1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Francis Grose. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Francis Grose
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Словари
Год издания: 0
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to retail greens, drams, &c. commonly rowed by a woman; a kind of floating chandler's shop.

      BUM FODDER. Soft paper for the necessary house or torchecul.

      BUMFIDDLE. The backside, the breech. See ARS MUSICA.

      BUMBO. Brandy, water, and sugar; also the negro name for the private parts of a woman.

      BUMKIN. A raw country fellow.

      BUMMED. Arrested.

      BUMPER. A full glass; in all likelihood from its convexity or bump at the top: some derive it from a full glass formerly drunk to the health of the pope—AU BON PERE.

      BUMPING. A ceremony performed on boys perambulating the bounds of the parish on Whit-monday, when they have their posteriors bumped against the stones marking the boundaries, in order to fix them in their memory.

      BUN. A common name for a rabbit, also for the monosyllable. To touch bun for luck; a practice observed among sailors going on a cruize.

      BUNDLING. A man and woman sleeping in the same bed, he with his small clothes, and she with her petticoats on; an expedient practised in America on a scarcity of beds, where, on such an occasion, husbands and parents frequently permitted travellers to bundle with their wives and daughters. This custom is now abolished. See Duke of Rochefoucalt's Travels in America,

      BUNG UPWARDS. Said of a person lying on his face.

      BUNG YOUR EYE. Drink a dram; strictly speaking, to drink till one's eye is bunged up or closed.

      BUNT. An apron.

      BUNTER. A low dirty prostitute, half whore and half beggar.

      BUNTLINGS. Petticoats. CANT.

      BURN CRUST. A jocular name for a baker.

      BURN THE KEN. Strollers living in an alehouse without paying their quarters, are said to burn the ken. CANT.

      BURNING SHAME. A lighted candle stuck into the parts of a woman, certainly not intended by nature for a candlestick.

      BURNER. A clap. The blowen tipped the swell a burner; the girl gave the gentleman a clap.

      BURNER. He is no burner of navigable rivers; i.e. he is no conjuror, or man of extraordinary abilities; or rather, he is, but a simple fellow. See THAMES.

      BURNT. Poxed or clapped. He was sent out a sacrifice, and came home a burnt offering; a saying of seamen who have caught the venereal disease abroad. He has burnt his fingers; he has suffered by meddling.

      BURR. A hanger on, or dependant; an allusion to the field burrs, which are not easily got rid of. Also the Northumbrian pronunciation: the people of that country, but chiefly about Newcastle and Morpeth, are said to have a burr in their throats, particularly called the Newcastle burr.

      BUSHEL BUBBY. A full breasted woman.

      BUSK. A piece of whalebone or ivory, formerly worn by women, to stiffen the forepart of their stays: hence the toast—Both ends of the busk.

      BUSS BEGGAR. An old superannuated fumbler, whom none but beggars will suffer to kiss them.

      BUS-NAPPER. A constable. CANT.

      BUS-NAPPER'S KENCHIN. A watchman. CANT.

      BUSY. As busy is the devil in a high wind; as busy as a hen with one chick.

      BUTCHER'S DOG. To be like a butcher's dog, i.e. lie by the beef without touching it; a simile often applicable to married men.

      BUTCHER'S HORSE. That must have been a butcher's horse, by his carrying a calf so well; a vulgar joke on an awkward rider.

      BUTT. A dependant, poor relation, or simpleton, on whom all kinds of practical jokes are played off; and who serves as a butt for all the shafts of wit and ridicule.

      BUTTER BOX. A Dutchman, from the great quantity of butter eaten by the people of that country.

      BUTTERED BUN. One lying with a woman that has just lain with another man, is said to have a buttered bun.

      BUTTER AND EGGS TROT. A kind of short jogg trot, such as is used by women going to market, with butter and eggs.—he looks as if butter would not melt in her mouth, yet I warrant you cheese would not choak her; a saying of a demure looking woman, of suspected character. Don't make butter dear; a gird at the patient angler.

      BUTTOCK. A whore. CANT.

      BUTTOCK BROKER. A bawd, or match-maker. CANT.

      BUTTOCK BALL. The amorous congress. CANT.

      BUTTOCK AND FILE. A common whore and a pick-pocket. Cant.

      BUTTOCK AND TWANG, or DOWN BUTTOCK AND SHAM FILE. A common whore, but no pickpocket.

      BUTTOCK AND TONGUE. A scolding wife.

      BUTTOCKING SHOP. A brothel.

      BUTTON. A bad shilling, among coiners. His a-se makes buttons; he is ready to bewray himself through fear. CANT.

      BUZMAN. A pickpocket. CANT.

      BUZZARD. A simple fellow. A blind buzzard: a pur-blind man or woman.

      BYE BLOW. A bastard.


      CABBAGE. Cloth, stuff, or silk purloined by laylors from their employers, which they deposit in a place called HELL, or their EYE: from the first, when taxed, with their knavery, they equivocally swear, that if they have taken any, they wish they may find it in HELL; or, alluding to the second, protest, that what they have over and above is not more than they could put in their EYE.—When the scrotum is relaxed or whiffled, it is said they will not cabbage.

      CAB. A brothel. Mother: how many tails have you in your cab? how many girls have you in your bawdy house?

      CACAFEOGO. A sh-te-fire, a furious braggadocio or bully huff.

      CACKLE. To blab, or discover secrets. The cull is leaky, and cackles; the rogue tells all. CANT. See LEAKY.

      CACKLER. A hen.

      CACKLER'S KEN. A hen roost. CANT.



      CADDEE. A helper. An under-strapper.

      CADGE. To beg. Cadge the swells; beg of the gentlemen.

      CAFFAN. Cheese. CANT.

      CAGG. To cagg; a military term used by the private soldiers, signifying a solemn vow or resolution not to get drunk for a certain time; or, as the term is, till their cagg is out: which vow is commonly observed with the strictest exactness. Ex. I have cagg'd myself for six months. Excuse me this time, and I will cagg myself for a year. This term is also used in the same sense among the common people of Scotland, where it is performed with divers ceremonies.

      CAG. To be cagged. To be sulky or out of humour. The cove carries the cag; the man is vexed or sullen.

      CAG MAGG. Bits and scraps of provisions. Bad meat.

      CAGG MAGGS. Old Lincolnshire geese, which having been plucked ten or twelve years, are sent up to London to feast the cockneys.

      CAKE, or CAKEY. A foolish fellow.

      CALF-SKIN FIDDLE. A drum. To smack calf's skin; to kiss the book in taking an oath. It is held by the St. Giles's casuists, that by kissing one's thumb instead of smacking calf's skin, the guilt of taking a false oath is avoided.

      CALVES. His calves are gone to grass; a saying of a man with slender legs without calves. Veal will be cheap, calves fall; said of a man whose calves fall away.

      CALVES HEAD CLUB. A club instituted by the Independents and Presbyterians, to commemorate the decapitation of King Charles I. Their chief fare was calves heads; and they drank their wine and ale out of calves skulls.

      CALIBOGUS. Rum and spruce beer, American beverage.

      CALLE. A cloak or gown. CANT.

      CAMBRIDGE FORTUNE. A wind-mill and a water-mill, used to signify a woman without any but personal endowments.

      CAMBRIDGE OAK. A willow.

      CAMBRADE. A chamber fellow; a Spanish military