The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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terms, mankind created the bi-polar bridge to Hell. Being and doing would always be at war. This is the Omega Strain. Evil equals legalism today.

      JOURNAL 451


      There is no official TERM to or for what we dynamically feel we know. That is why symbols created an emotional vector. If we store binary memory and do not release it then we are condemned to remain in one sentiment or one choice forever.

      All credentials are predisposed lies that serve the tax base of the king state of the Omega strain. To bury a very demanding organic mover-based knowing that is deeply embedded in our feeling nature is true criminality. We all are blessed with and are made to share our being-ness which moves unilaterally. This being and doing are one. Do we share feelings? Do our doubts actually define us as thinkers? What we do is not who we really are by Genesis feeling standards. Are these necessary human feelings cut off by the abstract we call legalism? Of course they are. Human fears are legalized for payment to the suppressors.

      Do we want to know how this great con of man works? Do we want to figure out how the “this means that and that means this” bait and switch icon worship works? It is not difficult to figure out once you have the KEYS TO THE ABYSS, once you open to your own Genesis truth and feeling direct knowing, all is visible.

      If you drop a frog in boiling water, he will quickly jump out. If you drop him in warm water and bring the temperature up slowly to the boiling point, the frog will continually adapt and allow itself to be boiled alive. Is the accepted agreed to all or nothing binary mind-set the “slow boiling of the frog syndrome?” Is this our fate? It is fate that our living truth remains in a suppressed mysterious unconscious senseless place within us? We must open the brain’s full potential. Are we being denied the living truth of our biological being-ness which is our innate spirit nature? When we consider the symbolic act and where it ends up, we always find out that the icon converts enjoy rule by the application of a self-tightening psychological binding. The King demanded loyalty through his psychological fear servants, the priests and the politicians. The specter of fear is all that is needed to dominate the world. Post and warn, threaten by force and law is the result.

      Today we use eye-con intimidation in the form of tags and labels of artificial good and bad. Eye-con memory is based in fear of loss of one’s game rights. The game is turned against them by every profiteer the game can offer. To point out any error in the game’s protocol, the top players will retaliate, berate, condemn and even kill to preserve their AI credentialed status of icon right. Everything in the player’s area is considered tangible vice. No player is allowed to look at a personal freedom that is not tied to the credentials of all the made up vice-machinery.

      Like a fiefdom, as long as the king gets what he wants, all other material goods can be absconded by the brotherhood of the police, the King’s men. The words ethical and moral are symbolic abridgements. Repressed direct knowing automatically gives an individual a place in the game. Once bio-genesis feeling is sabotaged, all feelings of reprisal must be seduced by artificial means. This way to the artificial mean is called abstract differential. One must play the game or drop out and be declared unfit to play. It is an all or nothing ruled by or-else threat, is it not?

      It is the acting out of that which we define as the game plan, that we are told we must agree with – or else. What is left but penal redemption? Pay the looters! Do we sense this parody of Omega divisiveness? To play out the demographic parts and roles for the state orchestrated game is total imperialism. Omega strain has no feeling not crushed between their or-else rules, so they disregard feeling as a knowing.

      What would prevent us from falling into a trance-like sleep in our boxed in lifestyle? Are we mesmerized by our symbols called words? We made up words and fit each one with a fear, and then filled our minds with many words and with many fears over many years, each with a promised icon cure. Only in mental weakness do we seek to forge an alliance with made up symbols of strength or empowered right. An organic being is built from and for independence, built for a precise feeling matrix that cannot be easily discounted by demand-based rule and law which act on our biological brain like a sedative.

      Mankind is deceived by word promise installments, believing in what was made-up, that did not exist UNTIL someone named it. We write it down and call it meaning-full.

      Conjunction, as Webster might say, begins with the stacking of words. There is more to this folly than meets the eye. Conjunction [the word] is said to mean “the action or instance of two or more events or things occurring at the same time or in the same space. One thing leads to the other and the illusion widens. We are ruled by an exquisite deception. Is it this or that as that is changed to this to get that? Meaning as implication is a slippery slope.

      We are in serious psychological bondage that is very physically harmful to the mind/body bio-energy dependency. These obsessive compulsive people are well trained in self-sabotage symbols conversions, offering judicious roles and parts which certify they are the only ones with official rights. The little man’s voice is just a mouse squeak at best.

      If you are a good player you are entitled to take full advantage of any and all human misery to subsist. This group uses symbols fully dedicated to their learned acts to convince human beings to rely on symbols as their only knowing. If we don’t play along, a new tagged disorder gets added to your profile, the log which tracks the efficacy of all AI demographics. This affliction is bio-epigenetic and has deep roots in the evolutionary genetic thread. We are repeating the past again and again and we cannot seem to escape it. Why?

      The icon converts easily join and agree to cut themselves off from their own innate organic feeling of inner passive truth. All human beings possess a latent organic sensory direct comparative knowing, which means “put yourself in my place and feel what I feel.” We are in dire danger because we do not put ourselves in the other’s place but rely on a false method we call contract knowing.

      Most are under paper rule and paper contract that says no permission is granted to do anything if you do not have a license or credential. Anything done without authorization is “against” the law. Imagine how many so-called bad guys are created, in the realm of human beings, who care, forgive and refuse to blame other people. We must snap out of the human ignorance that forces us to play this deadly game. The sins of this world are embedded in the ignorance of the pretense of the AI agreement process. How many words do we have that demand our fear? Why are the users of Black’s law not afraid?

      Anyone who does not USE “contract blame” for commercial gain is a “bad” guy. This is to say there are people out there on the fringes of the endemic systemic idol’s parody who do not use binary blame. They feel their error; it but they cannot find the path out of the icon maze. They do not have the key to the abyss. Are we under a very sinister spell? Who actually owns your human will? It has a new face but its demeanor is still the same.

      Weak minds are silicon minds, full of artificial [abstract] symbols concordance. What is Black’s Law dictionary but the way to the abstract means [the eye conned icon contract] that will support, insure and defend the next holy word inquisition. Be aware of the AI hats, badges, stripes and robes that are multiplying as you read these journals.

      What role do the ears play in word configuration and conjunction? Try not agreeing with someone and feel the tension. Why? Man is afraid of being wrong, and should be, however spiteful we are taught to be of the one who will not agree. If we ask are you with us, what do you say? If you are not with us, are you necessarily against us? Do you have a mind of your own? Do you? Does that even matter anymore? Do your beliefs come with a leash? Living according to your own inspirations is not allowed by law. How many words begin with the word con? We have two defining dictionaries but one is terminal conclusion configured for official capacity only. Why is this question so important? The little man’s dictionary has no official voice at all.

      JOURNAL 290


      Are we afraid of the word? Once we occupy a symbol the organic brain makes you afraid because the symbol is not real! Your organic brain was designed to know, through the extrapolation of the sense matrix, and