Energy Medicine. C. Norman Shealy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: C. Norman Shealy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047088
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      Edgar Cayce: The Father of Holistic and Energy Medicine

      Although the term Energy Medicine was not in use until less than a quarter century ago, clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (see The Story of Edgar Cayce: There Is a River by Thomas Sugrue and Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet by Jess Stearn) often spoke of energy and recommended many of the alternatives increasingly in use now. With the founding of The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), Dr. Elmer Green created the term Energy Medicine, but the concepts of Cayce laid a broad foundation for many energy therapeutics. My own concept of holism came from attending my first meeting at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (the A.R.E. which was founded by Edgar Cayce) in 1972. That meeting ultimately sparked my interest in founding the American Holistic Medical Association six years later.

      Cayce was the most talented intuitive known and documented. In a sleep-like state, he gave almost 15,000 “readings,” of which almost 10,000 were related to health, healing, and treatment. It has been estimated that Cayce’s accuracy was 80 percent (see The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce’s Power by Edgar Evans Cayce and Hugh Lynn Cayce). I know of no one who has covered the broad field of Energy Medicine as thoroughly as Cayce did. Although he died in 1945, Cayce’s contributions have endured for almost a hundred years since his first reading.

      Cayce could also sometimes be quite humorous. For instance:

      (Q) Is there any way of sleeping on the back without snoring?

      (A) Not that has been invented yet!


      Here I will cover some of Cayce’s thoughts related to some of the important energy aspects of life. (The reader should be aware that the numbers assigned to the readings quotes merely designate the individual who received the reading and the order in which the individual received it.)


      All that is for the sustenance of life is produced from the soil. Then there must be a return to the soil. Every man must be in that position that he at least creates, by his activities, that which will sustain the body—from the soil; or where he is supplying same to those activities that bring such experiences into the lives of all.


      Anyone who can buy a farm is fortunate, and buy it if you want to grow something and don’t want to grow hungry in some days to come.


      . . . those vegetables grown in the immediate vicinity are much better than those grown in other places and prepared in any manner to be used by a body—see?


      . . . don’t get your feet away from the soil. Most men that do, lose their heads in the clouds and their feet remain clay.


      This should be the aim, desire of every soul; to be at least to some extent self-sustaining; or owning and creating that as ye consume—from God’s storehouse and soil! Own such.


      For each and every individual should own sufficient of the earth to be self-sustaining. For the earth is the mother of all; just as God is the Father in the spiritual, the earth is mother in the material. These are the supplies, the sources, from which individuals sustain or gain the sustenance for the material of undertakings.


      . . . for all life is of a vibratory nature.


      In Europe, I have often seen vegetable and fruit gardens in front of homes—much better than a lawn!


      In the astrological aspects we find the entity headstrong from Mercury, yet very demure in its headstrongness, and oft sets itself to have its way—eventually has it and finds that it isn’t what was wanted at all. These [problems] arise from those conflicting influences from Mercury, with Saturn.


      Causes of Disease

      In general, Cayce’s explanations for the causes for disease are:

      • Improper diet

      • Poor assimilation and poor elimination

      • Improper acid/alkaline balance

      • Spinal subluxations

      • Incoordination/imbalance of the nervous system

      • Incoordination/imbalance of the circulatory system

      • Glandular malfunction

      • Stress

      • Overtaxation

      • Overexertion

      • Karma

      • Attitude

      • Infection

      He frequently emphasized imbalances or deficiencies of minerals or specific nutrients, including:

      • Iodine

      • Gold

      • Various vitamins

      Incidentally, this is quite compatible with modern medical knowledge!

      Colonics and Cleansing

      Cayce was quite consistent in recommending internal cleansing, colonics and castor oil packs. For example, he said, “Clear the body as you do the mind of those things that have hindered. Things that hinder physically are the poor eliminations. Set up better eliminations in the body.” (2524–5)

      He provided much detail on how to use natural remedies:

      If raw apples are taken, take them and nothing else—three days of raw apples only—and then olive oil, and we will cleanse all toxic forces from any system


      For everyone—everybody—should take an internal bath occasionally as well as an external one. They would all be better off if they would.


      On one occasion Cayce said, “One colonic irrigation would be worth about 4 to 6 enemas.” (3570–1)

      The Power of Color

      Physicists understand that light operates on various wavelengths and frequencies. This applies to colors as well, which can be seen in a rainbow or the effect of a prism. However, the metaphysical energy of colors is important to note, as colors affect our lives continuously. They can also be used with intent in healing.

      . . . consider the effect of the color itself upon thine own body as ye attempt to apply same by either concentration, dedication or meditating upon these. For as has been given, color is but vibration. Vibration is movement. Movement is activity of a positive and negative force. Is the activity of self as in relationship to these then positive?


      You will rarely find individuals being intolerant with others with something intrinsically carved being worn; or never very, very mad with blue being worn . . . 578–2

      Cayce believed that all blue color was positive. Referring to the chakras as (spiritual) “centers,” Cayce was asked:

      (Q) . . . Do the colors vary for each center with different individuals, or may definite colors be