14. How much bottom-up data management?
<--- Score
15. Is the amount of data the system should operate with reasonable?
<--- Score
16. Does programming involve processes that are similar to engineering?
<--- Score
17. Were there any improvement opportunities identified from the process analysis?
<--- Score
18. What tools were used to generate the list of possible causes?
<--- Score
19. How does customer feedback change the test or the development process?
<--- Score
20. Do you value individuals and interactions over processes and tools?
<--- Score
21. Were Pareto charts (or similar) used to portray the ‘heavy hitters’ (or key sources of variation)?
<--- Score
22. Does it insist on mixing data representation and control?
<--- Score
23. How does the Agile software development process work?
<--- Score
24. What are the measurement goals in an agile software development process?
<--- Score
25. Is the Agile software process severely broken such that a re-design is necessary?
<--- Score
26. What Agile software data will be collected?
<--- Score
27. Is there any way to speed up the process?
<--- Score
28. What are the most commonly used architecture documenting practices in agile development processes?
<--- Score
29. What are the personnel training and qualifications required?
<--- Score
30. Is agile software development process more successful?
<--- Score
31. What are the most important problems with the Agile software development process of the B2C department?
<--- Score
32. How are UX-related work practices and processes integrated with agile software processes in practice in a web-related environment?
<--- Score
33. Which agile software engineering processes and practices consider artifacts to which extent?
<--- Score
34. What is the cost of poor quality as supported by the team’s analysis?
<--- Score
35. What is the complexity of the output produced?
<--- Score
36. What does the data say about the performance of the stakeholder process?
<--- Score
37. What systems/processes must you excel at?
<--- Score
38. Was a detailed process map created to amplify critical steps of the ‘as is’ stakeholder process?
<--- Score
39. What are the main activities in a software process?
<--- Score
40. What quality tools were used to get through the analyze phase?
<--- Score
41. Is the gap/opportunity displayed and communicated in financial terms?
<--- Score
42. How to leverage big and fast data architecture patterns?
<--- Score
43. Have the problem and goal statements been updated to reflect the additional knowledge gained from the analyze phase?
<--- Score
44. Are gaps between current performance and the goal performance identified?
<--- Score
45. Is the data collection method adequately described?
<--- Score
46. What are alternatives to test-driven development?
<--- Score
47. Who holds ultimate decision rights for data management issues?
<--- Score
48. What are the processes for audit reporting and management?
<--- Score
49. What is your organizations system for selecting qualified vendors?
<--- Score
50. Are Agile software changes recognized early enough to be approved through the regular process?
<--- Score
51. What are the revised rough estimates of the financial savings/opportunity for Agile software improvements?
<--- Score
52. What were the crucial ‘moments of truth’ on the process map?
<--- Score
53. What tools were used to narrow the list of possible causes?
<--- Score
54. Is data and process analysis, root cause analysis and quantifying the gap/opportunity in place?
<--- Score
55. Is the performance gap determined?
<--- Score
56. Was a cause-and-effect diagram used to explore the different types of causes (or sources of variation)?
<--- Score
57. How will corresponding data be collected?
<--- Score
58. How will the data be checked for quality?
<--- Score
59. Why are developers adopting evolutionary, and more often, agile software processes?
<--- Score
60. What are the Agile software design outputs?
<--- Score
61. What were the financial benefits resulting from any ‘ground fruit or low-hanging fruit’ (quick fixes)?
<--- Score
62. What Agile software data should be managed?
<--- Score
63. Have any additional benefits been identified that will result from closing all or most of the gaps?
<--- Score
64. How is your agile software development process?
<--- Score
65. What did the team gain from developing a sub-process map?
<--- Score
66. What tools do you use to manage Agile processes and activities?
<--- Score
67. Do test environments have the capacity to detect data breaches?
<--- Score
68. How can the metrics be effectively incorporated in an agile software development process?