The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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the show. It is this organic data that has been subverted and sabotaged leaving man as nothing more than an automated symbols factory. We are suffering from an event bio-dam stasis departure from a life element living truth. In biological fact we are in a binary flux differential or Mononomeric Differential called bio-stasis icon diffusion. Passive total recall contains all living correlation elements. We innocently exchange it for a topical one-way street called intent which is strictly governed by rule and law. Genesis is a long-term plan for survival and vitality; icon conversion is a short term game.

      This sense of an undisputable bio-fact must be addressed. Symbols compliant intellectuals, those who are paid to self-deceive and act out their commercial artificial roles, will not address the problem. Their false identity depends upon an agreed pretending terminus. They control us through the use of psycho-sematic neurosis fear. We can all feel our icon dementia as we purge the intimidation of the symbols held by a few men endowed with the authority of hats, badges, stripes and robes which use a “masked to deceive” psychological intimidation to police the abstract symbiosis of the AI moral right programming to instill fear. Fear of fear is the law.

      The faint murmurings of 5000 BC became more distinct and mumbling, became the artificial real placed within the imprint of “the word.” As unreal became more and more synthetic, the symbol grew larger and we fell under its influence. The “word” was not yet sacrosanct. Only fear can make a symbol holy. The binary head was filled with “non-sense” demands to force it to accept made-up artificial values as real. Sound was the first auditory signature to represent the symbolic realm. It is called the ear-con. Sin first existed in vibratory energy impact fear. The ear con made man a coward and a slave to physical threats backed by those masked with authority. Holy words are merely words spoken by a man with a holy mask for preemptive fear tooling. Why wait for physical force as an implication?

      JOURNAL 556


      It took 3,000 years before real Omega icon conversion evil dominated the entire planet as the visionary symbols slight-of-hand made the abstract truth into legalism. However, sound was not visible, could not be kept in line and could not be tracked, directly harnessed or controlled effectively. The force backing the sound of the spoken word was not as effective as the hand-held written word which uses a visual psychological threat. Paper truth was the first death warrant. Symbols activate the binary puppet roles which are a precursor of our long-term memory conviction and termination programming. Legalism processes the “value label” applied. Religion processes the fear built into the label, the “covenant of sin.” Religion requires preemptive obedience, mocking our central voice.

      As the icon purge improves we soon realize how symbols have robbed us as a thief in the night using the back door of our passive memory to remember AI rules and labels. The first trauma is an extreme warning that the symbols forgery of the empowered icon factor is a direct violation of the inner self that is vehemently opposed to the creature being sabotaged from the outside. Evil is external, sin is internal.

      The second trauma is to be made legally afraid of the power of the symbol. As icons are used against him, the scared little man defers his own bio-fear to the names, symbols, tags and labels of the Omegas. Imagine the power invested in one fear program. Imagine what can be done using the power of that fear. Suspicion alone can break the human soul, if feeling is not your friend to ward off man-made icon conversion fear.

      Man could be made to revere artificial symbols as long as the physical force was there to ensure it. Fear is used as an easy way to push the symbolic human head into a subjective applied self-disdain. Do this and don’t do that - or else. What does any leader want? Man’s bio-fear was made to appear as an enemy long ago and so direct knowing stalled out and became an emotional mine field. Without a symbol’s governed head man can be kind. Symbols were not designed to be kind or caring.

      Impending fear locks man in the abyss of servitude. Legalism is studied and authority granted by academic right to those who will learn and parakeet jargons and lines that make people act out of fear for a coercive idols sub-reality. The hive-compliant mind, the same idols provocation that, in a bio-stasis energy dam, shut down our central voice is linked directly to our life learning curve, our organic genesis data stream. Is this why our bio-genetic ancestors fell asleep and dreamed their way into a dark, blind and seamless, brainless icon oblivion - the Icon Inquisition Tyranny?

      The inner genesis voice raised is still a threat, like the distinct growl of the junkyard guard dog. To the icon police, this is his cue to further threaten and intimidate, to insist that this means that and that means this based on the symbols code violation manual that he is paid to proffer as his “job.” The symbolic man in the uniform is in psychological “gold star” training. He is led to believe word and jargon meanings are the only truth, which they are not. He is as much a victim of the masked icon model as the little man and does not have a clue he is in grave long-term bio-genesis sub-moral anger. He hates any non-symbolic representation with human feeling. The thug mind gets worse, not better. Police and soldiers are junkyard dogs tied to the bumper of the evil of legalism. Imagine we are told that we are protected by a group of thugs that can insult, intimidate and talk down to the little man. What voice does the common man have? Are you talked down to? Are you used to it? Legalism is hell’s terminal hierarchy.

      Reaction, in the symbols filled little man’s head, is the cue to bow before the cur and assure binary edict remains as its model idealism. Then the game is a perfect semi-agreed sin which is fear-augmented by color of law [evil]. Artificial code is on-off, all or nothing. After all, the uniform is the symbol of power, not the human being wearing it. The symbols hold man’s artificial truth, not the genesis being clothed in self-deception. Evil is the group mask touting the lie that there is power in number. The power comes from its use of force. Naked we can see ourselves. The one in the uniform is made by man to subjugate the willing man and thus becomes the symbol of a subliminal self-deception. He who promotes the mask occupies evil.

      Axiom: When life knowing begets begin-ness, fear and legalism will cease.

      Imagine the head game that must go on for man to mask and dismiss his feelings of life knowing and the passion in our being-ness. The creature being reacts from natural urges which have already been tagged hostile. Push comes to shove and any normal human self-defense is then easily tagged as the greater crime. The little man is scared to death to take a stand against the calibrated aggressor model said to be in place to protect him. In that case a belief is coercion based on fear. When the weight of taxes and fines and fears overwhelm him the indecisive wedge between his disconcerting emotional content and its inability to release hostile reason will bring about insanity where everything means absolutely nothing at all.

      Real feeling people will courageously fight back. Law is pure intimidation supported by mutual fear. When the militant attitude of a police state is rendered useless, as in a tragic natural disaster, the uniform has less importance and human nature rebounds. What would the police do if there were no bad guys?

      The genetic seed of man is encountering the biological shut down of its life energy data, the human feeling that contains birth to death passive dimensional sense data. The living truth is not the divided binary symbols that govern the icon believers who are acting out roles made to look like a good social behavior with commercial benefits. What are religions, science and governments selling? Group beliefs foster a brotherhood of liars, cheats and thieves. One lies and they all swear to it.

      What is it that we do not know about the nasty nature of fear-based religion and subversive politics? Imagine we sell countless delusions and call it advertising, insurance, education and credentials. Those who remain in bio-stasis suffer from the little man’s syndrome. Anyone who debunks the icon delusion is said to be living in an altered state. The masks of self-deceit will be rent in two and fall to the ground.

      The eyes were separated from the other senses centuries ago and formed a bio-genetic rift. It is the paper devil vying for the rights over the human essence. With words on paper we pretend we have controllable “meaning.” Symbols bias is when we have AI truth [paper meaning] taking over the genesis brain of the organic creature. No wisdom or real living knowing can be reduced to a product with a binary label. The “we-they” indemnity