Just Do It
I love it. When something is right for you, and you know this deep inside, then go ahead, just do whatever is possible for you to do. That means changes, doing better, running longer, smiling more, giving more love and making a difference. Don’t stress about this, but let me STRESS this - JUST DO IT.
Be a HAPPY WARRIOR making a difference in your life and the lives of others.
The Mee
The Mee
I did include this chapter, since I remember my feelings of aha and wow when I read something just like this.
I have always been wondering about why I felt like not controlling my thoughts, and the many times they controlled me. I think that is part of why I started meditation when I was very young. You will also learn more about this in other places in this book. Just be exited.
I have read great books about the big and the small mind, about conscious and subconscious.
One day I read about The MEE.
This is so great so put this picture up to your mind right now.
Think that you as a person are like this, and I start from bottom:
* You have a body, which physically can do a lot of motions
* You have a Brain, which actually tells your body what to do. Conscious or unconscious.
* And then you have your sensory apparatus which like small antennas catch anything around you whether it’s something you see, something you taste, something you hear and so on.
OK now - Look at this here - This is you (and me and your family and so on).
OK, all these inputs that are all around you all day and night are there. It’s energy whirling all around.
Your antennas catch a lot of these inputs whether in one or the other form, and they put all this information into your brain. Your computer.
Your brain, your computer, constantly works with all the input it gets (again this is really a lot) and it works for you to adjust and make the best for you, with the input it gets.
So, for example, if your antenna picks up a noise that sounds something like a car is coming very fast and might be dangerous, you will probably use this input to turn your head and see if you should be afraid or maybe just jump aside.
Putting the figures in action (which is you and me right now) it will be something like this:
1. Your antennas are caching input all the time.
2. Your Brain is working with these and figuring out what to do.
3. There is an outcome, that is your body will react in some way.
This is really great isn’t it?
Now, there is something I want to share with you here, and I’m not going all the way through the introduction to this or the background. Just be together with me here.
This is a natural law.
The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation
This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see, hear, smell, taste, or feel is the manifestation of energy in various levels of vibration. The universe as a whole, and its parts, has its existence in an ocean of motion. Motion is the only thing that is constant. Change is energy’s only attribute and because of it comes all that is apparent to our material senses. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. It is cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed.
Please read it a couple of times, its big and great.
This law actually means that what is non-physical will always move into physical form. Which means that the physical level of life is the manifestation of the non-physical.
Now back to mee
Look at 1-3 again—1 being your antennas, 2 being your brain/mind, and 3 being your body/actions.
Here comes the critical part:
1. You get input and that input translates into ideas.
2. Ideas stir emotions.
3. Emotions will be expressed as actions. This will be with and through the body.
And of course the actions will be a physical result.
This law explains the creative process.
This is also important in another way because you can actually improve things in your life with this knowledge.
You will read more about this in other parts of this book. You will maybe see it in another way - It all goes and comes together. You get input and you take action.
If you are not trained (which you will be throughout this book) in many cases you will actually behave like the animal (sorry for the picture of this), that means you will “just” react on the input without any thinking.
Here’s an example. The animal is running on the road, a car comes, the light hits the animal (and here it comes). If the animal is rational, it will run to safety. If the animal gets scared and remains in the road, BAM! (Sorry again).
Now let me bring this example to you and me - Before we really got trained to use our potential here.
You are in your car (this is before you start to take the bike, you didn’t even know this was going to happen yet). You are stressed because you are late. Another person sits in her car and does a movement in the traffic that really p….. you off. You react like the animal and you do something physical to make that person understand that you are the leader, and and she just stepped into your territory. This could be something like the following: You shout to the person (even though both of you sit in different cars, with music on and windows up) or you honk the horn saying HEY THERE - YOU JUST PUT A FOOT IN MY TERRITORY—UNDERSTAND I’M IN A HURRY—DON’T DO THAT—I’M THE BEST, and so on. Get it?
Well is this really something clever to do or let me say rational? Of course not. Why do we do this? Because its like the animal instinct or reaction - We don’t think - We just react.
Are these kinds of actions going to make us better people, living a better life with more success, more love, better friendships, and a great being?
Of course not. Please understand that I write all of this to provoke you a little, but really because I want you to STOP RIGHT NOW AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU JUST READ.
By the way, if you are sitting with your long finger in the air and an ugly face pointing at me right now, then let me ask you this:
Do you think I see you?
Do you think I hear you?
Will that accomplish anything?
And at night when