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118 Smelsen and Baltes. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, ‘Art’. www.wikipedia.org: ‘Performing Arts’, ‘Arts’.
119 Howkins. The Creative Economy, 102-103.
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121 International Festivals and Events Association (IFEA): www.ifea.com.
122 International Special Events Society (ISES): www.ises.org. IFEA: www.ifea.com.
123 Association of Event Organisers, Contractors and Venues (AEO): www.aeo.org.
124 Special Events Magazine: www.specialevents.com. ISES: www.ises.org.
125 The Convention Industry Council (CIC): www.conventionindustry.org.
126 International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEM): www.iaem.org.
127 Reed Exhibitions: www.reedexpo.com. Reed Elsevier: www.reedelsevier.com.
129 www.extraordinary-events.com.
131 www.vok.nl.
132 www.stevekemble.com.
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