Unintentionally, unknowingly happy clouds spill over when over burdened with joy.
True, what results from such enthusiastic spillage can also destroy.
Because there is a cycle to life, their laughter can also restore balance rejuvenate, nurture recycle, replenish, and rebuild.
Clouds lined with droplets soaked to their brims, stuffed and big-bellied precipitate hearty laughs. Ringing from valleys to peaks, blanketing cityscapes to countrysides, Fragrantly earthy, unmistakably… Beautiful.
In every way I found myself… Aways aching aiming to attain accolades, affirmations and abundant agreeable affections from a once-time lover. I couldn’t see how deeply enmeshed I was in his dense clever web of partial truth, seeming true deceptions. This former sleeping beauty later kissed by reality’s revealing, rivoting rap wrinkled before becoming bolder, brighter, braver. But beatened, broken, I still boo-hooed! Crazed, caring, calling constantly, I commensed then curtailed crying crocodile
tears over how, why he treated me like he did when I extended myself, albeit naively, to him in my best way and without acknowledgements, receipts. I repeatedly questioned, thought, questioned about rejection for more than a long while…
Definitely dear, it’s indubitable I’m distressed! You diabolically, definitively dissed, distanced then dumped a disheartened delicate daisy after dispensing Your unique brand of toxic fertilizer. True, I needed weeding, weaning. I allowed you to uproot my emotions planted everywhere. You were so convincing!
For years in a fortress built on a foundation of fickle forevers,
hounded, hysterical held hostage, I hollered hoping to be heard!
Morose me…
my many misgivings, mistakes
made me moribund, moody, mad!
How could an accomplished
woman stand for treatment
unquestionably that bad?
I wished wanting wisdom while wringing
hands wondering… woman, why
where, how had I lost myself, my soul
in all of this? Where the hell was I
every elongated empty evening earnestly?
Fretting, filling a fountain of frustration many frenzied, feverish years
while puppeteer perilously pulled person-strings?
I acquiesced to his sensitivities, trivialized my fears.
I am gratefully grown, not grieving, groveling having gained God’s grace.
His hand held this holey hurting heart helping its whole healing.
Consequently, every sunrise and set since gazing back,
I fight never to forget former forlorn love lost frigid, unfeeling-
an accomplishment after always achingly attempting to achieve his all!
This boldly beautiful but battered butterfly wouldn’t/couldn’t beg
him to beg for my forgiveness. He was a pulseless knave incapable of
claiming culpability. Instead, I grew within- a third eye, and without- a third leg!
These new and improved parts wouldn’t allow me… Unprecedently, I no longer since setting myself free crash-landed and couldn’t crawl, cry, creep along anymore aiding, abetting allowing his yellow-bellied, yowling, yelling, joltingingly judging, jealous jabs,
poking, prodding, punching fists, manipulating, misusing, modulating moody, oppressively obtrusive, odious
self-sole-satisfying, sadistic stabs to tease then tear down this/my tremendously treasured totem pole powerfully, properly propped, planted, preciously protected.
That former man-beast I’ve since erased reclaiming my
underutilized, unappreciated all unclaimed, unloved, rejected! Now, a nervy, nicely new, guarded, gilded, greatly grown, totem’s tremendously transformed.
Envigorated, its ego’s earned every
obtainable outpouring of optimism’s outcome.
Resultingly, a residual life- rested, restored, reformed.
Proudly poised standing here today with an intact image unbittered, unscathed, uninterrupted, unencumbered, mended me knows with even the half woman I willfully was back then,
he was and still remains helplessly, hopelessly two-to-one outnumbered!
Self-enlightenment brought what I needed to save myself, break bonds; obtain deliverance. Peace came as if I suddenly grew wings like a dove
making it hard to believe flying this high how beautiful my casted shadow appeared from a brand new perspective at this angle from above.
Never again needing nudging-
complete, captivatingly complex, commandingly cool,
many marvel at a most magnificent make-over: when my mate moves,
I flow, fluttering flirtaciously fully a woman not a fickle flinching fool!
As he rises, reaching ready to release
himself, his heart, head, hand
obligatorily, obviously, only,
exclusively every evening eternally,
I accept only pain-free love, one with no regrets.
Finally, I own this reality purchased at a price:
Worthy love doesn’t bruise, punch, slap, kick,
condescend, ignore, chide; mar externally or internally. It allows available actively attaching love lenience to let loose leveling fibers forever to fly frequently, freely flow.
A lesson duly learned by a former sleeping beauty
kissed not by a fairy-tale’s peck but by reality’s rivoting rap.
She/I finally awoke. The process was painfully slow.
Now in every way I find myself… Aways attentive, self-assured, affirmed, adjusted to affable, agreeable, augmenting affections.
Because of lessons learned from a once-time love,
I clearly see having undertaken a self-togetherness journey no longer trapped in a web of partial truth seeming true deceptions.
Not Just A House…
Not Just A House…
Building a house not just any- one with a foundation stronger than many. Building a life lasting connection- a springboard for exponential growth
from a foundation built to perfection.
By planting this tree
here instead of there,
one floods won’t uproot
constructed to must bear
inclement weather:
frigid, scorching; gale force gusts.
One armed with a security
thieves fears, this occupant trusts.
Future appears