Energy Medicine. C. Norman Shealy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: C. Norman Shealy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047088
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used in folk medicine. The family of quartz is particularly important because of its piezoelectric properties. Piezoelectric means that physical pressure on the crystal evokes an electrical current in the quartz. Many different forms of crystal have been used to assist in a variety of therapies. As mentioned, quartz and all the members of the quartz family have strong piezoelectric effects. Piezoelectric means that physical pressure on the crystal creates electrical energy in the form of current. Interestingly, our skeleton, muscles, tendons, and intestines are all piezoelectric.

      Marcel Vogel is one of the best known individuals in the field of quartz therapy. An IBM research scientist for many years, he gained a number of patents, including the one for the magnetic coating of the twenty-four-inch hard disc drive. He was an expert in liquid crystals as well as solid quartz crystals. He created the Vogel-Cut® quartz crystal, which, in three- six- or eight-inch-lengths, is cut to an exact angle of 51 degrees, 51 minutes, and 51 seconds, which is said to be the exact angle of the Great Pyramid of Giza. He and some of his disciples used this crystal to point at various areas of the body to induce healing.

      William A. Tiller, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University is one of the best known scientists and physicists in the entire field of Energy Medicine. He has extensively studied psychoenergetics, which implies the use of very subtle energies to affect human consciousness and healing. He has done a great deal of work in the field of intentional imprinting of electronic devices and has demonstrated unequivocal effects upon many enzyme systems in fruit flies. One of our doctoral students, using one of his devices imprinted by “intent,” found a significant statistical improvement in the health of individuals whose names were constantly rolled through a computer in the presence of such an imprinted device. The control group, whose names had not been exposed to this intentionally imprinted device, showed no such improvement in health.

      In 1988, at the request of Buck Charlson, the inventor of many innovations in the field of hydraulics, I investigated the effect of crystals on healing. In 200 individuals suffering from depression, half of the individuals in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, were given a quartz crystal to imprint for personal healing, and the other half were given a glass crystal. All the patients were first exposed to two weeks of intense therapy for their depression using my combination approach of education, cranial electrical stimulation using a Liss stimulator, and music therapy on a vibrating music bed.

      At the end of two weeks, they received either a quartz or a glass crystal and were instructed in using them at home. They imprinted the crystals by first emptying the crystal of all stored energy by passing it through a candle flame, then holding it in their hands and repeating in an out-breath, a specific six word or less healing phrase, while visualizing an image of being perfectly healed. They wore the crystal in a white satin pouch around their necks for three months. They had no further intervention for their depression. When they returned for check-ups, 28 percent of those who got the glass crystal and 70 percent of those who got the quartz crystal were out of depression. The results fell into the 0.001 level, considered highly statistically significant. Since that time, I have always offered all my patients with depression a quartz crystal with instructions on how to imprint it.


       A Free Emotional Health Coverage Plan for Those Over 65 Seconds Old

       Deena Zalkind Spear

      Our energy fields are a manifestation of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and intentions. Our physical bodies result from our energy fields, not the other way around. While at the deepest layers we may well be one glorious being, at this level of reality we live in a world where each of us has our own challenges and our own free will. We need to keep our energy fields to ourselves.

      I have observed that some clients who ask me for healing assistance are merged in with someone else’s energy field. This dynamic is not conscious, but it creates all kinds of problems. Merging is an attempt to control or rescue the other person in an unhealthy way. On the energetic levels merging looks and feels as if the auric field, which surrounds and permeates the physical body, overlays or mixes into another person’s field. Sometimes the overlap is so severe that it looks and feels to me as if one person is completely on top of, or totally merged into, the other.

      Awareness of merging and the ability to disengage can be taught. So far, almost all of my clients, who have previously had a problem with merging, have learned to live unmerged. There is a simple visual exercise that I have observed works well for either the person merging or the person being merged into. I call this exercise “Zip Up.” If just one of the involved parties becomes aware of the merging dynamic and properly executes the “Zip Up” exercise in his or her own mind, the merging will be prevented. I will explain how to perform the “Zip Up” exercise at the end of this article.

      One client wrote: “Merging was something I did with almost everyone I met, until I understood the feeling and how unhealthy it could be. Outwardly I was a friendly, outgoing, and caring person. Inwardly I was in much emotional pain. The confusing part was that I felt I was being ‘loving’ in the midst of merging. It started when I met someone. I could often sense their needs and believed it was my job to take care of them—sort of fill them where they were empty and love the places they didn’t love in themselves. Their needs were always more important than mine. I couldn’t even see what my own needs were. If I did, I thought they were selfish. Often I could see others’ pain and loneliness and felt somehow I could help them not feel so alone. But without my boundaries or separating my energy field, the result was merging. Often I tried to get people to do what I thought was best for them, and it might have been; but at the core was a neediness on my part, maybe looking for their love or appreciation so I could feel worthy of being alive. It became very clear that when I grounded, centered, and loved myself, I didn’t need to merge. And it was so easy. All I had to do was ‘Zip up’ and turn away.”

      When one person merges his or her field with another’s, the end result is that both people are hampered in living their lives. Sometimes when someone wants a spouse or a child to behave differently, he or she may try to control the situation by unconsciously merging.

      One mother wrote to me about her experience with her daughter as she learned to stop merging: “I felt as though my daughter was a reflection of me. If she wasn’t good or had failed, I had failed as a mother. This was obviously tied to my ego. When I let go and let her be her own person, all the arguments vanished. Yes, sometimes she failed, but that was her problem, and I still was a good mother.”

      Another reformed “merger” commented on her relationship with her stepdaughter: “I had felt a constant power struggle for rule of the house and for her father’s alliance. I kept getting hooked, trying to make things right in a no-win situation. Only after I ‘zipped up’ and turned away did I have peace. The power struggles were still there, it’s just that I could weather them.”

      I have also observed the unhealthy merging dynamic in the workplace and between health care practitioner and patient. As we become a more enlightened society with more awareness of energy fields, all health care practitioners, and therapists in particular, should be trained to recognize this phenomenon so that they neither instigate nor allow a merger with the field of a patient.

      A client who learned this firsthand wrote the following: “The relationship with my therapist was very tricky. He was my rescuer and I tried to be his perfect, over-achieving patient. He was thrilled with my progress, but after many years, we reached a plateau. According to him, I needed to take one more step, relive my childhood traumas in his presence, and rewrite the script together. It sounded good, but something didn’t feel right; I felt he was in love with me and couldn’t let me go. But from his point of view, it was my unconscious stopping me from complete healing. From my view, I was way too dependent on him and asked Deena for help. She said we were both merged. I was able to ‘zip up’ and she talked to him telepathically (on a level that is not conscious). He really was not letting go. I had an excruciating in-person conversation with him, but I kept my resolve and it made me stronger. Then I was able to move on and end the relationship.”

      One place to suspect merging