A Water Mellow Soul
A Water Mellow Soul
Hush and listen to the sound of my water flow. Then wade in its stream so, calm, so mellow.
A water mellow soul is a sole desire.
It can wash away ashes of despair left from fire.
It can bathe and erode away endless mold.
A water mellow soul is one pure it is told.
It dances as if life is its stage.
No sadness, no madness can ever enrage.
Too precious a moment to waste on despair.
A mellow soul pulls the breath out of air
to exhale and release when sighs seem caught up.
It loosens that tension, it stops that hiccup.
Annoying they come when irritation sets in
a water mellow soul let’s no maladies win.
In life short but precious as in man, let it flow, let go as fast as carry can
Taking feet skipping, jumping and hopping through fields!
Let it flow like movies unwinding their reels
with no end to it’s wonders, a continuous loop
like a flower in a solarium hydrated that won’t droop.
So too does a mellow soul with a passion to share
a story, two stories of greatness to spare
make the difference between days and years so it seems,
place hopes up on high, like riding moon beams-
ageless, maintained in mellow limitless streams
of soothing liquid prevalent in all dreams.
A water mellow soul is a soul I am told
that will cleanse away fears from ages old.
Taking full advantage of how pain makes ready,
no growth ever comes when life remains steady.
Tornadoes must blow.
The winds must too know
that to shuffle and stir
are ways to deter
apathy and self pity.
Getting to the nitty gritty
of living a life
whether full and with strife
as best, as complete
through raging Summer’s heat.
Who can appreciate love having experienced hate? How does the skin know good touch without a show of pain here and there a burning somewhere brings the knowledge of cool no one knows a fool without knowledge of smart. The sounds surrounds. The smells swells.
So hush and listen as waters glisten, And egrets fly low through the sky. Be still and caress this vision as best As you can.
Mellow is a place to hang out, to exist.
It’s tantalizing waters are hard to resist.
So isn’t this the place, the BEST someplace to be?
Stand in certainty, while waters flow peacefully
soak away worries, disasters and fear.
Allow a sun-kissed dew drops to replace that salty tear.
And mellow, so mellow will then take control
as beautiful life begins to unfold.
Shush, now listen. Don’t miss a beat as nature’s melodies unfold and greet, as spirits from ancestors whisper the story of how in an evil world a treasure of glory was there to be had amongst all the sad. Linings of platinum in clouds, Angels placed in them. So hope always will float. In riptides a boat remains steady calm under a water mellow balm.
Quiet and hush! Sit still and not rush as ancestors impart precious dreams take heart but not for granted elders body’s planted now dust in the soil after lives of toil. And the works passed as legacies at last in oral traditions with modern additions passed correctly along in word or in song keeping heritage straight so spines know their fate- upright, no bend as truth flows in about the richness of culture that no master, no vulture can lift, steal, negate away from elders inferenced every day. Impart truths from the old greatest messages told.
Build neighborhoods, nations instilling honor, respect, congratulations…
Says a water mellow soul
is why stories need to be told.
Understand the highest level of peace
cannot come or increase
without acceptance of past
yielding growths that outlast
stagnant river streams,
effects of bad dreams.
Exist in a mellow place! Inhabit that space. Steady you’ll be when your feet cannot see sure footing in front or behind while taking that climb up and out of despair; when love seems no where to be found around corners turned despited how long you’ve yearned, when the roller coaster shakes and its faulty old breaks make quivers and quakes for Goodness sakes, stay in a mellow place!
Realize your story may have a surprise ending
regardless of seemingly ominous messages it’s sending,
which can get jumbled,
appear fumbled
leading to the opposite effect.
As needles can inject
initial pain; however, comes relief from its elixir-
a soothing anesthetic, a relieving rapid narcotic fixer
numbing sensory fibers, soothing minds for needed care.
Is a troubled life well-lived preparation for inevitable death without despair?
So quiet, be still, ready for detours and disaster
that must come but its pill is best swallowed with laughter
Metamorphosis can hurt when it comes-
a new butterfly wing sounds so beautiful as it hums.
A water mellow soul
is one that is told
to aspire to possess.
But who can confess to knowing its peace or having known one at least? It is a goal to obtain, an umbrella for acid rain that protects from effects of external downpours, internal mind wars…
Search to find mellow’s kind! Delve within. tunneling under skin. Reach a place- that mellow space. Rest there to flow down streams mellow. Find your water-mellow soul imprisoned in there. Unlock, free, share it happily with others without fear…
Hush! Listen to the sound of your own water flow. Then wade forever in its stream so calm, so mellow. Now covering you as protective attire. A water mellow soul is the sole you desire.
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Good morning, may I say I hope you have the brightest day as precious life comes your way loving who your heart does say loves you back!