard of living, in rich countries, the so-called «dependent» people are supported by the state.

      6) Too much pity for themselves and the animate or inanimate objects of the material world,