24 12 Quality Improvement of Patient Care The Importance of Quality Improvement in Health Care Major Principles of Quaity Improvement (QI) QI Decisions Are Based on Data Benchmarking STEEEP and Evaluation of a Health Care Organization's QI Program KEY CONCEPTS KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS REVIEW QUESTION ANSWERS REVIEW ACTIVITIES DISCUSSION POINTS DISCUSSION OF OPENING SCENARIO EXPLORING THE WEB INFORMATICS LEAN BACK REFERENCES SUGGESTED READINGS
25 13 Improving Quality at the Bedside QI is Part of the Nurse's Work at the Bedside QI is Part of the Nurse's Work as a Team Member on the Unit The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI®) The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Hospital Value‐Based Purchasing Program QI is Part of the Nurse's Work as an Employee of a Health Care Organization The Skills Needed by the Nurse to do QI Applying QI Methodologies at the Bedside KEY CONCEPTS KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS REVIEW QUESTION ANSWERS REVIEW ACTIVITIES DISCUSSION POINTS DISCUSSION OF THE OPENING SCENARIO EXPLORING THE WEB INFORMATICS LEAN BACK REFERENCES SUGGESTED READINGS
26 14 Safety: Patient and Health Care Team Safety A Culture of Safety Safety Behaviors in a High Reliability Organization Organizations that Spread and Sustain Health Care Safety Safety Initiatives for Patients Safety for Nurses and Other Health Care Staff KEY CONCEPTS KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS REVIEW QUESTION ANSWERS REVIEW ACTIVITIES DISCUSSION POINTS DISCUSSION OF OPENING SCENARIO EXPLORING THE WEB INFORMATICS LEAN BACK REFERENCES SUGGESTED READINGS
27 15 Nursing Informatics The Need for Nursing Informatics Nursing Informatics: Evolution of a Definition Tenets of Nursing Informatics A Collaborative Model of Nursing Informatics Decision Support and Error Prevention Critical Thinking Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction Security, Risk, and Compliance Cybersecurity and Phishing Downtime