Energy Medicine. C. Norman Shealy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: C. Norman Shealy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047088
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Both. For to each—remember, to study each of these in the light not only of what has just been given, but that as is a practical experience in the material world; as is known, vibration is the essence or the basis of color. As color and vibration then become to the consciousness along the various centers in an individual’s experience in meditation made aware, they come to mean definite experiences. Just as anger is red, or as something depressing is blue; yet in their shades, their tones, their activities, to each they begin with the use of same in the experience to mean those various stages. For instance, while red is anger, rosy to most souls means delight and joy—yet to others as they are formed in their transmission from center to center, come to mean or to express what manner of joy; whether that as would arise from a material, a mental or a spiritual experience. Just as may be seen in the common interpretation of white, but with all manner of rays from same begins or comes to mean that above the aura of all in its vibration from the body and from the activity of the mental experience when the various centers are vibrating to color.


      When asked which gland in the body is in importance “highest,” Cayce replied, “the pituitary.” In one of the only waking-state books Cayce himself wrote, Auras: An Essay on Color, Cayce wrote, “Indigo and violet indicate seekers of all types, people who are searching for a cause or religious experience. As these people get settled in their careers and in their beliefs, however, these colors usually settle back into deep blue. It seems that once the purpose is set in the right direction, blue is a natural emanation of the soul. Those who have purple are inclined to be overbearing, for here there is an infiltration of pink. Heart trouble and stomach trouble are rather common to persons with indigo and violet and purple in their auras.” In the same booklet, Cayce wrote, “Blue has always been the color of the spirit.”

      Colors influence the entity a great deal more even than musical forces . . . Drabs, or certain greens, have an effect that is almost that to bring illness in the physical body; while the purples or violets, or shades of tan, bring an exultant influence that would make the bringing of building influences in the entity.


      As has been indicated in an earlier chapter, colors are very strongly associated with particular chakras and glands. For instance, the adrenal gland is associated with yellow; the thymus with green; the thyroid with blue; and violet is associated with the pineal. Violet is associated with the pituitary gland. In relation to other chakras, the gonads are identified as orange (Second Chakra), and creativity is related to the gonads. The adrenal glands, in the Third Chakra and the pancreas are yellow. The thyroid and parathyroid glands, in the Fifth Chakra are deep blue. The pineal, associated with the Sixth Chakra, is indigo.

      Cayce wrote, “As with everything there are positive and negative associated with color. Red can be the color associated with creation, energy, and vitality but also its negative aspect can be anger.” According to Cayce, the pituitary gland transforms the colors of the light rays into revitalizing energy to rebuild those centers that are lacking in energy and to reinforce the energies being created with each gland.

      Each body, each activity, each soul-entity vibrates better to this, that or the other color.



      A belief in the power of gemstones is ancient, but Edgar Cayce explained a great deal about their energy, effects, and use in healing. (Also see Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Metals, Minerals, and More by Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D.) Here is a sampling of readings about gems (note that “linguis” refers to lapis lazuli):

      . . . it has been given the lapis linguis is that name which was implied to touchstones, or those used by initiates in their various ceremonial activities, and hence gained for themselves through those forces that are seen, as indicated, that they adhere to the activities of those bodies or associations in such a way and manner . . . that those that are of a psychic turn may hear the emanations as retained or thrown off by influences about such stones. They are of semi-gem or semi-value to those for other than decorative or for those that have not yet comprehended, or there has not been admitted by certain fields of activity the value of those stones in relationships to such conditions for those that are not gifted or those that are not so sensitive as to be able to hear those vibrations giving off, or the singing or talking stones—as they have been called in places . . . So, in this stone lapis. Lapis linguis is that one that has been in use or in touch with those whose vibrations or emanations or auras are of such natures as to have given those vibrations in the nature that any portion of such a stone may give off that which might be heard, see?


      For the entity should ever wear about the body the lapis lazuli or the lapis linguis; for these will bring strength to the body through those vibrations that are brought or built in the innate experience of the entity from its sojourn in the Egyptian land.


      Stones—the entity should have the amethyst (the white) about self often. These vibrations will bring greater harmony, in not only body but in the mental attributes.


      Many times, such recommendations for specific stones were very specific for that individual; however the remarkable variety of such stones recommended certainly suggests that there is healing ability or assistance to be found in gemstones.

      As to stones, Cayce gave advice as to how they can best be used. He suggested having the stones:

      As to stones—have near to self, wear preferably upon the body, about the neck, the lapis lazuli; this preferably encased in crystal. It will be not merely as an ornament but as strength from the emanation which will be gained by the body always from same. For the stone is itself an emanation of vibrations of the elements that give vitality, virility, strength, and that of assurance in self.


      Certainly, lapis lazuli was recommended more often than any. For another woman he said:

      However, if the ruby is kept close to the body, it will be strength, power and might in a manner to the purposes set by the entity, or those choices given.


      For another woman, Cayce stated that opal and moonstone would have a beneficial effect upon the body. (276–5) For still another, the reading states:

      Ever wear about the entity rose coral. The vibrations of same, from same, may aid in the mental as well as vibratory urge to make those influences less of a disturbing nature which might otherwise become disturbing.


      Cayce gave considerably more advice on the use of gemstones. Here is but a sampling from a variety of readings:

      For, lapis is not considered a high quality of gem; rather a very low form, but for that indicated in the character of the stone itself, it would be most helpful in creating that vibration which will make for developments of certain characters of demonstrations with any psychic forces or psychic individuals.


      Cayce actually told one man that he would find the stone most useful to his purposes:

      When there is found that [specimen] which is sufficiently clear for the transmission of light and that which may be held in the hand for five to ten minutes and then set aside and listening hear the movements or the vibrations given off from the emanations from self.


      Each element, each stone, each variation of stone, has its own atomic movement, held together by the units of energy that in the universe are concentrated in that particular activity. Hence, they come under varied activities according to their color, vibration or emanation.


      The auras as compared to the stones, these should work in ninety-nine percent of the conditions where these are considered as those things that work with, not against, the colors seen in the auras; that is, those which indicate