The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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sensory central comprehensive knowing. Made of nouns and verbs, organized proper rule-based diction becomes the simulation, the symbolic model and serves to override total sense bio-genesis. When this happens the passive memory protects the biological integrity of the central voice as mover.

      What non-organized science has actually learned is that the brain enters a neural disintegration process, where the “thought” connectors that extrapolate cause and counter cause bio-knowing wither and die.

      Ask yourself what part of your own life is actually a living truth and what part is a forgery for the model society asks of you as a player. You are close to perceiving a common sense answer to the question of why we are again entering political world slavery and a religious abomination of desolation.

      Look at the word Volition, taken over, even removed, by the make believing in the word: prefix. To fix before what, to Pre-Fix what is not broken? Sounds like any one of the new psychotropic drugs does it not, the prefix of make all believe so what is made up can appear real as long as we are all “on the same page.” What are they really up to? Volition being the subject of the predication, or predicate [subjected to] under a tag con. To make believable! Look up the word “con” to find that it is one of the most used prefixes, as to “lead in or lead to.” There are 1,947 words that begin with the prefix “con” in the “people’s” dictionary, the dictionary of con-notation. What does that tell you?

      What we feel as the human soul is the energy embedded in the passive brain of being organically moved to be and to do. Feeling is an energy collection data base.

      Without icon impregnation we are docile, kind and harmonically tuned to each other. Human feeling is expansive. The human brain is in a “genetic” shut down mode – off-line. It does not have to be that way. For most human beings it is a feeling of boredom, a blank feeling as a result of a lifetime of icon submission preying on the ignorance of the human species. So many brains are shut down. In the realm of pure non-sense lie the groups of fear-based religions. They love entertainment and sad sounding resonance. Our words are ear and eye stimulus only and are not connected to our living truth or our bio-genesis innate real feeling direct knowing.

      Put aside what you want to believe and look at the overall picture and the number of heavy handed, high priced rules, codes, jargons, puppet lines and overt dissension spilling out over this planet. Take a good look around you, the blank looks on people’s faces, and the dumbed down scared children whose parents actually know nothing of what the kids feel about what they are taught. The child is scared as he feels the systemic virus infiltrate his genesis knowing. How desperate are we really? No question, no answer, no change. What is legalism for? Most people do not realize what these pretend foreign objects, abstracts, made up words, are doing in their heads. Garbage in – garbage out! People’s heads are totally game compliant with roles made to match the kingdom’s intent-based mandates.

      We are told that rules ensure a safe and healthy kingdom. But, who pays and who profits? The high court depends upon its tag and label convictions to remain in the court business. We allow endless taxes to be levied by the rulers. The not so good players receive fines for stepping over the invisible edict enforced lines. Ask yourself just how much freedom of choice you actually have that is not taxed or fined? Go ahead, ask yourself. Then ask someone not on your same “pretending page.” The cult man says rules make the man. Do we even have a clue as to just how stupid people really are to make up a symbolic model that can declare god obsolete and declare symbolic man master of the universe?

      Omega does not like the bio-genesis living model because he cannot control it.

      Can we declare our human feelings useless? Man has tried everything for centuries, ruling by brutality, physical fear and mental torture, chopping heads off, cutting away at the brain to get rid of what is universally known to be felt by all regardless of language. Feeling cannot be ablated.

      Knowing is unstoppable, especially, if backed into a corner of artificial rules by thugs who are paid to perform in uniform service to the icon taskmaster. Imagine that you make up a game, the rules of the game and call it a model for the “good” of everyone. The best actors get the best parts. Who gets the bottom end crap jobs, those who do not play well with others - right? Fortunately our bio-architect made people bright enough to see through all this iconic, academic binary icon bullshit.

      Saying nothing because you are made to think you cannot speak out is a legally closed-minded trap of permission granted for saying nothing. Your head is on the sacrificial inquisitional chopping block. The truth about what symbols do to us is forbidden knowledge. In time lock-down the slaves all appear to be model citizens and the taskmasters are glorified. The takers take from the producers and the producers must obey the model, which if all goes well translates to a perfectly agreeable slave population world-wide.

      The insanity of the eye-coned [icon] converted man is historically epic. The stance is egregious to any common-sense logic of any working animal will. The icon man is so willing to scam and delude the minds of others, including himself, for profit from icon made deformity that he will even sacrifice his own inner child nature.

      Omega man is willingly sacrificed to the almighty official, authorized only label, infected with an “original” sin which is the fear of fear. We bow before the gold stars, the letter A, the high score of 100 as a performance rated player who can and will remember to repeat lines and jargons exactly as instructed. Our ignorance is as epic as our contorted history if we examine it closely.

      The symbolic model gives us what? Bit-part lives all sculpted by handed down Greek/Roman Imperialism. To the non-believer, sin is a meaningless word. The believer thinks that not believing is sin. Believers want control over their symbols, but the exact opposite happens every time, the symbol takes over and rules them. The alpha believer and the Omega non-believer are cut from the same iconic cloth. Omega feeds the believer idiom and pretense of word knowing. Do they not get it because they both have to agree to agree to form a blind loyalty to the model which eventually takes control over them? Like a missile sent out to kill others, which doubles back and kills you instead. Agreements progress from I to “we” to “they” and are the foundation of a pure, unidentifiable latent hypocrisy: the entity.

      It has taken man 2,500 years to get this far to be able to see it as it becomes more and more undeniable. Our error is biologically applied as symbols go terminal. Of course the enforcers and the symbols trainers hope that we will not recognize the Imperial cult, the wizard behind the curtain. We see you!

      The winning side wins, the losing side loses and that is our 2,500 year old Icon Imperial Model. Let us trace the systemic bio-epigenetic/genetic thread carefully back to the days it all went psychotic. Right labels are earned by winning; derogatory tags are assigned to those who lose. All word bias is taken from other words through centuries of made up cons made to look like it’s a wonderful life all the way back to the Roman inquisition. The Roman edict had already failed by the time we stole it. We figured out what went wrong and fixed it, right? Nope! Our icon stoic history is fractured by obscured make-believe roles and years of conniving up-start actors. Movie moguls are trying to send a message that our history is our future. What are the story line predictions? War and tyranny, all of them! Atlas Shrugged, Avatar, In Time, Hunger Games, Divergent, Elysium and one of the best examples Equilibrium.

      We, the little people, are certainly not on a path advancing toward any human characteristic like impassionment.

      The child model is open and unafraid, non-possessive, naturally caring and very tender, actively using the organic truth we all feel deeply. Do we adhere to this model behavior? The bio-energy induced brain is suffering from symbols malediction as the organic feeling direct knowing sense deteriorates. We are dying from the inside out. What is cancer but Genesis “on call” to terminate a human being’s life if need be. Would variance solve this? Are we divergent?

      We are victims of the long-term use of our icon malediction spread by family habits and traditions! Are we cursed to suffer symbols malediction genetically? We are coexistent with an exacting bio-genetic tread of endemic binary sense dementia symbiosis. We inherited man’s 3,000-year-old evil. What do you really know that you did not make up, learn, agree to and swear by? The biblical journals are warnings! All social jobs