<--- Score
23. Can one develop software without analysis, testing, or good communication skills?
<--- Score
24. How have Agile approaches affected the cost of the systems?
<--- Score
25. What measures or metrics do you collect?
<--- Score
26. What charts has the team used to display the components of variation in the process?
<--- Score
27. Are process variation components displayed/communicated using suitable charts, graphs, plots?
<--- Score
28. Are there any easy-to-implement alternatives to Agile software? Sometimes other solutions are available that do not require the cost implications of a full-blown project?
<--- Score
29. What is agile software development and how does it impact testing?
<--- Score
30. How should performance measurement systems be managed in agile software industry?
<--- Score
31. What are the types and number of measures to use?
<--- Score
32. What are your key Agile software indicators that you will measure, analyze and track?
<--- Score
33. Is Process Variation Displayed/Communicated?
<--- Score
34. Was a data collection plan established?
<--- Score
35. Have you found any ‘ground fruit’ or ‘low-hanging fruit’ for immediate remedies to the gap in performance?
<--- Score
36. How can you reduce costs?
<--- Score
37. Where do exceptional test leaders focus energies?
<--- Score
38. What methods are feasible and acceptable to estimate the impact of reforms?
<--- Score
39. How have agile approaches affected the cost of development?
<--- Score
40. What has the team done to assure the stability and accuracy of the measurement process?
<--- Score
41. Are high impact defects defined and identified in the stakeholder process?
<--- Score
42. How do you measure software quality?
<--- Score
43. Why did you decide to introduce Impact Analysis in software testing in your teams?
<--- Score
44. What is the impact of successful or failed projects on quality metrics?
<--- Score
45. How useful is the proposed software measurement model in an agile environment?
<--- Score
46. How does business analysis fit with agile software development?
<--- Score
47. Are key measures identified and agreed upon?
<--- Score
48. What data was collected (past, present, future/ongoing)?
<--- Score
49. Is data collected on key measures that were identified?
<--- Score
50. What is the Agile software business impact?
<--- Score
51. What are the impacts of real-time streaming analytics on system architecture?
<--- Score
52. What are the agreed upon definitions of the high impact areas, defect(s), unit(s), and opportunities that will figure into the process capability metrics?
<--- Score
53. Does management have the right priorities among projects?
<--- Score
54. How long to keep data and how to manage retention costs?
<--- Score
55. What key measures identified indicate the performance of the stakeholder process?
<--- Score
56. What users will be impacted?
<--- Score
57. How large is the gap between current performance and the customer-specified (goal) performance?
<--- Score
58. Is there a Performance Baseline?
<--- Score
Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section
Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section
Transfer your score to the Agile software Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.
INTENT: Analyze causes, assumptions and hypotheses.
In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. How can UX-related work practices and processes be integrated with agile software processes?
<--- Score
2. Does your organization have a distinct quality program that support continuous process improvement?
<--- Score
3. What types of data do your Agile software indicators require?
<--- Score
4. How do agile software development processes, open-source programming or embedded systems affect the possibilities and alternatives for interaction design management?
<--- Score
5. Do you evaluate quality assurance in Agile processes?
<--- Score
6. How to transform requirements management process to better enable agile software development?
<--- Score
7. What is so special about Test Driven Development?
<--- Score
8. What is the Agile software Driver?
<--- Score
9. How was the detailed process map generated, verified, and validated?
<--- Score
10. Is there a strict change management process?
<--- Score
11. When should a process be art not science?
<--- Score
12. Who will facilitate the team and process?
<--- Score
13. Does test-driven development improve the program code?