soon to be revealed on the news.
Possibly, you’ll be gifted the ability to see.
Though still blind as from birth,
A kind of vision will be yours representing profound sight
where you’ll peering in souls, determining their net worth.”
Between wannabe helpful friends,
an investigative doctor, my seer pastor,
I felt nervously helpless to deter
some yet known pending disaster!
My dream suddenly ran into me while awake rendering me unconscious! There came mountains of social, other media buzz and hype about me… a mere blind woman surviving lightening’s contact:
“Today a formerly life long well adapted blind woman
was near fatally, horribly, helplessly struck down by lightening!
Miraculously not dead rendered unconscious, she can see!
Here’s Dean for with the story for further enlightening…”
I awoke in an ambulance
dazed fully sighted!
“What, when, where…” were questions
sudden vision ignited.
Confused, upset, scared,
I asked God, “why here, why now?”
I needed, wanted answers
while not asking Him how.
Remembering my last realest dream
experienced just two long days ago,
I heard of upcoming storms forecasted.
Setting the stage for perpetual darkness to go!
Speaking candidly with God, saying with trembling lips and the apex of my chin pointed towards heaven:
“Lord, spare me unsolicited, unwanted vision!
Will I keep my trusted old natural born gift?
You can the new back for the old in exchange -
visual sight for blind insight’s constant lift.”
You now see why I used to suffered from Astrapophobia?
Doctors, clergymen, government officials
hounded, tested, probed studied, annoyed me!
Apparently, I became a modern day miracle!
If they only knew the depths of what I could see
That, I was afraid to reveal.
They’d brand me a “super hero” for sure!
Excited, scared, I tried my new gifts out concluding
”divine” electrocution brought four sense more….
I wasn’t talking about “common” and “nonsense” either-
Most earthly men boasted abundant ownership of those.
Still asking: “Why mess with a content me, Lord?
Why not someone else, why gift a gift I never chose?”
I could teleport, teleconnect.
I had foresight and could prevent things or let just let them be.
These new senses gave me strengths, energies
I never imagined I’d possess, let alone- I’d ever see!
I could literally communicate with God
receiving His direct earth shaking orders.
He told me to brace myself, not be afraid but being thankful
better, clearer sight rendered clarity, tumbled down borders…
“Sighted woman, the time will come
for all to know what your anointing is worth.
Until then stay quiet, learn your gifts
enjoying ripened fruits of this quickly rotting earth!”
I felt, see, knew man’s hourglass
now had its final grains of sand.
I knew the precise moment God would flip it over.
I was the chosen instrument operated by His hand.
I’m now astrapophobia-free unfortunately my trusted
psychiatrist, preacher now have fears of their own.
Cogently, I revealed some of my amazingly new powers.
They tried You-tubing the event utilizing a smart phone.
Knowing, my mind immediately intercepted sending
them both back messages bolded and highleighted in red,
“Naughty! I reiterate- revelation’s times not yet come!
Keep my discussions, evidences shared tucked in your head.
They are not meant to be shared
until Father’s given the word.
Why He’s chose only you to know,
you wouldn’t believe it if you heard…”
So brothers and sisters verily I release unto you
words not meant to evoke responses of fear:
“Be cautious of your actions around struck blind women!
That’s all I’m at liberty right now to safely share.”
From a formerly blind woman once fearful of thunder and lightening.
Peace out!
One Can Of Tuna Fish…
One Can Of Tuna Fish…
Peace comes at a cost! Nothing truly is free. The price of gain’s always lost.
I know.
I’m a cat.
This story
reveals that
I gave up one
can of tuna fish
for a small
granted wish…
I should’ve been happy:
fed, loved in a great home. But bored, dissatisfied, I set out curiously to roam… Countryside living seemed exciting. To a cat, the wild was inviting.
One day deciding not
to come in after dark,
I set out for adventure
in a state-owned park.
I felt totally free:
running, climbing