Now you understand, that you actually have a choice.
You decide what reaction is the right one.
You decide what reaction will make you and your surroundings proud of you, and build you and your surroundings into a even better person - A HAPPY WARRIOR.
You just (I promise you this is not easy) need to start learning to control what the inputs will be used for when the antennas observes them and puts them into your brain.
You need to learn to educate your brain that you want to be the boss. You need to be the WARRIOR on a mission - The mission to a Better Life for you.
And then train on this process here.
By the way, there is the other side of the example I gave. Lets say that the woman in the other car had her own a version of what happened about what happened … something like this:
There was a big stone on the road and I needed to avoid it. I was actually scared but I did avoid it. Then there was an angry horn that just sounded like it wanted to hit me. I was scared that I hit somebody. When I looked in the mirror to find out, there was this (Im a nice person but it looked like this) really “ugly” looking guy, all read in his face, shouting at me, even though I didn’t hear anything it didn’t seam like something nice. And then he put the long finger at me. I was so scared and nervous. I didn’t do anything on purpose—I just wanted to avoid an accident. (I’m sorry to tell you this my dear husband, but I think this guy is the new guy you just hired in your office.)
OK, maybe this is a bit extreme, but it’s not that far out, is it?
So it’s important to understand, that your actions directly involve you. And it’s important to understand that they most likely also involve other people. Bad actions can send a wave of bad vibrations and actions further on, and luckily good actions can do - WILL DO the same in a positive way.
Try give a big smile to a person and what happens? You get a smile back. Maybe this person is a little bit more happy and does something good for the next person they meet, and so on.
So again, start training your brain to watch your thoughts - And really start training to watch your actions.
Meditation - Knowledge - Wanting to be better - Positive Attitude - LOVE.
That’s what it takes.
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