The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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this Genesis time, we are in a bio-logical organic truth that encourages us to experience the feeling of being moved, to open and grow wise. Tricking the bio-genesis brain into Icon forgery overrides innate knowing and replaces it with a binary remembering of a man-made god, altering the senses to fit a socially compliant devolution.

      Many are weak because the artificial natures of symbols have caused a biological riff in the ability of the human creature’s brain to reopen withered synaptic doorways that once led to the expanding genesis vision and a dimensional leaning process. We are in familial genetic decrepitude. We have a five to the fifth power communication system, a universal parallel of consciousness that remains passive, gentle, caring and very alive with an earthly sense of well-being. However, you have to open to it. Your inner I [eye] and the biological soul, an energy-rich data accumulation on five sense levels, that will enable you to focus on what you need when the time comes for you to need it.

      Seeing with vision is incremental and exponential. No one can be taught to see as it is in us to be. It is simple if you go slowly and use your total instinct as you started to do as a child. Where did you leave off? You were not allowed to complete genesis training where you were learning to trust in the clarity of your inner self. You were immediately sent to “Symbols Use 101.” The goal of these journals is to re-establish the Genesis link which will heal the bi-polar rift that is now being used in a very sinister way by all the profit-driven institutions. It can be done, but it takes work and taking back personal will and personal fortitude. We [lovers, artists and composers] will help you to open to it and be one with it. Guarded hearts become unguarded when you have fully awakened. When you feel moved to be, wellness ensues.

      What are words, but icons and idols? Human fear allows idols to run this world. Imagine man felt he had to create a subordinate rule to run his life? The taskmasters impose fines and codes on those who do not want to play the game of kowtowing to hats, badges, stripes and robes all decked out in impressive finery to take away any freedom. “To do or not to do” is a paradox.

      SIN is fully invested and embedded in the artificial pretend knowing and it is a poor man’s subjugation. How many human beings are alive and biologically tuned to an organic wellness and feel the direct stimulus of full sense knowing? Some will stand up and say they are, but most are not, as they are afraid to lose what little they are allowed to think they have. They remain totally dependent on the militant thugs who are trained to wear and use the masks of artificial authority.

      Millions of fabricated divisive models have been tried and each usurp the others as we drag symbolic reasons made of terminal idealism into the fairytale landscape of pretending there is an “or-else” outcome. We trust these overt tags and labels of misery entirely. Imagine the severity of the infected heads of all men trapped in misery. Why are we infatuated by word worship? We were taught to obey, from fear of losing what was never ours to begin with.

      We are made to believe, if we obey, we could be free from having to think about being afraid. Error! Fear was never the enemy. We fear the biological impulse that can drive us to the real that has no name, but contains the living essence of feeling direct knowing. Who or what gave the governing authority the right to demand, impose and delegate artificial rights over the little man? The little man plays his or her rote bit part, repeating the same learned lines day after day, year after year, generation after generation. The result is lifetimes of perpetual habitual thoughtless processing of human beings according to the authority over symbols, numbers, codes, labels, and tags assigned at birth all the way to death.

      What is happening in what science calls our “long-term memory?” Is our binary fictitious broken record, a systemic psychotic syndrome? Is this our endemic social disorder en masse? What is this icon forgery set in the human mind from the distant Roman Games? This make-believe man-made profiling structure is the 3,000-year-old model that failed the Romans that has been resurrected and is used today. It is held in place by more armament than was ever before possible. Satellite and drones are more sinister, and have replaced bows and arrows.

      How would they know to do this, to neutralize the genetic feeling-ness, to trade it for symbols fragmentation which is the human model familial parental cloning? There is no growth, only stagnation when daughter is just like mother and son is just like father. If the parents are armored, the children will learn armoring.

      Symbols’ conniving is very insular and abusive, very clever and cunning. The bondage of the family ties is what the biblical Christ came to set us free from. He came to end the blind agreement process, to bring variance and individuality. In Mathew 10: 34, 35. “Do not think I am come to bring peace unto this earth. I do not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man’s enemies will be members of his household.” This is a warning. But of what, we must ask?

      Jesus, the feeling direct knowing individual and god-man, felt the advent of symbols desolation. He saw the coming of the I-CON convert model himself as a supercilious hive-mind structure that would let the enemy live within his own house [within his body and his mind]. Man, existing outside the boundaries of his organic hands-on total sense, soon detaches the earthly living bond from his interconnected bio-god extrapolations. The symbolic icon model has no product worth selling but it sells its masks all day long as promise, smoke and mirrors, fear, intimidation and a long-term residual uniformed actor’s roles we call “Artificial Intelligence.”

      What is called legalism is a symbolic empowered domination over words, codes, terms and imposed inquisitional terminus outcome, the or-else abstract. What is purgatory but a place where one goes to purge, but purge what? Sin? Not hardly! You cannot purge what you do not understand. Severed by symbols from genesis, the bit part player with a two-part split cohesive memory assumes great latitude pretending that his information is valid and viable. This word program mind impregnation is the post-Imperial slave realm. These are today’s consumers.

      The ones who do not sell out are “agreed to be” bad guys as nonconformists.

      Think about it, do the bad guys care if you agree with them or not? Only the good guys agree with each other and want you to agree with them. Only they remain loyal to fear- based law. They live in and by AI boundary error. The symbol of big brother is our icon hive mentality, or so we are led to believe. But is it? The little man can no longer “afford” big brother’s protection paid for by tax, fine and penal servitude!

      Where would the symbols judging judge be without the subordinate roles like the thug police who are trained to be suspicious? The robot-soldier is beset with the task of tactical enemy destruction. Who or what is the real enemy? All the AI fabricated blame JOBS are neatly tied to the so-called “social” workers who promote the hamster wheel model of social good - processing humans with labels. The living truth does not comply with any man-made encoded assignments. So what truth do you think is your truth? What do we mean? Your so-called truth is most likely not yours at all. Your truth is a copy, a facsimile of the so-called truth of your father and your father’s father. Copy truth came from slavery and a kowtow existence.

      The busy little man was taught in grade school how to be a good little consumer, to play the odds and win the right to blame. The little man has no point of view, no power in his voice but knows how to cheer for the winners. Man is taught to be a player of roles, obedient to the AI rules. The bio-energy is being sucked out of all human beings by the icon converts, the binary symbols remembering taskmasters using AI icon empowerment.

      As bio-fear and invasive fear intimidation swallows him, man dances to the symbolic beat of the redemption realm that has its false values raised conditionally high. Imperial Rome failed and her tortured edicts are in us and must be purged once and for all time if we are to survive. What is intolerable is that man accepts the role of beast of burden and willingly becomes Atlas with the world on his shoulders, breaking his back with the weight. Shrug, little man, just shrug!

      JOURNAL 501


      That “monkey on your back burden” accounts for 80% of man’s artificial neurosis-fear. Being a bit part actor, the icon man with symbols makes up the rank and file unreal and