I have lived in poverty—I remember some times when I could only afford to eat spaghetti because that was all there was money for. One time, I needed to get beer cans from the street and sell them to by my spaghetti.
I have had the bank calling and telling me I was broke.
I have tried living and partying with the big ones being on top of everything.
I have traveled to lots of great places around the world.
I have started lots of projects, some succeeded and many didn’t.
Me now
I live in the center of the capital of my country. I have a lovely wife from a totally different culture (Brazil) and her two lovely kids 10 and 13 years—also Brazilians. And we have a lovely daughter together who is now 15 months. We are a busy family with always something going on.
I have a great job, and I work many hours a week, by choice. I love working, but I’m planning on getting more time with my family and I will meet this goal to.
I do my running and my weights a couple of time every week. I take my bicycle to work and I live a healthy life. Because I choose to.
I developed my own style—me being happy and achieving my dreams. And I feel appreciation for being able to share my thoughts and my ideas with you.
Happy Warrior is what this is about. Its not a verification, a test, or anything like that. It’s more like a lifestyle that works for me.
A Warrior (Wikipedia) is a person skilled in combat or warfare.
To me a Warrior is one who trains and trains and trains, both physically and psychologically not to give up, but to win when going into battle. This picture of a great man, who has knowledge, is strong, loves his family, needs to make sacrifices when going to battle, and then goes on to the next one—this is how I picture my life. This is how I live my life.
So imagine your battles. They are all the obstacles we meet—the things that confront us every day. Imagine that you know what you want in your life—dare to dream about it, and know that you can have it if you prepare enough, train enough, fight the beasts (procrastination, depression, negativity, despair and etc.) that pop up their ugly heads all the time. You are a Warrior on a mission.
You are not going to kill anybody (besides the beasts you overcome). No, you are happy—you are on a mission to become a greater man or woman. You are on a mission to live a better life. You are becoming a BETTER YOU.
Imagine, that you do all of this with a smile. Imagine that you have what it takes to succeed. And always look at the bright side of life, finding the positive in any situation. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” - That is my picture of a HAPPY WARRIOR.
And this book is all about the good stuff you can use in your life to become your own HAPPY WARRIOR. I really do wish for you to not only enjoy the reading but to understand the mission and even more important, take action - To make changes to you and for you to get closer to your paradise. Always with a smile on your pretty face. Getting stronger and stronger.
I really wish that you will be your HAPPY WARRIOR - I do really wish this - I know you can.
Yours truly
Michael Morales
There once was a cautious man,
who never laughed or cried,
he never cared, he never dared,
he never dreamed or tried,
and when one day he passes away,
his insurance was denied,
for since he never really lived,
they claimed he never really died.
Good Advice when reading this book
Why Do I Write This?
I know my writing can be direct and I am focused on letting you know what’s on my mind. This also means that maybe you’re reading my book, learning about my thoughts and my life. Find what you can take from this and use in your life.
I know you understand that this is not about anyone being better than anyone else. In the matter of development, I truly do what I can to develop me, and I don’t judge anybody about their lives. I do want to help other people, and I want to help by writing my experiences in living a happy life - And being a HAPPY WARRIOR.
Here are some things you can do to get the most out of this.
Read Focused
Be sure that you really are paying attention while you read. Use your conscious mind so you are sure to absorb it all. This gives you a better understanding, and a better base for working during and after reading.
Take Notes
Whenever you read something that “hits” you. Take a note. Have a book for notes ready and be sure to write to yourself where you read this. Ex. Site 94, Drink Water first thing.
This small thing will let your mind be even more focused and this means it will affect you even more and make you even more ready to work your way from now on.
When you read something that you think for some reason has importance to you and somehow maybe is meant to make a change for you. STOP RIGHT THERE! And reflect on it. Think about what made you stop and how you can use this, and then take a note to this.
Be Objective
It’s so easy to say, “that’s great Michael, thank you and good bye.” Please see what you can get out of the words and meaning in this book. Please see what difference it can make in your life. Even if you get a little sad because you think you have a long way to go, you can still be objective. It means you know you can improve and in me you have a friend that wants to help and give his thoughts to you. So please just be objective and squeze everything possible out of this.
Read Notes
Great stuff. When you are finished with the book, instead of leaving it on the shelf and having no thoughts about it after. Make sure to have a system so you read the notes all over once in a while. Just after you finished the book, take a note in your To Do System that you once a week you will read your notes. This will really make it matter in your mind and the Ahas that you might have lost in a effective day will come up as important once more.
Plan To Implement Things
You can read this book, think it is great (you will), and when finished go on with the next one and nothing happens. I want you to make a difference in your life. RIGHT NOW MAKE A COMMITMENT THAT YOU WILL!
So please take your notes, and think how you can implement the steps without getting overloaded. How can you make small changes that you can integrate into your daily life?
No Excuses
Dont push your plan or To Dos to the next day. You have right now to make a change. You can make a change, but no changes will happen if you keep on making excuses to yourself and your surroundings. Deliver the goods my friend. This is part of being a WARRIOR - And being a HAPPY WARRIOR, you really need to put both hands in the dirt and work.
Don’t Trust Me Blindly
I found my way in my life, and I share this with