The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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fear of the symbol. Like a virus, it infiltrates the cell and pretends to be a normal part of the natural cellular function. Word based pretend, pretense, pretext and portent is our so-called AI step-truth, that which men judge men with and by for being-ness processing. That is a 3,000-year-old mind game still in our genetic thread, passed on to each new slave generation. Can our beliefs kill us?

      How many ways can you describe doing anything? Imagine outlawing all but one way. This is what laws do. Thinking, as a choice, is outlawed. So we play games in our bio-topical frontal minds first and that is an icon residual side effect. When you become icon conversion subservient and you cannot feel anymore, the death gene will appear. Is that the way cancer finds us? When we become inhuman, the immune genes go rogue. It appears as actual tissue rot and it works from the inside out like all of nature’s disintegration processes. Is this possible and the reason we have found no cure for our cancers? The living brain is self-aware of the conniving implanted symbols memory artifice. If the central voice [five to the fifth power feeling-direct-knowing energy] is shut down, the total human sense logic degrades. Long-term it is world devolution. Symbols lobotomize our Genesis Direct Knowing. We are genetic stop-children, all linked metaphysically. Wait until the human feeling doors open. No army will stand in its way. The masks of non-sense are everywhere hiding clever cult tactics.

      Slaves wake up. You were free once and you knew the living truth that is now denied you. Go now, find your organic voice, feel what is in you. Once you feel it, you will never again forsake it. Our biology will actually destroy itself because it is not being allowed to protect you. Is this a familial genetic trend? Absolutely!

      Once you know, the concord of man will light up for all to see. Is Genesis Sabotage a coincidence? Absolutely not! Here is why. As verbal language began, sound dominated the minds of men/women who did not read or write. Simple communications existed but were not dominated by any sect or group domination. For the most part communication was through voice intonations, gestures, body language and the look in the eyes which we still trust today. The voice of enthusiasm did play a role as men and women traded wares, food and items they made. The king’s court took the spoken word and made it written, and then passed it on to the progenitors of persuasion, the first edict posting priests, the first clever fear-based statisticians who were paid to inform the locals to obey or else face penalties. This was the king’s edict and the evolution of the mask of the priest. Fear became a vending business.

      Here is a question we are willing to ask. Is the foundation of all belief tied to an event where bio-feeling, as a passive direct knowing, was actually seduced by, let’s say the sound of the word? Can we imprison sound? Is war fought over human rights or for the rights of those who occupy a symbolic premise that makes men slaves? Does terminal edict, law based tax and rule, times 7 billion people, spread over almost 200 countries equal inquisition?

      As more and more people learned to read and write, words evolved to fit the rules and regulation of the king’s court. The king’s personal bodyguards and servants watched for any verbal backfire [sound based non-compliance]. The commands of the king’s proprietary rights included taking what he wanted anytime or anywhere, ransacking the castles of distant countries for the riches and new icon converts taken by force which worked well for slave labor. Demean the human brain so it can be dumbed down for symbols implications and sell good for bad and bad for good.

      Once the eye records and remembers this or that, it believes what “intent” made to take place compared to what one felt actually took place, there is a paradigm shift from passive real to active unreal. Make-believe holds a virtual reality in place. The mask of intent knows how to use fear as leverage for making social thugs.

      Evil players, holy actors and fear filled slaves are those who feel no self-worth beyond the roles they play. What is being stated in these pragmatic journals is not new! It is what set the stage for the unholy game of inquisition. Sin is now epigenetic due to the brain shutting down and the mind locking out its own central voice. Until people examine what makes them afraid there will be no will to change. Bio-genesis knowing is denied to the individuals wearing the masks of evil. Like in The daVinci Code, only the righteous will find the truth.

      Some can feel this dastardly act on a global scale but most are completely oblivious. The misery we have, we share in every latent form known to man, from contract love in the bedrooms of our marriages to the slavery for profit in the boardrooms of our corporations. It is legal coercion for which we all pay dearly. To say once a group is deemed benevolent, by agreement, any action is sanctioned as long as the participants allow it. Consider the Cancer Society. To have not yet found a cure, after billions of donated dollars, could be the result of an official agreement to profit from the desperation of the masses. After the drug called “the treatment” destroys the immune system and the human dies we tout the bait and switch line that it was the cancer that caused the death not the poison cure.

      It is the brain in Mononomeric Differential which is denying the body a life continuance. Cure the con resulting from the organic degradation of the human being and you will cure the cancer. A healthy brain will ensure a healthy immune system.

      Our symbols are the bait on the hooks dangling in front of hungry fish. We convince and convict men every day of this or that. Do we not label and tag everything and everyone as if we are under some subliminal contract? How does the great con of man work? We are force fed symbols until we become a symbol? Do the words sin and word con have anything in common? Does the trap fit us so well we are willing to “agree” to deny we are in a trap dancing with the symbols devil? Biblically, evil is called a practice and therefore could not be an implant at birth. Isn’t all practice about repetition and mastery? Why is there evil in the world?

      We trade our organic truth, the concept of a soul and of a loving god, for a pseudo-part in the great con game. Deny it and it will become more inflated. We have crossed the Genesis point of no return.

      We allow human slavery but call it “the job,” do we not? Ask yourself why any human suffering has to exist. Do we see ourselves, in our symbolic costumes, as members of social agreement clubs? What is a cult? Many claim we were born with a flaw. Imagine one group defines the flaw as one thing and another group as something else. False inquisitions are all based on false symbols convictions. There are 1,947 words that begin with the prefix CON. Icon addictions debilitate us.

      We are told to be civilized we must be converted to artificial symbols. All human bias is taught to us. Symbols are obstacles to a genesis brain. During our first brush with so-called education, the players earn letter “A” labels for good behavior, the first performance-rated one-up-man-ship. The non-players are given a “D” grade status, where the parent is supposed to feel terrible that their child is deficient. Our social standards modeling is based on symbolic remembering and does not appreciate innate curiosity or questioning that might lead an individual to a non-governed future existence.

      What will become of an artificial mono-dimensional external sub-reality? Are our schools of artificial degradation serving the human being’s biological quality of greater human understanding? Or is it the concepts of pretense these teachers are paid to implant? When the child’s voice is very fragile and the trusting creature is innocent of any possible wrongdoing, the education of symbols bribery begins. The feeling direct knowing in that child can easily be taken away by the teachers, who are converts themselves, who are paid to do their JOBS without question. They indoctrinate the mind with futile states of despair and disparity to make the child doubt its own central voice.

      Do we lose our organic truth of the original bio-perceptive brain to made-up symbols? When we say the mind, do we actually mean what is in the “artificial symbols head” of man? What do we feel and look for in real human communication?

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